Problem Gambling


Gambling can have serious consequences. It can cause thoughts of suicide or self-harm. If you have such thoughts, call 999 immediately or visit A&E. Problem gamblers tend to be more vulnerable to mental health problems. Gambling may be their only way to feel better about themselves, or it may be a way to distract themselves from the negative effects of their situation. Financial crisis can also trigger a gambling problem. StepChange offers free debt advice.

Problem gamblers have other behavioral and mood disorders

A systematic review of community-representative sample of problem gamblers revealed a high prevalence of substance abuse. The proportion of problem gamblers presenting with a mood or substance use disorder was almost ten times greater than that of nongamblers. The authors concluded that problem gambling is often comorbid with other mood or behavioral disorders. They also found a link between gambling and other types of substance abuse.

They engage in risky behaviours

Studies show that young people who engage in risky behaviours when gambling are more likely to experience unintended consequences and problems with the law. Such problems can include theft, borrowing, truancy, and poor academic performance. In addition to these consequences, young people who engage in risky behaviours when gambling are more likely to report a broader range of problems with society. The study highlights the importance of identifying risky gambling behaviors and understanding the underlying psychology of this type of behavior.

They have trouble managing their emotions

Pathological gamblers are often unable to control their emotions and their behavior is characterized by impulsivity and distorted emotions. This study compared the emotions of pathological gamblers to those of healthy community controls. Using an eight-cluster model, we found that each of the five emotion indicators contributed to the overall model. Intensity of sadness was highest across clusters, followed by Fear, Joy, and Anger. The least common emotion, Disgust, was the least expressed, with an R2 value of 0.20.

They get into trouble

While most people gamble without any problems, problem gamblers can find their lives changed irrevocably. Problem gamblers often spend money they should be spending on necessities or borrow from friends and family. Problem gambling can even lead to marriage problems and financial disaster. Some problem gamblers even turn to illegal activities. Whether the problem is minor or serious, the symptoms of problem gambling are surprisingly similar. To help identify problem gamblers, you need to consider the signs and symptoms that are associated with this behavior.

They seek help

People who are concerned about problem gamblers often call the help line and decline to identify themselves. Instead, they share the most intimate details of their lives. Gambling is a hidden addiction, one that is difficult for others to see. In addition, problem gamblers do not smell sports betting on their breath, and they do not pass out due to an overdose. People with gambling problems have higher rates of feeling like they lead a secret life.

Support a Loved One Who is Struggling With a Gambling Addiction

When a loved one is struggling with a gambling addiction, it can be overwhelming. The emotions associated with the addiction can make them feel ashamed. However, reaching out for support can help them realize that they are not alone in this battle. Another way to support a loved one who is struggling with a gambling addiction is to set clear boundaries for how the money in the family is managed. These boundaries will help keep the gambler accountable and prevent a relapse. Ultimately, the family’s first responsibility should be its own safety, so make sure the household finances are handled properly.


Gambling has long been a social problem. The first point of the EGM curve represents people who gamble as a form of escape or dissociation. People who have this high intensity level have a tendency to become addicted to gambling. Gambling problems may also be related to high levels of involvement in EGMs. The second and third points of the EGM curve represent those who participate in gambling frequently and in less extreme forms.

The extent to which a person participates in gambling is a major factor in determining if he or she is likely to develop a problem. Gambling involvement is measured in terms of the number of different types of gambling and the frequency with which people engage in these types of gambling. Intensity of gambling refers to how much time and money is spent gambling on a regular basis. This variable is also related to financial problems.


The extent to which an individual engages in gambling may be an important predictor of his or her disordered behavior. The figure below shows the percentage of people who have a gambling problem. The lines in this figure represent increasing levels of involvement. The first point represents individuals who gamble solely or frequently in casino games. The second point represents individuals who regularly gamble but not exclusively. The fourth point is comprised of individuals who gamble frequently in a casino. The researchers recommend including more detailed measures of gambling participation in future studies.

The monthly involvement measure is based on the highest frequency of participation in each of the major gambling formats. The monthly average of the various measures was then summed to determine the annual total for each participant. A second measure of gambling intensity was the total number of times that a person gambled in the past year. Involvement in gambling was measured in terms of the amount of money spent and the frequency of gambling. If the individual gambled more than three times a month, the level of involvement is higher.


Pathological gambling is a hidden disease that often co-exists with other addictive disorders. Substances like alcohol and drugs can further enhance the gambling experience. Ultimately, pathological gambling is a disease that affects both the gambler and those around them. Young people, poor, and undereducated individuals are particularly susceptible to developing compulsive gambling. This habit is costly, impoverishing families and damaging individuals’ health.

A common treatment for compulsion to gambling is therapy. During treatment, a therapist will work with you to replace unhealthy beliefs with healthy ones. Behavioral therapies, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, may also be an option. Some medications can help control gambling urges, including mood stabilizers, antidepressants, and narcotic antagonists. Some of these treatments are short-term, while others require a long-term commitment to prevent relapse.

Prevalence of problem gambling

There is growing concern about the high rate of survey refusals in research on gambling. Refusals require substantial callbacks and are unknown. Interviewers must have considerable time to complete the interviews and convert refusals. Problem gambling prevalence surveys have increased substantially in cost and time due to the growing sample size. This study shows that more young men and Hispanics are gambling, and the problem is increasing. Despite these problems, researchers are still optimistic that gambling research will improve the diagnosis and treatment of gambling disorders.

There are some important questions to ask before conducting a youth survey. The DSM-IV criteria for pathological gambling are similar across surveys. Males have a much higher rate of problem gambling than females, according to the youth survey. The rate of problem gambling in males is similar to that in females, but males have higher rates of pathological gambling than females. These findings support previous research showing that gambling problems may start later in life.

Gambling 101

Gambling is the conscious risk-taking of something of value with the expectation of a monetary reward. In most countries, the amount wagered annually is estimated at about $10 trillion; this figure may even be higher because of illegal gambling. The most common forms of gambling worldwide are lotteries. State-licensed lotteries have rapidly expanded throughout Europe and the United States in the 20th century. Organized football pools are also widely available in nearly all European countries, South America, Australia, and a few African and Asian countries. Most countries also offer state-licensed wagering on other sporting events.

Gambling is betting or staking of something of value with consciousness of risk and hope of gain

In common parlance, gambling refers to betting or staking something of value with the consciousness of risk and the hope of gaining something. The risk or gain is dependent on the outcome of the game results. The stakes can be anything of value, from money to a prize. They are also not less illegal simply because they are not based on skill.

As the concept of gambling has become more mainstream, it has evolved from its prohibition-era roots. In the early twentieth century, gambling was often considered to be a sin or vice. But it is now widely available, thanks to the internet and other modern forms. A recent survey shows that about four out of five people in the western world gambled at least occasionally. It is estimated that $10 trillion is wagered legally each year and may even surpass this amount in illegal gambling.

It is a mental health problem

Whether you enjoy the thrill of winning money or spending it on a vacation, gambling can be a serious mental health problem. The consequences of gambling binges are not only financial, but emotional as well. Once you can’t stop yourself, gambling becomes a mental health problem. It negatively affects every aspect of your life. Gambling is a very addictive activity, and seeking professional help is crucial to overcoming the problem.

While gambling is often framed as a harmless activity, compulsive gamblers know that it has severe mental health consequences. Pathological gambling can exacerbate anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and personality disorders. For this reason, clinicians are encouraged to screen every patient for gambling problems. However, it can be difficult to identify pathological gamblers because they are unlikely to admit to these behaviors if you don’t ask them.

It is treatable

Thankfully, gambling is treatable. In fact, it’s highly treatable – and the first step is to recognize that you have a problem with gambling. A good therapist can help you learn to stop gambling and get back in control of your finances and relationships. Additionally, you can receive help from your loved ones by attending a gambling rehab. In fact, many rehabs offer group and individual therapy to treat a person’s gambling problem.

The symptoms of problem gambling are a symptom of underlying mental and emotional problems. These illnesses can result from excessive exposure to chemicals in gambling. Additionally, problem gambling can lead to physical issues and an overall decline in health. However, with the help of a professional, problem gamblers can stop the cycle of stress, anxiety, and financial loss. If you or a loved one is suffering from this addiction, there is help available. By taking action, you can help yourself overcome this destructive pattern.

The Economic, Social, and Legal Impacts of Gambling

Although gambling has social, economic, and legal impacts, most studies of the topic focus on the economic costs. Social impacts of gambling have not been defined, but the authors of this article use the term to define the impact on society. The social costs of gambling refer to losses that are not personal but affect other people. This means that people who gamble end up harming others rather than themselves. These social costs should be considered in the design of future studies of gambling.


Gambling is a common form of risk-taking, and social aspects such as conformity, self-regulation, and community play a role in determining whether or not individuals participate. Although institutions of normalization and self-understanding often seek to promote individual characteristics, they can also be harmful. For example, gambling and conformity often foster new definitions of character. However, there is a way to address these problems without affecting the gambling experience.


The economic consequences of gambling have been widely studied. There are extensive literatures on the social, health, and economic consequences of gambling. These studies, which were conducted by the Treasury and National Opinion Research Center, primarily focus on the economic costs and benefits of pathological gambling, which affects only 1% of all gamblers in a year. In addition, most studies lack information on household expenditures, a crucial component of economic impact studies.


The legal age to gamble in the United States is 21. The gambling industry in the United States has undergone many transformations since its inception. Gambling in America has changed drastically from the pre-revolution days, when a person had to be at least 18 years old. Today, most states allow some form of gambling, including horse racing and card games. Some states even allow online gambling. Below is a breakdown of legal gambling in the United States.


Among the many reasons Christians disapprove of gambling, many point to its irrational nature. Firstly, gambling appeals to our covetousness. We are taught in the Bible to love our enemies, as God commands us to. Second, gambling is an idolatry that violates the first, second, and tenth commandments, since it puts our own wants above the will of God. As a result, gambling does not promote our spiritual growth.


Gambling disorder affects individuals and society, both directly and indirectly. In addition to its financial cost, problem gambling is associated with higher rates of psychiatric and psychosomatic problems. The interpersonal costs of gambling addiction are difficult to quantify, but include problems with family, domestic violence, and child abuse. Problem gambling is an increasingly common occurrence in many countries, with more than 200 million people affected by the disorder. Those affected are at increased risk for social and economic problems, including bankruptcy.

How to Stop Your Gambling Habit

Gambling can be a great way to relieve boredom or self-soothe unpleasant emotions. It is also a way for people to socialize and de-stress. But if you are worried that gambling is ruining your life, you should try other methods of relieving boredom, including exercise, practicing relaxation techniques, or spending time with friends who do not gamble. These alternatives can be beneficial for you and your loved ones. However, they will not help you stop your gambling habit, and may even have adverse consequences on your health.

Legal forms of gambling

Before engaging in any gambling activity, you should understand what types of activities are legal and illegal. While some states have banned or limited some forms of gambling, others have made gambling available in certain venues legal. Some states have even made amateur gambling at home illegal. Here are some examples of illegal gambling. Some states also prohibit certain types of gambling activities, such as bingo. In some states, gambling is legal only if the proceeds from the game go to a nonprofit or charitable organization.

Impacts on society

Gambling has many negative impacts on society. While many studies have examined the economic benefits and costs of gambling, they have neglected to address social impacts. These costs are often invisible to individuals, but become evident when examined at a society/community level. The costs of gambling are usually monetary, and they include both short and long-term expenditures. For example, gambling can lead to increased crime rates and the loss of jobs.

Impacts on youth

Increasing public awareness of the risks of gambling is an important first step to addressing the issue. Governments have a responsibility to protect the interests of youth and make sure they are not exposed to gambling products. Effective institutional policies and laws must balance public health concerns with the promotion of gambling. These policies should target both the products and the promotion of gambling. In addition, youth should have the opportunity to make informed decisions about gambling. The following are some of the main steps to protect youth from gambling.

Impacts on the economy

Despite the positive economic effects of legalized gambling, critics note that these activities are not a viable strategy for development, and that their negative impact is inflated. Some argue that the industry over-emphasizes the positive effects of gambling while trivializing the negative. The industry is criticized for focusing on localized factors, which obscures the overall economic costs and strategic business-economic benefits to the state and country.

Impacts on health

There are several types of therapies available for the impacts of gambling on health. Some of these therapies focus on identifying the source of the addictive behavior, so that the person can find a healthier alternative. For instance, they may be able to spend more time with their family and friends, which makes them more socially active and gives them the opportunity to develop other skills. In addition, pathological gamblers may be prescribed drugs, such as SSRIs.

Problem Gambling – Symptoms and Consequences of Problem Gambling

Problem gambling is an addiction that can affect individuals of any age. While many people enjoy gambling because it’s social, this activity can lead to negative mental health consequences. You can learn how to stop gambling and take steps to regain control of your finances. The following are some steps to help you stop gambling. Let’s start with money. Eliminate credit cards or leave them with someone else to manage. If possible, make bank automatic payments. Also, close your online gambling accounts. Keep only a small amount of cash on hand.

Problem gambling is an addictive disorder

Problem gambling is an addiction that affects your finances, relationships, and physical health. It is a very dangerous condition and is often referred to as a “hidden addiction” because there are rarely any obvious outward symptoms. Unlike other addictions, problem gambling rarely has physical symptoms or any definite triggers. However, it does have some common symptoms. Here are some of them. Below, we will discuss some of them and how they may affect you.

It affects people of all ages

A study found that sixty percent of problem gamblers reported being out of paid work for at least one month. Thirty percent reported receiving social benefits in the past year. Although these numbers may not always reflect true lack of employment, it is noteworthy that gambling is associated with poorer work performance. Moreover, many studies have revealed that problem gamblers are more likely to commit crimes in the workplace. Here are some ways to recognize the signs of problem gambling and seek treatment.

It can cause mental health problems

The consequences of problem gambling are numerous. These include damage to the person’s health and relationships, increased debt and even gambling addiction. Gambling is often associated with a psychiatric disorder called pathological gambling, and clinicians should consider this diagnosis when screening their patients. The South Oaks Gambling Screen and the Lie/Bet questionnaire are psychometrically valid screening tools for identifying at-risk gambling behaviors. These screening instruments are available for use in any mental health treatment setting, and they are highly sensitive.

It is a social activity

Several research studies indicate that gambling is a social activity. This is not surprising, given that human beings have a natural urge to play, take risks, and compete. These behaviors have evolved in tandem with our culture, our virtues, and our lifestyles, and as such, they have become a part of our social life. The benefits of gambling extend far beyond financial gain and are socially beneficial, including the ability to build relationships and experience suspense.

It is a risky activity

Gambling is an activity where a person places a value on something to win money or something else. It can be as simple as playing cards for money, betting on sports, or purchasing lottery tickets. While some types of gambling can be fun and profitable, they are generally not encouraged for young people. Here are some tips on how to minimize your risk and maximize your winnings. We’ll discuss some common types of gambling, as well as the different risks involved in each type.

It is a public health issue

The debate on whether gambling is a public health issue is complex, because there are many factors that influence the prevalence of problem gambling. The first decade of harm research focused on identifying the specific harms associated with gambling and framing it as a public health issue. In doing so, early foundational research formulated a framework for understanding the factors that promote gambling-related harms from a social determinants of health perspective.

Social Aspects of Gambling

The various types of gambling include regulated, non-regulated, social, and problematic. It is important to understand all aspects of gambling before engaging in it. Children and adults alike can benefit from this information. Children may not understand that they stand to lose money in most cases, but they can relate to the concept of the odds and how the odds compare to other things that can happen in their lives. Moreover, children may also find gambling to be a form of entertainment, a way to cope with boredom, or a way to escape from daily stress.


Regulatory aspects of gambling include rules and regulations pertaining to the operation of casinos and slot machines. Typically, regulations mandate that casinos and slot machines display information about responsible gaming, such as toll-free numbers and responsible gambling resources. Other restrictions include restrictions on advertising in which gambling companies must disclose their responsibility policies and how they treat customers. In addition, regulations may prohibit the use of credit cards or government-issued checks in gambling establishments and restrict the use of ATMs in gambling establishments.

Whether the government is allowed to regulate gaming is not yet entirely clear. While states may be able to regulate gambling operations themselves, Congress may also have the power to compel states to abide by federal laws. The Commerce Clause likely gives the federal government the power to regulate wholly-in-state gambling, but the question is how long it should remain within the purview of the courts. There is a significant amount of controversy surrounding the issue of federal authority.


Several companies have attempted to withdraw from the United States and specific jurisdictions. These efforts have met with varying levels of success, with companies such as BetOnline and 5Dimes complying with requests to cease operations in a number of states. However, people like Howe are trying to raise public awareness of the issues involved in non-regulated gambling websites. Howe told a recent audience of a casino-industry conference that he has seen consumers who are not aware of the difference between a legitimate and an unregulated site.

Depending on the type of gambling activity, there are two basic types: regulated and unregulated. Regulated gambling involves state-run lotteries, which are generally not accessible to minors. Non-regulated gambling activities include dice, card games, and skill-based games played among peers. Both types of gambling are potentially harmful to teens and can lead to serious problems if not addressed properly. Non-regulated gambling is considered “illegal” in some jurisdictions.


Gambling is heavily marketed through multiple media, and the marketing strategies appeal to a variety of social constructs. Oftentimes, gambling is an expression of an individual or a group’s character. This article will explore the social contexts and aspects of gambling. In part one of this article, we’ll discuss the social effects of gambling. The second part will discuss the economic effects of gambling. We’ll discuss some of the social contexts of gambling, and how gambling affects individuals and society as a whole.

Gamblers reported that their gambling activity was triggered by certain situations or events, such as unemployment or loneliness. They also reported chasing losses and using money to cover these feelings. In addition, gamblers reported that they gambled to deal with concerns about the economy or dreams of economic independence. In addition, the social environment of gambling is often a source of excitement and fun, and gambling is a way for people to bond. And because of its potential to be addictive, significant others often try to change their behavior or provide support when they abstain.


Adolescents who engage in problematic gambling are prone to many negative consequences. These outcomes include increased stress, depressive symptoms, and impaired self-esteem. In addition, these adolescents show increased distress and respond with dysfunctional coping mechanisms. The study also shows that a significant proportion of adolescents engage in problem gambling. However, the prevalence of problem gambling is higher than previously thought. However, the study’s results do not prove that problematic gambling is a disease.

The incidence of problem gambling is quite high, with prevalence estimates ranging from 0.1 to 5.8% in different continents. A significant percentage of treatment seekers and helpline callers report having problem gambling. Problematic gambling also has significant negative effects on an individual’s health, including an increased risk of suicide. Unfortunately, there is no cure for the disease. However, with proper treatment, individuals can lead a productive, fulfilling life. Here are some of the most common risk factors.

An Overview of Gambling

Gambling is a popular commercial activity in various forms, and a huge industry around the world. Legal gambling industry in 2009 was estimated at $335 billion. Gambling can also be conducted with materials of value, such as marbles. Players of the game Magic: The Gathering stake collectible game pieces, and this can be a meta-game in itself. In the United States, over a third of all households report having participated in gambling.

Overview of gambling

A brief overview of gambling is necessary to understand the many types of betting and the associated risks. Gambling involves betting on uncertain events that may not occur. The results of the bet may depend on chance or the bettor’s miscalculation. In both cases, the outcome of the bet is unpredictable. Gambling is generally considered beneficial to society. But, it still requires some research and careful consideration before it can be considered an acceptable form of entertainment.

Forms of gambling

Gambling comes in various forms. Lotteries, instant lotteries, and number games are examples of commercial gambling. Other forms of gambling include sports betting, horse racing, poker, and card games. Casinos and electronic gaming machines are also examples of gambling. In general, gambling is a high-risk activity, and most players lose a lot more money than they win. The following chart shows the relative size of different forms of gambling.

Dangers of problem gambling

According to research from the GambleAware website, the risk of problem gambling is twice as high in young adults than among adults. Young people are more likely to engage in risky behavior, and higher car insurance rates are an indicator of this. They also have more new responsibilities, such as paying rent or a mortgage. Hence, they tend to be less risk averse than older people. However, a lack of education or awareness about the dangers of problem gambling is problematic.

Impact of problem gambling on society

The negative consequences of problem gambling are not limited to an individual level. Whether or not a person is able to quit gambling has an impact on the lives of those around them. Problem gambling is often a way for people to spend their free time, but its effects extend beyond the individual. The social and personal costs of problem gambling affect the whole community. For instance, individuals may end up bankrupt, which impacts their family finances. Further, social costs may also be incurred due to the criminal acts that are committed by those affected by problem gambling.

Signs of a problem gambler

One of the most common warning signs of a problem gambler is if they spend a lot of time gambling, leaving little time for friends and family. They also skip meals and may even take time off work. Their behavior may also change dramatically from pleasant to hostile, and they may blame others for their losses or keep their money hidden from other people. Some signs of a gambling problem are listed below. The person in question may also avoid family and friends and refuse to discuss their problem with them.

Treatment options

Despite the resistance of many people suffering from a gambling addiction, therapy is an effective way to address the issue. This type of therapy focuses on retraining the person’s thinking and behaviors to stop gambling. Similarly, support groups such as AA and NA can be beneficial for those struggling with the same issues. These groups have a 12-step process that helps individuals identify and replace their unhealthy beliefs and patterns. If you or a loved one suffers from this problem, you may be able to seek treatment in a treatment center near you.

Treatment For Gambling Addiction

Those who are afflicted with a gambling addiction often need to gamble more to experience the same “high” that they initially felt when gambling. This cycle of increasing craving and decreasing willpower causes an escalating spiral. Problem gambling has many negative effects on a person’s life. Social, professional, and psychological aspects can all be impacted. Thankfully, there are several ways to treat it. Below, we’ll discuss some of the signs of gambling addiction.

Problem gambling

Problem gambling can be a serious problem for both individuals and families. There are many forms of treatment available, including family therapy, step-based programs, self-help methods, and even medication. Fortunately, no one treatment is universally effective for problem gambling, and no medications have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for this specific purpose. There is no single best way to treat problem gambling, but the following treatments are generally effective.

What is problem gambling? Problem gambling is when a person risks money, property, or other valuables in the hope of winning a big prize. Problem gambling may affect a person’s family, relationships, or career, and can even lead to criminal activity. Tribal casinos in New Mexico have voluntarily formed the Responsible Gaming Association to promote awareness about problem gambling. Although a person suffering from problem gambling may eventually recover from it, the damage it does can be irreparable.


One of the first signs of a gambling problem is sudden loss of money. Detecting other signs of a gambling problem early will ensure that no harm is done to the individual or family. Signs of gambling addiction include a tendency to engage in illegal acts for the sole purpose of fulfilling gambling cravings. An addict may commit crimes such as robbery to obtain funds or even commit murder. However, these actions should be viewed with extreme caution.

Excessive mood swings and a double life – These are common signs of a gambling addiction. This problem can affect a person’s relationships with friends and family, as well as the quality of one’s health. Gambling addiction can be so difficult to identify because these symptoms often seem like normal upsets. If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s time to seek help. However, you should keep in mind that there is no one solution for gambling addiction.


The symptoms of gambling addiction are often similar to those of depression. They include fatigue, lethargy, unhappiness, and changes in appetite. It can be difficult to stop gambling and stop the feelings of depression, but there are treatment options for both problems. There are many different kinds of gambling addiction, and it is important to seek treatment early in the process. In many cases, a dual diagnosis can help to treat both problems at the same time.

Symptoms of compulsive gambling can range from mild to severe. These individuals experience a number of emotional symptoms, including depression, irritability, and anger. Some even engage in self-harming behaviors, such as cutting themselves or severing ties. Other signs and symptoms of gambling addiction include sleep deprivation, pale skin, acne, and dark circles under the eyes. Ultimately, the symptoms of gambling addiction require treatment to address and treat the root causes.


Treatment for gambling addiction begins with a visit to your primary care physician. Your doctor may ask you about your gambling habit and your family’s gambling habits. While doctors are not allowed to share your medical history without consent, they can discuss your gambling habit and help you find the best treatment plan for your specific situation. Your physician may perform a physical exam to determine whether any health issues may be associated with compulsive gambling. Treatment for gambling addiction begins with a comprehensive evaluation to determine if you have any mental or physical health problems.

Using an evidence-based approach, the treatment process will focus on determining the factors that trigger the gambling behavior. These factors may include alcohol or drug use. Often, treatment will be more effective if it is conducted in a gambling-specific setting. Several studies have shown that self-help interventions can be highly effective in preventing relapse. In addition, they can also help you identify alternative recreational activities. Ultimately, treatment for gambling addiction involves creating a lifestyle that is compatible with recovery.

Gambling Addiction – Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment For Gambling Addiction

Problem gambling is not uncommon among adults, and it can be a very costly habit. This article will discuss the signs and symptoms of problem gambling, as well as the treatment options available. There are many benefits of gambling as a pastime. Here are a few of these:

Addiction to gambling

Many people who suffer from an addiction to gambling do not seek professional help until they reach a crisis point. However, recognizing a problem and receiving treatment for addiction are critical first steps. Moreover, many good people who struggle with the same problem often seek help from a treatment facility that is specialized in gambling addiction. There are many proven ways to help people overcome their gambling addiction, including counseling, medication, and support groups. Listed below are some of the most effective ways to overcome a gambling problem.

Those who are addicted to gambling find it difficult to stop once they lose money. It is impossible for them to set a limit for the amount they can lose. They will simply continue playing until they recover what they have lost. Often, they lose more than they had intended. Then, they feel bad about their losses and gamble more to compensate for them. This destructive cycle leads to a variety of negative consequences. Furthermore, the effects of gambling on physical and emotional health can be devastating.

Signs of problem gambling

There are several signs of problem gambling. Some are similar to other addictive disorders, but gambling doesn’t show obvious signs. In some cases, a person’s money or items might go missing after a gambling spree. There are also risk factors that can be identified, such as dropping money into gambling machines or betting on horses. Fortunately, there are ways to recognize problem gambling before it becomes a serious problem. Here are some tips to help you recognize these signs.

The most glaring sign of problem gambling is the need to perform illegal acts to fund their habit. Often, an individual will commit robbery or theft to satisfy their gambling habit. In more extreme cases, a person might even kill someone to cover up debts. If this sounds familiar to you, it’s time to seek help for your loved one. If you suspect your friend or family member of being a problem gambler, it’s important to speak with a licensed mental health professional.

Treatment options

For the best chance at recovery, you must consider your options for treatment. There are several treatment methods for gambling addiction. Behavioral therapies are generally the best choice. These therapies use individual or group therapy to address impulse control and the impact gambling has on a person’s life. This type of treatment helps a person develop coping skills and learns new ways to manage their behavior. Depending on the type of gambling, residential treatment may involve counseling sessions.

Behavioral therapies include exposure therapy, which aims to eliminate unwanted reactions to actual experiences of gambling. Imaginal desensitization involves deliberately provoking urges to gamble through imagery. In this type of therapy, the client is immediately provided with cognitive restructuring assistance by listening to audiotaped gambling scenarios. Unfortunately, most studies of these treatments rely on weak experimental designs and are not reliable enough to draw causal inferences. The effectiveness of these treatments depends on whether they work for the individual and can be implemented without significant cost to the individual.

Cost of problem gambling

Costs associated with problem gambling are increasing in both the private and public sector, according to a study by GambleAware. Similar to other addictive behaviors, problem gambling has high societal costs, but low direct costs associated with prevention and treatment. This could be changed if greater emphasis is placed on prevention and treatment. Here are some examples of public costs associated with problem gambling. – The cost of gambling is disproportionately high among the unemployed, the poor, and people from minority groups.

– The societal costs associated with problem gambling include the indirect and direct costs of addiction. In 2018, Sweden’s societal costs were estimated at EUR1.4 billion, accounting for 0.30% of gross domestic product (GDP). These costs were divided between direct costs and indirect costs, which accounted for approximately 59% of the total costs. Compared to the direct and indirect costs associated with smoking and alcohol consumption, problem gambling’s indirect costs are relatively small.

Problem Gambling Explained

If your child is showing signs of problem gambling, you should explain the odds involved. Make sure they understand the difference between the odds of winning the lottery and being struck by lightning. The lottery is a one in 15 million chance of winning, whereas the chance of being hit by lightning is one in 300 000. You should also be clear that gambling companies are in business to make more money than their players, otherwise they wouldn’t exist. Even if you’re not a big gambler, you should keep in mind that gambling is often a fun and entertaining way to get away from boredom and stress.

Problem gambling

A person who is addicted to gambling is called a “problem gambler.” These people gamble frequently or infrequently but they are considered a problem if the behavior causes them problems. Problem gambling is dangerous and can damage a person’s finances, relationships, and even lead to depression and even suicide. About six to eight million Americans suffer from this condition. People who have problems with gambling may lie about their activity to avoid punishment or embarrassment, spend more time thinking about their next gambling opportunity, or even skip family gatherings and social events.

Fortunately, there are many ways to help a problem gambler. The National Council on Problem Gambling’s help line is one of the most effective tools in helping people cope with the disorder. This phone number helps people find help from trained counselors, who can refer them to the right treatment program. Several tribal casinos in New Mexico have also voluntarily partnered with problem gambling organizations to spread awareness about the issue. But how can people find help?

Types of gambling

There are many types of gambling, but they all share many common features. Some are commercial, such as lotteries, while others are not. Some of these forms are recognized as “games of chance” because of the social element that accompanies them. Others are more traditional, such as poker and other card games, or chance-based casino table games. And there are hybrids of many of these types. In this article, we’ll discuss some of these differences, and explain why they’re important to understand.

While gambling is a popular activity worldwide, it’s still considered a form of entertainment. In fact, the entertainment industry has grown to the point that there are several forms of gambling, including online gaming. The majority of gambling is legal, and the numbers are impressive – in the US alone, it generates more revenue than other forms of entertainment. Amusement parks and movie theaters are just two examples. The public’s enthusiasm for gambling shows that it’s not only popular, but also very lucrative.

Symptoms of problem gambling

Problem gambling is an addiction that has severe psychological consequences. Many of its symptoms are similar to other addictive disorders. Often, people with this disorder do not admit to having a problem with gambling. Instead, they spend their money and time to the point that they cannot afford to pay their bills. Problem gamblers may even max out their credit cards or take out a second mortgage. In such cases, they may experience problems with work and relationships.

Problem gambling may begin as a form of entertainment or a means of reducing stress or depression. It can easily become an addiction and lead to diminished productivity and criminal activity. If you are an employer, it’s important to know the symptoms of problem gambling and to intervene before your employees start to damage your business. Some classic symptoms of problem gambling include a preoccupation with gambling, trouble focusing, tardiness, and absenteeism. Problem gamblers may miss work, become unproductive, and even resort to theft. These symptoms may also affect family relationships.

Treatment options

There are several effective treatments for gambling disorder, ranging from self-help to intensive therapy. Peer-directed interventions are most effective when paired with professional treatment. Self-directed interventions may benefit from therapist support, either in-person or via telephone. They reduce barriers to treatment and can reach a larger population than professionally delivered interventions. Treatment may vary from person to person. For more information, see Treatment Options for Gambling Disorder. Further reading: What Are the Effective Treatments?

The most effective treatment for gambling addiction is based on the premise that there is no single cure for this disorder. The most effective treatment will address the problem in tandem with the underlying substance use disorder. Dual-diagnosis treatment aims to treat the underlying causes of the disorder, while also addressing the symptoms of the other problem. The goal of treatment is to help the individual regain control over his or her life. It will also help them heal their relationships and finances.

Gambling Problems and How to Deal With Them

What is a gambling problem? When a person cannot control their urge to gamble, they have a gambling problem. This can significantly impact a person’s life. There are many ways to seek help, including free and confidential counsellors who are available around the clock. Here are some tips. First, understand the nature of gambling problems. These disorders can be a sign of a larger problem, such as depression or anxiety. Once a person recognizes that he or she is struggling with a gambling problem, he or she can seek professional help.

Online gaming

While online gambling was still a novelty a decade ago, the industry is beginning to get the oversight it deserves. Consumers are starting to rate online casinos, which exposes the rogue operators. Typical signs of a rogue online casino include an outdated user interface and a poor game selection. There may not be enough information on a page, and the names of customer support representatives or registration addresses are often fake. However, internet gambling regulators are working hard to regulate the industry to make sure that its standards are met.


A popular form of gambling, lotteries are games in which people compete to win prizes based on a set of randomly chosen numbers. This type of lottery is one of the oldest recorded forms of gambling and dates back to the Han Dynasty in China around 200 B.C. While the rules of lottery play have changed, this game has remained a popular way to win large sums for a small fee. Here are some of the main reasons people play lotteries:

Life insurance

The purpose of life insurance is to provide your family with a financial security plan should you die prematurely. Many people call this type of insurance gambling, but it is really part of an overall economic plan. Even if you do not have children, you should still consider getting a life insurance policy. You may not realize it, but proactive thinking is a different part of your brain than gambling. Life insurance will protect your family’s financial security and show them that you plan ahead.


Many people choose to gamble at casinos that are ultra-modern and luxurious. The reasons for choosing to gamble at these establishments can vary, but many people choose these places because of the quality of the casino’s games, big gaming libraries, and lavish accommodations. The benefits of these establishments far outweigh the disadvantages. To learn more about what makes a casino ultra-modern, please read on. This article will provide an overview of some of the best casinos for gambling.

Sports betting

While professional sports leagues have historically been wary of legalizing sports betting, the NFL, NBA, and MLB are moving closer to allowing it. They’ve also begun investing in online gambling and fantasy sports websites to capitalize on the growing sports betting market. In the US, sports betting is the gambling kindergarten, the first step in acquiring a lifelong addiction to gambling. Statistically, teens are more likely to become compulsive gamblers than adults, and the rate of suicide for teenagers with gambling problems is twice that of those without the disorder.

Three Effective Tips to Overcome a Gambling Addiction

Despite the countless benefits of gambling, a lot of people find it hard to give up the game. Some countries have banned gambling entirely, while others heavily regulate it. Government involvement in gambling has led to an intimate relationship between gaming organizations and governments. Legal gambling, in particular, provides significant government revenue. Regardless of your preferred form of gambling, there are ways to prevent it and recover from an addiction. Read on to learn more about gambling and the different forms of addiction.

Various forms of gambling

Various forms of gambling can have different levels of risk. The first evidence of gambling dates back to ancient China, when tiles were used for a lottery-style game. Today, gambling has become a huge industry, with revenues topping $13.6 billion in the second quarter of 2021 in the United States. Various forms of gambling may sound dangerous, but with the right strategy and money, gambling can be a fun and lucrative hobby.

Among the most common types of gambling, card games, lotteries, and office pools are the most popular. On the other hand, video keno, gambling machines, sports betting, and pull tabs are the least popular types. The odds of winning are usually higher for the male than the female, and the percentage of gambling addiction in men and women is similar. But if you want to gamble for fun, try something new, like playing poker.

Problems caused by excessive gambling

In addition to financial and health risks, problems caused by excessive gambling include emotional and relationship problems. Excessive gambling can even lead to the breakdown of a relationship or the loss of an important friendship. Problem gambling is also known as a hidden addiction, because it has few recognizable signs or symptoms. A gambler may not even realize they have a problem until they experience the effects of self-denial. However, if you suspect a loved one may be suffering from problem gambling, it is time to seek help.

Over-the-counter and online casinos are a major source of excessive gambling. Several studies have shown that about 5% of teenagers in Canada, Spain, and the U.S. experience compulsive gambling problems, while 17.8% of Australian men and women report problems related to excessive gambling. Problem gambling is a growing concern, and the prevalence of online gambling is on the rise. Most mainstream social media sites have content related to gambling. Young people are particularly exposed to these types of content.

Ways to overcome a gambling addiction or addiction to gambling

The first step in overcoming a gambling addiction is to stop using gambling as an escape from your everyday life. Avoid driving past casinos, gambling halls, or any place that encourages gambling. If you can, avoid going to Las Vegas. Also, change the way you think about gambling. Negative thinking about gambling can fuel an increased urge to gamble. This article provides three effective tips to overcome a gambling addiction. Weigh the pros and cons of these three methods, and learn which ones work for you.

When you have a gambling problem, you may have a deeper underlying issue. Sometimes, gambling addiction is a sign of another condition, such as bipolar disorder or an anxiety disorder. To overcome the urge to gamble, seek counseling or medication. Psychiatrists can prescribe medication to address the underlying problem. Regardless of the cause of the problem, it is important to remember that it is a condition and not a character flaw.

How to Overcome a Gambling Addiction

Are you suffering from compulsive gambling? If so, you may be wondering what you should do to get control over your behavior. This article will discuss the causes of compulsive gambling, the various treatment options, and the effects of the behavior. Listed below are some helpful tips to help you overcome your gambling problems. You can also follow these simple steps to cure your problem. To avoid gambling addiction, get rid of your stress and boredom.

Game of chance

Gambling, or gaming based on chance, is a risky activity in which a person stakes something of value on the outcome of a contest of chances. It involves placing a bet, whether or not the outcome is guaranteed, and it is largely excluded from the idea of insurance. Licensed gaming is a form of gambling, and all types of games rely on a component of chance to decide the winners.

For example, a gaming session (like a parlour derby or filly stakes) does not require a licence if the prize fund or turnover of the game is up to $5,000. But if the prizes are worth more than $5000, or the gambling is being run for more than five thousand people, a licence is required. Moreover, a game of chance must be open to the public, and tickets sold during a gaming session are not combined with any other fee or payment made for the game.

Compulsive gambling

A person suffering from compulsive gambling will fail to resist urges to gamble despite the negative effects. Compulsive gamblers find that the thrill of winning a game of chance outweighs the costs, and they may need to increase their bets to remain excited. They may also resort to illegal means to obtain money, such as writing bad checks and filing fraudulent insurance claims. In extreme cases, compulsive gamblers may even embezzle funds to pay off debts and solve financial problems.

The cause of compulsive gambling is unknown, although it is believed to be a combination of biological, genetic, and environmental factors. In addition to compulsive gambling, people suffering from this disorder may have other mental health conditions such as mood disorders and substance abuse. Compulsive gambling has also been linked to personality disorders, ADHD, and bipolar disorder. While it is more prevalent in younger people, it can also affect adults, especially those with a family history of gambling disorder.


The first step towards overcoming a gambling addiction is recognizing that you have a problem. Although admitting you have a problem can be difficult, admitting that you have a gambling addiction can be crucial to your recovery. You may feel ashamed of your behavior because of losses incurred and strained relationships, but you’re not alone. You’re not the only one suffering from this addiction; there are many other people who have overcome it.

If you feel that you may have a gambling problem, you should get help immediately. Gambling can threaten your family’s financial stability, education, and even your relationships. You might have even committed a crime to fund your addiction. However, you might be gambling as a way to forget about the unpleasant aspects of your life and make you feel better. Depending on the severity of your gambling problem, you may need to seek treatment.

Treatment Options For Gambling Addiction

Gambling has long been a popular past-time in the United States, but has been suppressed by law for nearly as long. The early 20th century saw the uniform outlawing of gambling, a situation that contributed to the rise of the mafia and criminal organizations. Towards the end of the century, attitudes toward gambling began to soften and laws against gambling were gradually relaxed. However, the question remains: is gambling harmful? If so, what should be done to curb the problem?

Problem gambling

Gambling is often defined as a game of chance or skill that involves placing an item of value at risk in an attempt to win an amount greater than the value of the item. Problem gambling affects any age group, but is especially prevalent in minority groups, such as the Latino and Asian communities. People with this disorder often experience numerous problems and need professional help to overcome their gambling addictions. In many cases, problem gambling is the result of repeated attempts to reduce or eliminate the problem.

Individuals with high levels of impulsivity, a comorbidity with problem gambling, have higher odds of developing the disorder. However, this trait is also associated with increased risk-taking behavior and increased depression. Individuals with antisocial impulsivity are also more likely to engage in antisocial activities, such as gambling, because of this high risk factor. The following list of characteristics are shared by those with antisocial impulsivity and may be related to problem gambling.

Treatment options

There are many treatment options for people with gambling addictions. Individuals who cannot stop gambling are often recommended to go to residential rehabs, which offer time and professional support. These programs address the impact of gambling, triggers of addictive behaviors, and teach coping skills. Individuals may need multiple types of treatment, including cognitive behavioral therapy and family therapy. The following are some common treatment options for gambling addiction. All of them have the potential to improve the lives of people in need.

Individual CBT, workbook, and GA referral-only treatments are often used for pathological gambling. These treatments often have lower dropout rates, mainly because they are less costly and require less time and attention. A number of individuals who have gambling problems are conflicted about their desire to change and may not even know where to start. The lack of understanding about the various treatment options and the need for follow-up help may explain the lack of treatment engagement.

Signs to look for

If you are worried about your loved one’s addiction to gambling, there are several signs you should watch out for. Problem gambling is often accompanied by mental health problems. If not treated, this can lead to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or other mental health problems. Men are more likely to develop compulsive gambling than women. And men tend to start gambling much earlier in life than women. So, if you see one of these signs, you should seek professional help immediately.

Gambling addiction is a hidden illness, so you may be unaware of it. In fact, you may not even realize you are dealing with a problem unless you notice these changes. These signs include irritability, feeling on edge, mental health changes, and sleep disorders. Some people may even lie about their gambling to cover up their behavior. These signs are indicative of a gambling addiction. But how do you tell whether your loved one is struggling with a gambling addiction?

Help For Gambling Problems

If you’re struggling with a gambling problem, you’re not alone. Many people are dealing with the same problem and seeking help can be an important step to recovery. This article will discuss the types of gambling, symptoms of compulsive gambling, and treatments. You can learn more about these topics and start taking the right steps toward recovery. In addition, we’ll cover some resources for those with gambling problems. Let’s take a look.

Problem gamblers

Problem gambling, also known as gambling addiction, is a serious issue affecting millions of Americans. It can severely harm the lives of problem gamblers, as well as their family members and friends. In the United States, four to six million people are estimated to be problem gamblers. Problem gamblers can be diagnosed with any of the following conditions:

Persistent problems with gambling can be a sign of other problems, such as depression and anxiety. In this article, we will examine the prevalence of pathological and problem gambling in American adults. The majority of population surveys are done at the state level. The prevalence rates for problem and pathological gamblers vary widely by state, and the results are summarized in table 3.

Types of gambling

There are several types of gambling. The commercial forms include lotteries and instant lotteries, card games, sports betting, horse betting, electronic gaming machines, and casino table games. Several types of hybrids exist as well. Commercial gambling is a major sector of the gaming industry. It accounts for billions of dollars in revenue for casinos, operators, and other parties. Types of gambling vary by country and type of gambling. Some types of gambling are legal and accepted in many countries.

Illegal gambling does not involve games, but involves predictions about events in public. Sports betting is especially popular on mobile devices. Innovecs developers use trending tech solutions to build high-quality gambling games. Real-time bet tickers are integrated into video feeds of live sports and racing. Digital slot machines mimic the feel of a traditional casino by requiring players to push a virtual lever. The results are calculated based on the previous events and statistical information.

Signs of compulsive gambling

There are many signs of compulsive gambling. This behavior is dangerous and can lead to bankruptcy, legal problems, ruined relationships and even suicide. While recovery is never easy, it is necessary to understand what compulsive gamblers need to do to overcome this disorder. Understanding your own gambling habits can help you make the right decision to get help. If you suspect that you or a loved one is suffering from compulsive gambling, you should contact an 800-GAMBLER helpline to get the support you need.

If you suspect that your loved one is suffering from compulsive gambling, the first step is to identify the symptoms. A person suffering from this addiction may experience irritability, restlessness, and apathy when not gambling. Gamblers may also be prone to lying to hide the extent of their gambling and may miss out on education or other opportunities. Occasionally, compulsive gamblers will resort to fraud or theft to fund their habit.

Treatment options

Professional help for gambling addiction can take many forms, from individual counseling to group sessions. In some cases, therapy is recommended, particularly if gambling is a family history. A good therapist will be able to help you identify the triggers for your gambling behavior, which can be a big part of the problem. You can also learn new coping mechanisms to manage your urges to gamble. Some of these techniques include cognitive-behavioral therapy, which uses a twelve-step process to teach you effective coping skills.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy focuses on undoing learned associations between stimuli and unwanted responses. This therapy involves using imagery to intentionally provoke gambling-related urges, and immediate cognitive restructuring. Moreover, it uses audiotaped gambling scenarios to elicit responses from patients. These methods are not yet FDA-approved, and most studies use weak experimental designs and cannot prove causal relationships. However, these interventions have been shown to help some patients.

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Gambling

Problem gambling has many social, psychological, and economic costs. This article explores these costs and the associated social and economic cost-benefit analysis of gambling. In addition, it looks at the impact of gambling on families, the economy, and society. Listed below are some key takeaways to help people understand the cost-benefit analysis of gambling. We’ll also explore what causes problem gambling and how to stop it. If you’re looking for more information, check out the links below!

Problem gambling

Gambling is a popular pastime that can be both fun and dangerous. Gambling addiction is often called a “hidden disease” because it rarely shows any physical or outward signs. Gambling can cause significant emotional and financial consequences, and it can be very difficult to control. There are many different ways to recognize when a person is having a problem. Here are some common signs that you may be exhibiting symptoms of problem gambling. Read on to learn more about the various types of treatment available.

Gambling is a common addiction that can interfere with work, school, and other activities. It can also damage the individual’s health, financial situation, and reputation. In addition, it can cause problems with family members and friends. If you or someone you know is struggling with problem gambling, it may be time to seek treatment. This article will provide information to help you identify the signs and get started on a recovery plan. Let’s face it, the sooner you seek treatment, the better.

Social costs of problem gambling

The social costs of problem gambling are numerous. These costs include lost work time, unemployment, bad debts, thefts, and other costs associated with the criminal justice system, civil court, and welfare systems. In addition to lost wages, the social costs of problem gambling also include financial losses from employee theft and embezzlement. In both Connecticut and Wisconsin, gambling is legal, but these costs are still substantial. For these reasons, addressing these costs is vital.

The study aims to publish its findings, but its lack of a peer-review process makes it unsuitable for publication in academic journals. Its findings, however, should be used to inform public policymakers. This research provides a foundation for replication, thereby advancing our knowledge about the social costs of problem gambling. However, it is not a balanced analysis of these costs. It would be useful if Thompson’s findings were based on data from other studies, but it is not.

Economic cost-benefit analysis of gambling

In addition to the social and economic costs associated with gambling, studies have also examined the impact on crime, tourism, and community well-being. This article explores these issues and the cost-benefit analysis of gambling. While the financial impact is easily measurable, the impact on labor is less straightforward. The negative impacts on employment and productivity are often accompanied by other societal costs, such as lost time and wasted resources.

A COI study can be particularly useful in evaluating the social effects of legalized gambling. While legalized gambling generates significant government revenues, it can also lead to social problems, such as increased crime. The economic cost-benefit analysis of gambling can shed light on critical issues related to public economics and regional public policy. It also offers insight into the impact of gambling on the value of government resources, social services, and the uncertainty that comes with using quantifiable measures of costs.

Tips to Help You Stop Gambling

Problem gambling is when a person cannot control their urge to engage in gambling. The gambling behavior negatively affects the person’s life. Gambling counsellors are free and available around the clock. They can help a person identify a problem with gambling. If you want to learn more about gambling, you can read more about the three types of gambling: Internet gambling, Responsible gambling, and Low-risk gambling. Here are a few tips to help you stop gambling.

Problem gambling

Problem gambling is a serious issue for individuals, families, and communities. Though gambling can be fun and exciting, the compulsion to gamble can lead to detrimental effects on a person’s life. As such, problem gambling is a hidden addiction, and symptoms may not be obvious to the casual observer. As a result, problem gamblers may lie about the time they spend gambling, spend more time planning their next gambling opportunity, or spend excessive amounts of money on gambling. But finding help for problem gambling is possible – and it starts with awareness.

The National Council on Problem Gambling defines problem gambling as “gambling behavior that adversely affects important aspects of the person’s life.” This type of gambler often continues to gamble even after developing interpersonal or social problems. It is therefore important to seek treatment for problem gambling as soon as possible. In addition to therapy and counseling, problem gambling can lead to legal and financial consequences. While no one is perfect, there are several proven methods for treating gambling problems.

Responsible gambling

Company online operations provide a number of services that encourage responsible gaming. In particular, the Limits and Responsible Gaming sections of its online applications allow players to set monetary limits. These limits can be deposit limits, single wager limits, or total wager amounts. A time limit, which prevents players from logging into their accounts for 24 hours after their limits are reached, is also provided. In addition, the Company works to educate players about responsible gaming, making sure to make gambling accessible to all.

In Denmark, for example, players can register for self-exclusion. While self-exclusion is possible, it doesn’t apply if a person is registered with a registry for gambling disorders. Players can register for self-exclusion through the Register Over Frivilligt Udelukkede Spillere (ROFUSP). Moreover, operators must display information on these organizations on their websites. If they have a problem relating to gambling, they must report it to a supervisor immediately.

Low-risk gambling

While social marketing campaigns aimed at reducing harm from problem gambling are effective for those with a high level of financial instability, social advertising campaigns aimed at moderate-risk gamblers are often dismissed. They might feel that they do not have a problem with gambling because they do not identify with those who do. In addition, the stigma associated with problem gambling may lead them to see their behavior as responsible but in control. Research from the Currie Foundation’s research and evaluation department suggests that low-risk gamblers have a difficult time equating their own gambling habits with the harm caused by gambling.

However, some limitations remain. The samples used in the study were drawn from a small number of provinces in Canada, making results from other parts of the country less generalizable. In addition, the longitudinal sample of participants was smaller than the population analyzed in the study. Furthermore, fewer participants developed moderate gambling problems than expected. Furthermore, there was a low incidence of problem gambling at baseline in both samples. The proportion of individuals meeting diagnostic criteria for a substance use disorder was relatively low for both samples.

Internet gambling

In order to minimize the harms associated with Internet gambling, stakeholders must coordinate with each other to develop and implement effective design strategies. This framework proposes open collaborative communication between stakeholders. While promoting fair online gambling, stakeholders must balance competing interests. Tax revenue benefits must be balanced with the need to limit harm. This approach is not limited to gambling; it is also relevant to other sectors, including health and the environment. Here are some examples of effective collaborations:

Research should focus on the nature of online gambling and its impact on problem behaviour. The online environment and the characteristics of users should be explored, as should mechanisms for harnessing technology for harm prevention. Research must also focus on mental health problems associated with Internet gambling, which are likely to contribute to functional impairment. These include depression, a history of suicidal behavior, and a proneness to psychoactive substance use. Researchers should work together to provide robust evidence that online gambling can reduce the risk of harm.

The Impacts of Gambling

When a person cannot control the urge to gamble, the urge is a problem. The addiction may have negative consequences and negatively affect a person’s life. A free, confidential gambling counsellor is available to help a person overcome their addiction. He or she is available to help 24/7. The benefits of using a gambling counsellor are clear:

Impacts of gambling on society

The impacts of gambling are manifested on a social, personal, and economic level. Financial costs and benefits of gambling are the most tangible impacts of gambling, and are generally invisible to individuals. On the society/community level, social and economic costs and benefits are more visible, but most of these impacts go unnoticed. On a more personal level, there are health and social impacts of gambling, such as negative psychological and physical health effects.

Gambling is one of the most popular recreational activities in many countries, but it has significant economic and social costs. Impact studies are important tools for researchers and policymakers. By assessing the economic costs of gambling, they can compare and contrast different gambling policies. Public health approaches measure and quantify the positive and negative social and economic impacts of gambling. Unlike traditional economic cost-benefit analysis, these studies also take into account the benefits of gambling.

Costs of gambling to society

There is some debate on the costs of gambling to society. Estimates vary from study to study, but most involve the illegal acquisition of money or goods. These crimes may include credit card theft, insurance fraud, or fencing stolen goods. These crimes require many police resources and cost the society in a number of ways. Further, many of these crimes result in incarceration. There are also high levels of litigation and crime in communities where gambling is a problem.

The costs of gambling to society are largely indirect and can be difficult to estimate. The social costs can be attributed to the economic activity of the gamblers themselves or to those around them. These costs include traffic congestion, environmental damage, increased crime, and disruption of social relationships. Pathological gambling has also resulted in the financial problems of individuals who are unable to pay their debts, and thus increase the cost of credit in the economy as a whole. While these costs are often overlooked, they should be considered in evaluating the social benefits and costs of gambling.

Positive impacts of gambling on employment

Legalized gambling has been proven to increase employment rates, especially in small towns and rural areas. The increase in jobs has not only benefited the local economy, but also helped Indian reservations with low standards of living. Casinos also increase wages by an average of 8%, which is a positive for local residents. However, this positive effect is limited if the population of a particular area is very small. Hence, it is necessary to compare changes in unemployment rates between the two periods.

While the costs of pathological gambling have been the focus of previous studies, the positive impacts of gambling have also been ignored. Until now, empirical studies on the economic effects of gambling have largely focused on the negative impact of the activity. In addition to this, the negative effects of gambling have been overlooked, especially the negative impacts on nongamblers. Methodological deficiencies have plagued research on gambling impacts and have led to biased conclusions.

How a Support Group Can Help You Quit Gambling

Quitting gambling is a tough challenge, but it’s possible to overcome this addiction with help from a support group or treatment program. Even though a supportive family is essential to full recovery, a support group or treatment program can help with the process. Here are some tips for successful treatment:

Problem gambling

Treatment options for problem gambling are various, and vary widely depending on the individual’s situation. Many approaches involve counseling, step-based programs, self-help, peer support, and medication. Although no single method is considered the most effective, some have been proven to be more effective than others. For example, antidepressants are known to reduce pathological gambling. In addition, certain psychotherapy techniques can help patients learn to control their impulses and stop gambling.

In addition to counseling, problem gambling may include social and emotional effects, including debt and poor mental health. A person can experience problems in his or her relationships with friends and family if their gambling is not in moderation. Some statistics estimate that approximately six to eight million people in the US suffer from some form of gambling-related problems. Some signs of problem gambling include lying about the time and money spent on gambling, or spending more time planning the next opportunity to gamble.

Signs of addiction

Many people have no idea they’re suffering from a gambling addiction. This condition, also known as pathological gambling, is a hidden illness. Symptoms of addiction to gambling can include increased agitation, anger, and even physical changes. The condition is called a hidden addiction because there are few outward symptoms or physical manifestations. Problem gambling often results in an intense urge to gamble, which can interfere with a person’s quality of life and sleep.

During a gambling session, the brain releases chemicals that make a person feel good. The chemicals are produced by the brain’s reward system. The chemicals release by the brain during gambling activity stimulate the reward system. These chemicals relieve negative emotions and help people escape from thinking about their problems. When the individual stops gambling, the level of feel-good chemicals drop, compensating for the abnormally high levels. When a person is addicted to gambling, this drop in the brain’s chemicals leads to feelings of low mood and irritability.

Treatment options

If you are suffering from gambling addiction, there are many different treatment options available. Depending on the severity of your gambling problem, a full or partial day program may be necessary. Day treatment can be useful if you are in need of ongoing support and guidance. Outpatient treatment is also available, and can include one-on-one sessions or online therapy. Individuals may benefit from therapy if their problem involves the management of both their finances and relationships. Depending on the severity of the problem, someone may also benefit from a mental health diagnosis.

Before considering any type of treatment, you should discuss your gambling problem with a primary care physician or a mental health professional. While many people assume that seeking treatment is a sign of weakness, professional help can be invaluable in helping you overcome a gambling addiction. Treatment programs are available for many different types of addictions, and they should be suited to the individual’s needs and circumstances. In addition, many of the treatment programs are very affordable.

Common forms of gambling

Gambling is a form of risk-taking, in which an individual places something of value on an outcome that is uncertain. It can take many different forms, but the most common are lotteries, card games, lottery tickets, and scratchy cards. In later adolescence, some children may move from casual gambling to more serious forms of wagering. Today, children can access thousands of gambling websites through television and their mobile phones, making it possible for young people to gamble at any time, even when they don’t have money.

While all forms of gambling are potentially dangerous, some have been associated with greater risks than others. Some types of gambling are easier to access than others. Slot machines and lotteries are the most common form of gambling, but many states prohibit casinos and other places where individuals can gamble. The easiest way to play slots and other gambling games is by visiting an online casino. You can use the money you win on a game to purchase a ticket for a favorite team or player.

What Are the Symptoms of Compulsive Gambling?

Problem gambling has many symptoms. If you’re unsure whether you have a gambling problem, here’s what you should know. In this article, we’ll review the symptoms of compulsive gambling, how you can recognize these signs, and what medications are available to help you stop your problem gambling. If you’re worried that your gambling problem may be due to depression, you can also learn about medications that are often used to treat gambling addiction.

Symptoms of compulsive gambling

One of the most prominent signs of compulsive gambling is the loss of impulse control. While it’s natural to want to have a good time, compulsive gamblers tend to lose the restraint to walk away when they are ahead of the game. They often lose the ability to put aside money for other things and the risk of financial ruin doesn’t weigh out against the thrill of the moment. Compulsive gamblers often lie about the fact that they are going to work or to shop. These deceptive behaviors are indicative of a serious problem with compulsive gambling.

The symptoms of compulsive gambling are similar to those of other addictions. Compulsive gamblers tend to experience extreme emotions when winning or losing, and they often think about gambling constantly. Additionally, they tend to remember previous experiences with gambling, including when they have been lucky and when they lost. Compulsive gamblers are more likely to be children of pathological gamblers. Because of these similarities, it’s important to recognize the symptoms of compulsive gambling and seek treatment early.

Medications used to treat problem gambling

Medications used to treat problem gambling are often paired with treatments for other psychiatric problems. The goal of these treatments is to prevent or reduce the negative consequences of the gambling behavior. In many cases, the compulsion to gamble may be a way to escape from other problems. Other people experience depression along with their gambling addiction, which means they must address both concerns in their treatment. Although depression will generally go away with treatment for problem gambling, it will likely recur if the two are not treated together.

Medications used to treat problem gambling may include behavior therapy, which is focused on changing unhealthy beliefs with more healthy ones. Other treatments, such as family therapy, may include antidepressants, mood stabilizers, and narcotic antagonists. Other types of drugs may be used to treat problem gambling, such as antipsychotics, which are prescribed to treat other mental illnesses and addictions. While these treatments are not always effective, they can help some people overcome their compulsive gambling behavior.

Treatment options

There are several treatment options for individuals with gambling addiction, from individual therapy to group sessions to self-help intervention. While the FDA does not approve specific pharmacotherapy for gambling disorders, researchers are investigating several drugs that show promise. Lithium, escitalopram, nalmefene, valproate, and naltrexone are some of the most popular treatments, and they all focus on changing unhealthy beliefs and behaviours.

Psychotherapy is another treatment option that has shown promising results in helping individuals overcome their addiction. In this form of therapy, people who have compulsive gambling habits are taught to identify the thought processes that trigger them to engage in the behavior. For instance, compulsive gamblers often believe they will win a large jackpot, or hope that their winnings will pay off debts. Cognitive-behavioral therapy addresses these factors, while psychotherapy helps identify gambling triggers.

The Impact of Gambling on Tourism

Gambling is often used as a self-soothing activity to cope with unpleasant emotions. It can be a way to escape from reality, socialize with others, and unwind. However, there are other ways to cope with boredom, such as spending time with friends who do not gamble, practicing relaxation techniques, and exercising. This article will examine the benefits and costs of gambling, as well as how gambling impacts tourism revenues. Read on for more information.

Social acceptability of gambling

Gambling has been traditionally considered an activity reserved for adults. However, it is increasingly becoming socially acceptable and legal as more adults participate in recreational activities. Moreover, it is also becoming increasingly popular among the young, with many televised world championship poker tournaments revealing young people winning millions of dollars. Most of these recent winners are in their twenties, highlighting the fact that gambling is an option that is widely accepted by society.

The study’s limitations include the fact that it was exploratory and included a convenience sample of Victorian youth, which limits generalisation. Furthermore, the design was not intended to examine differences in social and demographic profiles among the participants. Further research on this issue is required to further identify the impact of age limits on gambling, and to establish their efficacy in reducing harms associated with gambling. Further research should also be conducted to evaluate the role of advertising in enhancing positive attitudes towards gambling and promoting social acceptability.

Positive effects of gambling on physical and mental health

Although there is some evidence that gambling has positive effects on society, fewer studies have investigated its beneficial effects on individuals. The negative impact of gambling on society is often measured by the societal costs associated with problem gambling. Using health-related quality of life (HRQL) weights, researchers can measure the per-person burden of a disease or health state. By measuring these intangible social costs, researchers can better understand how gambling harms a person’s social network.

One of the positive effects of gambling is the entertainment it provides. Casino games such as blackjack and poker allow players to socialize with other people while they are engaged in a complex strategy. The mental activity associated with gambling is also helpful for boosting happiness and mood. Ultimately, gambling can help improve our lives. By exercising our mental muscles, we learn new strategies and increase our happiness levels. But be sure to use moderation to get the most out of these benefits.

Costs of problem gambling

The cost of problem gambling is significant for society, and it is becoming a more recognized public health issue. Like other addictive behaviors, problem gambling results in high societal costs. Although prevention and treatment are relatively inexpensive, the costs of problem gambling are high in both direct and indirect forms. An increased focus on prevention would help reduce these costs. But how does this affect the financial and social costs of problem gambling? This study attempts to address this question by examining the cost of gambling in Sweden.

Because pathological gambling is associated with severe mental health consequences, hospital costs are also significant. The associated costs of depression, anxiety, and suicide are significant. As a result, the costs of treatment for these conditions cannot be ignored. Although a substantial proportion of pathological gambling is self-imposed, these costs can still be substantial. A systematic analysis of the cost of problem gambling should include these costs. If a person suffers from pathological gambling, they should not be expected to pay full amounts.

Impacts of gambling on tourism revenues

Gambling has been a popular form of entertainment for centuries. It has expanded to the point that it earns hundreds of billions of dollars every year. The growing industry has inspired many countries to legalise it. This is known as gambling tourism. Some gambling tourism attractions include casinos, lotteries, and sports betting. This industry has grown in popularity since Las Vegas opened its doors. This article will look at the impact of gambling on tourism in several countries.

Economic and social costs of gambling are often difficult to quantify. Some studies have found that legalized gambling increases tourism revenues by a few percent. However, some studies show that gambling has a negative impact on local property values, which can lead to outmigration. There is a definite social cost associated with gambling, and it is important to measure those costs. But it is not clear whether the negative effects of gambling outweigh the positive ones.

Is Legalizing Gambling Right For You?

Legalized gambling has both economic and social benefits, but it can also lead to problems, including problem gambling. Listed below are the social and economic costs of gambling and some ideas for regulating it. If you’re interested in legalizing gambling, please read on. We’ll also explore why legalized gambling might be harmful to people. But how do we know what to look for before legalizing gambling? This article will answer these questions and more. After reading it, you’ll have a better idea of whether it’s the right thing to do.

Problem gambling

Several types of problem gambling have been defined, but no single method seems to be more effective for diagnosing a person suffering from excessive gambling. In Canada, the most common terms are pathological gambling and compulsive gambling. Both terms are used to describe the same condition, but with different criteria. It is important to choose the correct term to ensure you are addressing the underlying cause of the gambling problem and not shaming a person into compulsive behavior.

Social costs

The social costs of gambling are growing increasingly recognized as an issue. Like many addictive behaviors, problem gambling causes high societal costs. However, despite high costs, gambling is relatively inexpensive in direct terms, as it only requires minor investments in treatment and prevention. However, a stronger focus on prevention and treatment of gambling could greatly reduce the high indirect and intangible costs of problem gambling. Here are the main costs of problem gambling, including their causes and effects.

Economic benefits

Although the economic benefits of gambling are clear, there are also concerns that the activity may impede other industries. One of these concerns is the potential for substitution, or cannibalization, when a new product displaces revenue and consumption from another industry. Although there are many studies on the effects of gambling, none of them have considered this potential shift in expenditures. This paper examines these concerns by reviewing the available evidence. A critical issue in the debate is whether gambling has economic benefits to the host community.


The legalization of gambling has a long history. It started with the 1976 Report of the Commission on Review of National Policy on Gambling. The report was based on research revealing that 80% of Americans approved of gambling and that 67% participated in it. The Commission drafted a series of recommendations for state governments considering legalization. The report concluded that states should set their own gambling policy free from federal interference. But the debate continues today.


Gambling addiction is a serious mental and physical disorder. It is a condition whereby someone becomes compulsively motivated to gamble despite their financial or emotional problems. Gamblers often experience negative consequences in addition to the compulsive behaviors, and their depression can worsen over time. Gambling addiction can also cause physical problems, and people who are addicted to this kind of addiction often abuse drugs and alcohol to cope with the negative effects of their condition.

Is Gambling Socially Acceptable?

Many people wonder if gambling is socially acceptable. While there is no clear answer to that question, there are some things we can say about it that are helpful. These include: Is gambling legal? Is it harmful? Is it economically beneficial? And what about the legal and social aspects? This article will discuss these issues. So, what is the right way to approach gambling? How do we stay legal and socially acceptable while playing? And what is the best way to make the game more socially acceptable?

Socially acceptable

When asked about morality and social issues, Americans tend to view gambling as acceptable, but attitudes toward it vary by subgroup. Mormons, for example, are the least likely to find gambling acceptable, while 82% of those who have no religious affiliation say it is fine. Likewise, 75% of Catholics and 67% of Protestants think gambling is morally acceptable. In other words, gambling has been socially acceptable for decades. Nonetheless, the media occasionally tells us differently.

Despite the widespread acceptance of gambling, it remains a controversial topic in many societies. Many people feel that gambling is not a serious problem, yet if it is left unchecked it can be physically damaging. It can lead to unmanageable debts, which in turn can lead to a life of misery. The clinical term for this problem is pathological gambling, which describes people who engage in a pattern of maladaptive gambling, often with disastrous consequences.


In a recent systematic review of gambling harm, researchers found that the prevalence of harmful gambling was significantly higher in men than in women. In addition, people with higher educational qualifications, those who are employed, and those who live in less disadvantaged areas were more likely to engage in gambling. In addition, problem gamblers tended to be younger, male, and from deprived areas. The prevalence of harmful gambling increases with gambling risk, and it is likely that it is associated with health inequalities.

There are many types of gambling harms, including those experienced by the gambler. Although harms stemming from gambling are most prevalent in gamblers, indirectly exposed individuals can also experience gambling harms. In addition, harmful gambling can affect the entire community. Those who are most affected by gambling tend to be unemployed, living in deprived communities, and have low life satisfaction and wellbeing. Moreover, gambling harm can have lasting effects on relationships and family.


The State Attorney General’s Office concluded that most casino night activities are illegal, including the payment of money for a chance to win and the use of gambling devices, such as slot machines. Skill games are generally not prohibited under federal law, and are generally not considered gambling. However, “casino nights” often involve gambling with little to no skill involved. Here is what you need to know before you gamble. Then, follow the advice of a lawyer to make sure you’re not violating any laws.

While some forms of gambling are considered illegal under federal law, most states have recognized exceptions and are regulating the activity within their borders. While the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act of 1992 effectively banned sports betting nationwide, the United States Supreme Court ruled that it was unconstitutional. Today, 48 states have made gambling legal in some form, including state-run lotteries. Hawaii and Utah, which have a Latter-Saint majority, have both made the move to legalize gambling.


The economic consequences of gambling can be measured in a number of ways. The direct costs are based on lost productivity, while indirect costs include the time lost from emotional distress and reduced productivity caused by gambling. The data from the Swelogs survey are often used to estimate the costs of gambling, but they don’t contain information about the extent to which people gamble during their working hours. A study conducted in the Czech Republic, for example, estimated the costs of gambling in the workplace for problem and moderate gamblers, and it did not detect any effects among those at low risk.

The social costs of gambling are difficult to quantify, but the financial costs are measurable. Various studies have used the cost of illness approach, which has been the standard for alcohol and drug research. However, this method fails to consider the benefits of gambling. The economic cost-benefit analysis aims to discover the benefits and costs of gambling by assessing the change in well-being of individuals, as well as the harms to society. However, if gambling is prohibited, the economic costs of gambling are still much lower than the benefits.

Treatments For Gambling Addiction

Gambling is the wagering of money or material value on an uncertain event, with the primary intention of winning money or material goods. It requires consideration, chance, and a prize. Generally, the outcome of gambling is apparent within a short period of time. Legal gambling, or gaming, is the practice of offering games of chance and other similar activities to the general public. Gaming companies are regulated by gaming control boards. In some jurisdictions, gambling is considered to be illegal.

Problem gambling is a mental health problem

There are several different treatments for problem gambling, ranging from counseling and step-based programs to medication and self-help methods. However, no single treatment is considered most effective. There are no medications that have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for pathological gambling. A health care professional can help determine the best treatment for you based on your particular needs. Problem gambling can affect your finances, relationships, and life in general.

Gamblers are at increased risk of suicide. In addition to a higher risk of suicide, problem gamblers are also more likely to be suffering from mental health issues. Suicide attempts are also common among problem gamblers, and those who have a history of threats or attempts are at high risk. If you suspect that someone you know is having problems with gambling, call 911 or go to the emergency room in your area.

It affects people from all walks of life

Problem gambling is a growing global problem that affects individuals of all ages. While many view gambling as a problem afflicting young adults and middle-aged people, senior citizens are among the fastest growing populations of problem gamblers, and these numbers are expected to continue rising as the baby boomer generation ages. Senior citizens who engage in problem gambling may be suffering from loneliness, physical limitations, and other factors that can contribute to the addiction. These people may appear withdrawn and unavailable most of the time, and they may not communicate or interact with others.

Despite its ease of accessibility, gambling is extremely addictive and has negative consequences for the individual. Gambling can affect any area of life, from relationships to careers to health. Because of this, it is critical to address the stigma associated with gambling and empower families and individuals to seek treatment. Additionally, gambling addiction mimics the symptoms of drug and alcohol addiction, and symptoms often mirror them. Some individuals will engage in erratic behavior, including lying and stealing to feed their addictive habits.

It is similar to drug addiction

It’s important to understand how gambling can be compared to other forms of addiction. In fact, gambling is the only behavioural addiction recognized in the DSM-V, which is the leading authority on psychiatric diagnoses in the United States and much of the rest of the world. The International Statistical Classification of Diseases, used by psychiatrists in the UK, recognizes gambling as a separate condition.

While the definition of gambling addiction varies from authority to authority, it is generally considered an impulse control disorder. In other words, someone suffering from this disorder exhibits a compulsive urge to continue gambling, regardless of any negative consequences and despite any desire to quit. In addition to the addiction to addictive substances, gambling is considered to be the most common impulse control disorder in the world. If you feel compelled to gamble, there are numerous ways to stop.

It can be treated

There are several treatment methods for gambling addiction. Many of these methods involve psychological therapies, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy. Some of these treatments may also be available as medications. Many medications already exist for substance addictions, such as nicotine and alcohol. This article will discuss a few of the available treatments for gambling addiction. It will also outline the various methods of treatment available to patients who are suffering from this problem. The goal of gambling addiction treatment is to make people stop gambling and lead productive and satisfying lives.

Self-help methods for gambling addiction include recognizing the problem and seeking help from a family doctor. A person suffering from pathological gambling can also join a support group or Gamblers Anonymous. Other treatments for gambling addiction include Gam-Anon and self-help groups. Regardless of the type of treatment, it is important to follow through with a program to ensure that the gambling addiction is treated permanently. If you’re struggling with gambling addiction, it is important to seek professional help as soon as possible.

How to Deal With a Gambling Problem

If you have a problem with gambling, you may be wondering what the best way to deal with it is. This article will go over some of the steps to help you deal with this addiction. The tips are designed to help you prevent gambling from becoming a problem, treatment options, and penalties. If you have a gambling problem, you should take steps to make yourself feel better and help prevent it from becoming a serious problem. If you are ready to start a new life and regain control over your financial situation, read on!

Problem gambling

If you’re addicted to online or land-based gambling, you’re not alone. More than 9 in 10 people in the UK have some form of problem gambling, and it affects both young and old equally. But what exactly is problem gambling? This disorder is defined as a pattern of gambling that interferes with daily life and threatens the individual’s safety. It usually doesn’t cause any outward symptoms, but it can have serious consequences. If you are one of those affected, the good news is that help is available.

It’s important to recognize that problem gambling can cause financial ruin, legal complications, and even damage to relationships. Sometimes it even leads to suicide. There are several types of problem gambling, ranging from mild to severe. And they can grow over time. Previously, the American Psychiatric Association defined them as pathological gamblers, but now the American Psychiatric Association has a new definition – Impulse Control Disorder.

Preventing a problem

Identifying and preventing problems related to gambling is critical to the health and safety of the workplace. Problem gamblers often exhibit psychiatric and psychosomatic symptoms, making them ineffective at their jobs and absent from work for extended periods of time. In extreme cases, they may steal goods from the workplace, embezzle funds, or even commit other acts of criminality. To reduce the risk of gambling harm and help prevent workplace crime, employers and other concerned parties take the following steps:

To prevent gambling problems, public health organizations and community coalitions have partnered with the Partnership Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse, a local alcohol and drug abuse coalition. Together, these organizations completed two Community Readiness Assessments in Lincoln County. The Oregon Health Authority supported the process, provided training, and created a report and action plan to address problem gambling in the community. In 2023, the partnership will complete a similar Community Readiness Assessment, which will help LCPH and its partners plan to best meet the needs of the community.

Treatment options

Therapy can be an effective method to treat an addictive behavior, such as gambling. However, many people with gambling problems are reluctant to pursue therapy. A professional can help you overcome your problem by providing tools and support to break the habit. There are many benefits to seeking treatment for gambling addiction. In addition to providing tools and support, professional treatment can help you recover from the negative consequences of your addiction. This includes the loss of your relationship and career, as well as your education and finances.

Medication is a valuable part of a comprehensive gambling addiction recovery protocol. While medications can be helpful for certain types of gambling disorders, they should be used only under the supervision of a professional. Self-medication can lead to a new addiction and is not recommended. Nevertheless, medication can help you control your cravings and improve your overall recovery. A physician can prescribe the best medications for you. These medications can also help you control your gambling behavior.


Penalties for gambling can range from misdemeanor to felony depending on the state you’re in. Most states recognize gambling as a misdemeanor, but Washington State and Washington, DC consider gambling as a felony. For example, Colorado considers gambling an offense similar to a traffic ticket. In other words, the penalties for gambling offenses vary depending on the value of the property stolen. In Washington, DC, you may face a felony penalty for gambling online.

Gambling offenses can also carry other related charges. Money laundering, embezzlement, and prostitution can all result from a gambling conviction. Penalties for gambling are among the least serious of all crimes, but they can pile up quickly. In fact, the more serious crimes you commit, the more you’ll likely face multiple charges. Therefore, it’s important to understand the potential consequences of gambling offenses. It’s important to understand that gambling crimes are considered crimes against property, and you can face additional charges for these.

Treatment For Gambling Addiction

Problem gambling can have negative effects on your life. Here are signs and symptoms of this addiction, as well as treatment options. You can’t live a life free from gambling. In fact, the negative effects of gambling can affect your life in many ways. Besides the emotional, social, and financial consequences, there are also professional ramifications. For these reasons, it is essential to recognize and address any symptoms of gambling addiction. Identifying problem gambling is essential for a healthy lifestyle.

Problem gambling

There are many different types of treatment for problem gambling, from therapy to self-help and peer support groups. The most common types of treatment include counseling and step-based programs. While many of these types of treatment are effective, there are no proven drugs for pathological gambling. Individuals can benefit from a combination of these treatments. Listed below are some examples of the treatments available. All of them have certain benefits and drawbacks. To learn more, contact a problem gambling expert today.

Symptoms of problem gambling may include feelings of anxiety or stress, betting more than you can afford to lose, or increasing the amount of money that you wager to feel the same “high” as before. Many people do not recognize the signs of gambling addiction because it is a hidden disease. Despite the fact that a person may not smell sports betting on their breath, they rarely experience a gambling overdose. Consequently, problem gamblers often feel as if they are living a secret life.


Although gambling is considered a fun activity, it can be a dangerous addiction if not treated. Signs of gambling addiction often mimic other addictions, such as lying, staying out late, and stealing money. You might notice that your gambling partner is more easily manipulated and accused of being unfaithful. Your relationship may also suffer as a result. Here are some of the signs of gambling addiction. If you suspect that your partner is struggling with an addiction, contact Ara for free help.

Some people who are suffering from gambling addiction live a double life. They live a seemingly normal life, yet they are secretly tearing themselves apart from reality. You’ll probably discover that your loved one has become unable to keep their gambling secret or isn’t telling you about it. A gambling addiction will eat away at your family and your relationship and you’ll be the last person to know. However, your family and friends need to keep an eye out for the signs of gambling addiction.


If you or someone you know is experiencing the following gambling symptoms, it may be time to seek treatment. Many people with gambling problems withdraw from their family and friends, out of guilt or to hide their problem. They may lie to hide how much they gamble, or depend on others to help them pay the bills. The symptoms of gambling disorder may first appear in adolescence, but can also occur later in life. The symptoms of gambling addiction may be the same as those of other mental health disorders, such as alcoholism or drug addiction.

While gambling is an enjoyable activity for many people, some individuals cannot control their impulses and risk ruining their lives. The resulting damage from an addiction can be severe, and gambling addiction should be treated. Because gambling can cause so many consequences, it is a mental health condition classified as an addiction. While gambling is different from other impulse-control disorders, many people who develop gambling problems are at risk for other problems, including depression. The symptoms of gambling addiction include:


Gambling is a billion dollar industry and most people enjoy the occasional game, such as participating in an office betting pool or purchasing a lottery ticket every week. But for those who suffer from compulsive gambling, it becomes a problem that can cost them their jobs, their relationships, and even their self-esteem. Treatment for gambling addiction should begin with recognizing that there is a problem. If the addiction has developed into a chronic disorder, medication may be prescribed to control urges and reduce the gambling behavior.

Inpatient rehab programs may be necessary for those with severe gambling addictions. They provide continuous supervision and intensive daily sessions with coaching on how to manage life differently. While a few weeks in an inpatient program may not completely cure an addiction, they can put the gambler on the road to recovery. While a stay at an inpatient rehab facility is not enough to permanently cure an addiction, it can help to break the compulsion and establish a new way of living.

How to Recover From Gambling Addiction

If you are prone to excessive gambling, you may be suffering from an impulse-control disorder called gambling addiction. This disease not only leads to financial ruin, but also affects a person’s mental health and society as a whole. To help yourself recover from gambling addiction, consider the following tips:

Addiction to gambling is an impulse-control disorder

The DSM does not currently recognize impulse-control disorders as addictions. Some skeptics argue that such disorders are not pathological, but they are real and distressing. Incorporating these disorders into the DSM will increase public awareness of these conditions, as well as encourage more individuals to seek treatment. But without clear diagnostic criteria, patients may feel less legitimate. Therefore, a complete understanding of impulse-control disorders is crucial to recognizing and treating them.

There are many symptoms associated with gambling addiction. In fact, the symptom of gambling addiction may not be visible until it has deteriorated into a more serious condition. People with this disorder may spend most of their time thinking about gambling. This can be a dangerous habit that results in decreased work performance and other areas of life. Further, the individual may even attempt suicide due to the stress and depression associated with their problem gambling.

It can lead to financial ruin

Problem gambling can result in financial ruin, legal issues, and even the loss of a career or family. Not only does this type of gambling lead to problems, but it can also cause psychological damage, including depression and anxiety. Gambling can affect the entire family, including parents, siblings, and even children. The good news is that gambling addiction is treatable and treatment is available. However, critics and family members can sometimes feel frustrated and annoyed when you tell them about your problems.

First of all, recognizing your gambling problem is the first step toward financial recovery. If you can’t seem to stop yourself from gambling, try calling a nonprofit credit counseling agency. They can help you develop a plan to pay back creditors. These agencies can also help you reduce interest rates and other charges. Nevertheless, gambling debt can take a long time to pay off. As with all types of debt, gambling debt is a problem that requires a solution.

It can affect mental health

Gambling addiction can be devastating for a person’s life, especially if the problem is untreated. Problem gamblers may experience many physical and emotional consequences, including financial ruin and relationship breakdowns. They may also attempt suicide, feel depressed, and suffer digestive disorders. However, there is help available. A Maryland Center for Excellence on Problem Gambling program director, Mary Drexler, explains how the disease can impact a person’s life and how to deal with it.

Problem gamblers exhibit various impulsive and dysfunctional personality traits and exhibit cognitive distortions. Gambling and mental illness share a strong relationship. It has been linked to schizophrenia, unipolar depression, bipolar disorder, and cluster B personality disorder. People suffering from compulsive gambling tend to exhibit negative symptoms and suffer low self-esteem. This disorder may lead to further medical treatment if not treated. It is important to remember that gambling is not a mental disorder itself, but it can lead to mental illness.

It can affect society

People who are addicted to gambling have severe consequences. Not only do they lose money, they also steal from their family and society. These people may even end up in jails and rehabs. In some cases, these gamblers are forced to remortgage their home or car in order to continue their behavior. They might even lose the money they remortgaged. If not caught early, these people can empty banks and become bankrupt. Even if they don’t commit suicide, they need close supervision.

Studies on gambling have mostly ignored its social impact. They have focused on determining the economic costs and benefits. However, these costs often go unrecognized, so it is necessary to define them. The cost to society is generally nonmonetary and can be measured at three levels: personal, interpersonal, and community. At the individual level, the cost is mostly nonmonetary, but it can have a lasting effect on a person’s life and their family. In addition, the costs can be measurable at the community and society levels.

How Does Gambling Affect Your Health?

Problem gambling is a risky activity and can even lead to suicidal thoughts. While bill collectors are terrifying and uncomfortable, gambling is an escape from boredom, trouble, and worry. You might find yourself unable to sleep because of the thoughts of gambling. Arguments, frustrations, and disappointments can also be the culprits behind gambling. If your loved ones are not aware of your gambling habit, they may hide food money. This can make gambling more difficult to control.

Problem gambling is an impulse-control disorder

In addition to causing emotional and financial damage, problem gambling can also result in legal, social, and family repercussions. Symptoms of problem gambling can vary in severity and can worsen over time. Prior to the recognition of Impulse Control Disorder, problem gambling was often known as pathological gambling or compulsive gambling. Today, it is recognized as a separate disorder by the American Psychiatric Association.

While pathological gambling was once considered an impulse-control disorder, it was recently reclassified as a process addiction. People with compulsive gambling have a difficult time resisting the urge to gamble, and the thought becomes overwhelming and intrusive. Eventually, the only way to relieve their feelings is to engage in gambling. Ultimately, compulsive gambling is a serious issue that requires professional help.

It is a risky activity

Gambling is an activity where people bet money on future events that can be unpredictably influenced by luck. While some gambling activities are simply entertainment, most involve a high risk. In addition to the high risk factor, gambling can become a dangerous habit if you lose a significant amount of money. However, there are many benefits to gambling, including the chance to win large amounts of money. Read on to learn more about the benefits of gambling.

Although many countries consider gambling illegal, the risks associated with gambling are real. While the stakes are usually low, the risk involved is high. If you cannot afford to lose all the money you spend on gambling, you should not engage in this activity. While gambling is legal in some countries, it is still not a good idea if you can’t afford to lose. It is also best to avoid gambling activities for children if you don’t know their age.

It can affect your health

If you are wondering whether gambling affects your health, you’re not alone. Gambling addiction has been linked to a number of health issues, including financial instability, social isolation, and relationships. While there is no cure for compulsive gambling, treatment is available. Cognitive behavioural therapy is used to help those with gambling addiction identify what causes their compulsive behaviour, and to develop strategies for change. Gambling addiction is a serious issue that can impact the quality of your life.

Gambling can have a number of negative impacts on a person’s health, including thoughts of suicide. If you or a loved one experiences thoughts of suicide, seek immediate help by calling 999 or visiting A&E. Gambling problems can also lead to a financial crisis, so seeking help is vital. You can find free debt counseling through StepChange. You may also be able to talk to a primary care physician about your gambling addiction if you are concerned.

It can lead to thoughts of suicide

Studies have found that problem gamblers are at a higher risk for suicidal thoughts than non-gamblers. In a recent study by GambleAware, a leading UK gambling charity, problem gamblers are six times more likely than non-gamblers to have suicidal thoughts. These findings remained after accounting for other factors, such as depression and substance abuse. Regardless of the underlying cause, gambling can contribute to suicidal thoughts.

The study participants completed self-report questionnaires that examined their GD, their personality traits, and their gambling preferences. Suicidal ideation and suicide attempts were reported in nearly one-third of the participants. Suicidal ideation was more likely among women than in men, and those who gambled primarily on non-strategic games were more likely to have thoughts of suicide. Further, those with higher self-transcendence and higher GD severity were also more likely to have suicidal thoughts.

Are You Having a Problem With Gambling?

Gambling is a common activity that involves wagering a value on an unknown event. It can be fun and exhilarating, but it requires a high degree of risk and consideration. Whether or not gambling is an option for you depends on your situation and how you feel about risk and prize. Here are some tips to help you identify if you’re having a problem. Listed below are some signs that gambling might be a problem.

Problem gambling

Many treatments for problem gambling are available, including counseling, step-based programs, self-help, and peer-support groups. Although there is no single treatment for problem gambling that is effective for everyone, some studies have shown a connection between problem gambling and antisocial impulsivity. The symptoms of problem gambling can also affect a person’s finances and relationships. In addition to these treatments, there are many other options, including medication. Here is more information on these treatments.

Symptoms of problem gambling include feelings of anxiety and depression, betting more than one can afford to lose, and increasing the amount of money that a person is willing to risk to achieve the same “high” that they’ve been experiencing before. In England, the number of people admitted to hospitals for gambling-related problems has doubled in the past six years. Some of these people are considered dangerous and may even be able to commit crimes, while others are afflicted with mental illness. More problem gambling clinics are planned in the coming years to address this growing problem.

Signs of a problem

While many people can enjoy the occasional game of poker or place a bet on a horse, signs of a gambling problem can manifest in other ways. Gambling problems may manifest in a variety of ways, including reduced social and financial well-being. Affected individuals may experience a lack of confidence, depression, and suicidal thoughts. Gamblers may even develop self-harming behaviors, including cutting themselves or eating greasy food. A gambler may also develop dark circles under the eyes and pale skin.

The signs of a gambling problem are similar to those of a drug or alcohol addiction. In addition to a lack of time for friends and family, a gambler may engage in deception or lie about their location. These behaviors are accompanied by lies and accusations. If you suspect a gambling problem, you should seek professional help. The first step is recognizing the signs of gambling addiction. There may be no other way to tell if someone is slipping into an addiction than to talk to them.

Treatment options

While some people may resist therapy, there are effective treatment options for those suffering from a gambling addiction. Individuals who are dealing with this addiction need continuous support and therapy to overcome triggers and regain control of their life. Psychotherapy helps identify underlying causes of the problem and can help reverse negative beliefs about gambling. Other treatment options include family therapy, medication, and online sessions with a therapist. There is no one method that works for everyone, but in most cases, therapy can be highly beneficial.

Individual therapy can help an addict to identify their own patterns of gambling addiction. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a common type of therapy used to challenge problematic gambling thoughts and behaviors. Support groups such as AA and NA are also an option for people suffering from gambling addictions. Support groups will help the recovering addict connect with other people who have experienced the same symptoms and can offer guidance. Ultimately, therapy and support groups can be life-changing for a gambling addict.


Clients’ suggestions for improving the quality of services in the gambling industry were often based on the need for additional follow-up. Most clients suggested additional follow-up, such as monthly reviews or phone calls. In addition, two clients recommended improving the health consequences of gambling and adding pop-up booths at venues. Other suggestions included improved communication with clients and regional access to services. Ultimately, recommendations for improving the quality of services in the gambling industry will be useful for a variety of stakeholders.

Industry-funded research can be helpful in many ways, including enabling researchers to conduct more rigorous and meaningful studies of public health issues. For example, it can free up government money to focus on high-quality studies. It can also help researchers identify critical gaps in the scientific literature and preserve their independence. This type of research also facilitates collaboration, and is often viewed favorably by regulators. The lack of industry-funded research in the gambling industry may limit the impact of the findings.

Gambling Addiction

Gambling addiction is a mental disorder that causes a person to repeat a behavior over in order to achieve the high associated with gambling. This type of addiction is often fueled by the belief that if you continue gambling you will win back all the money you lost. This leads to a cycle of increasing craving and decreasing resistance, resulting in a vicious cycle. The physical and psychological effects of increased gambling frequency of behavior are real and can affect a person’s life.

Problem gambling

Gambling is defined as an activity that involves risking something of value on an uncertain outcome, usually a bet or a gamble. Problem gambling, on the other hand, occurs when a person is unable to control the impulse to gamble. It can cause financial ruin, legal issues, and disruption of major areas of life. It can even lead to suicide, if the gambler cannot control the impulse. The dangers of problem gambling are enormous, as the symptoms can include psychological distress, financial ruin, and even loss of family and career.

Treatment for problem gambling generally involves counseling, step-based programs, self-help, and peer-support methods. However, no single treatment is considered the best option for every person. As of 2013, there is no FDA-approved medication to treat pathological gambling. A person may need several methods before they find the most effective method for him or her. In the meantime, it is recommended that they seek out treatment from a counselor or a therapist to help them overcome their problem.

Signs of a problem

There are many signs that a person may be suffering from a gambling addiction. They may be able to enjoy some fun games, but soon this hobby becomes a problem and the individual feels guilty afterward. There is nothing wrong with occasional amusement, but when the habit turns into a daily routine, professional help is needed. If you think a loved one is struggling with a gambling problem, talk to them about your concerns.

Gambling addiction can affect almost every aspect of a person’s life. It can cause financial and physical problems, as well as social and psychological consequences. Problem gambling is classified as an impulse control disorder, and is a serious illness that can affect a person’s health and well-being. A person who engages in compulsive gambling may suffer from migraines, depressed moods, and even suicide attempts.

Treatment options

A variety of treatment options for people suffering from a gambling addiction are available. Residential treatment provides time and professional support to help people deal with the causes and consequences of their addiction. During treatment, patients learn healthy coping mechanisms and the effects of gambling on their lives. Many residential rehabs are modeled after a holistic approach to therapy. In many cases, a gambling addiction is a symptom of a more serious underlying mental health problem.

While a number of therapies have been developed to treat the problem, there is no one single treatment that is effective in reducing gambling problems. Self-help interventions can also be beneficial because they can help people reduce the barriers to seeking professional treatment. The most widely accessible treatments are meetings of Gamblers Anonymous and self-directed computer interventions. But even these are not always effective. The right approach depends on the specific circumstances and the person’s goals.

Health consequences

Problem gambling has many health consequences, not only for the individuals involved, but also for their families, employers, and society as a whole. As a result, recent laws in Sweden have made it necessary for local health authorities to increase their investments in problem gambling treatment. Despite the widespread problem of gambling, the economic cost of gambling remains uncertain, and there are still very few studies that have looked at the costs of problem gambling. This article will examine the financial and social costs of gambling, as well as the benefits and risks associated with the activity.

Problem gambling is often accompanied by other mental health problems, including harmful alcohol use and even violent behaviour. In extreme cases, it can even lead to suicide. Swedish data showed that gambling disorder patients had a 15-fold higher suicide rate than those without gambling problems. Problem gambling has also significant ramifications for workplaces, including diminished productivity and embezzlement. It can also affect the relationships with significant others. It is possible for gambling problems to lead to financial difficulties and even violence towards intimate partners.

Online Gambling Tests – Are You a Problem Gambler?

While there are many online gambling tests available, none can provide a definitive diagnosis. A thorough clinical evaluation by a trained professional is the best way to determine whether someone is suffering from a gambling addiction. Such an evaluation will address the individual’s unique needs and goals to recover from gambling. Treatment may also address other areas of a person’s life, such as family and financial problems, legal issues, and even professional situations. If you suspect that you are suffering from a gambling addiction, it is important to get professional help immediately. Your health provider can recommend appropriate treatment providers.

Problem gamblers are impulsive

The present study identifies three subtypes of problem gamblers. In this study, we focus on problem gamblers with self-control deficits and emotion-laden impulsivity. These subgroups may benefit from techniques to optimize voluntary control over gambling behavior. Our findings support the idea that gambling problems are a complex, multifaceted condition. This study also shows the utility of an assessment battery that integrates psychological factors.

They blame others for their actions

Problem gamblers often don’t recognize they have a problem until it’s too late. They might go through cycles of awareness and resistance to changing their behavior. If you notice this behavior in a person you know, ask yourself if it’s interfering with their life goals. Do they blame others for their actions? Are they blamed for losing money? If so, it’s time to intervene.

They have other behavior and mood disorders

The effects of excessive gambling are akin to those of other emotional and behavioral problems. Gambling binges can negatively affect any aspect of a person’s life. To overcome the urge to gamble, therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy can be effective. The focus is on changing the way an individual thinks about gambling. However, therapy is not the only solution for these issues. It may be necessary to consider other treatments to reduce the emotional toll that excessive gambling has on a person.

They can seek help

If your loved one has a problem with gambling, there are many ways to help. The first step is to be supportive, but it is also important to maintain healthy boundaries and avoid financial support. You can also help by talking with your loved one and connecting them with appropriate resources. Self-exclusion from casinos is another effective way to support a loved one who is experiencing gambling problems. Self-exclusion ensures that the casino does not pay winnings during a time period when the gambler has been self-excluded from the facility.

They have a negative impact on their well-being

Intimate partner relationships are also affected by gambling, particularly when it leads to financial problems. Partners often take out loans for someone else’s gambling debts. These relationships are not only strained, but they also experience self-blame and isolation. Some spouses even try to hide their partner’s gambling activities. Ultimately, the effect of gambling on these relationships is severe and can lead to divorce.

How to Spot the Signs of a Gambling Problem

There are a number of signs that you may be developing a gambling problem. Learn how to spot the symptoms, and the treatment options that are available to you. There are many different methods to help you stop gambling for good. However, if you’re already suffering from a gambling problem, there are a number of ways you can treat it. Here are some of the best. Listed below are some of the most common treatments:

Problem gambling

If you’re wondering if your hobby has become a problem, you’re not alone. Problem gambling is an insidious addiction that is hard to recognize unless it has developed into a serious problem. While it may be fun and entertaining when done in good fun, problem gambling can become a serious addiction if it’s not managed properly. Problem gambling is often called a hidden addiction because it rarely shows any outward symptoms, including physical discomfort.

Treatment for problem gambling includes counseling, step-based programs, self-help methods, and peer support. Neither approach is effective for everyone, and no one treatment is more effective than another. In addition, no medication has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for pathological gambling. So, how do you identify if a problem is causing you to feel uncontrollable or irrational?

Signs of a problem

The signs of a problem with gambling can be difficult to detect, but are very similar to those of other addictive disorders. Gamblers who are unable to stop losing money may lie or misrepresent where they are, spend a lot of time out of doors, or steal money. Often, they lie to cover up their activities and lose relationships with friends and family. They may also borrow money to continue their gambling habit and don’t have the ability to stop themselves from gambling.

If you suspect your loved one is struggling with gambling, you should consider seeking professional help. While it may seem easier to deny that they have a problem, it’s important to realize that the problem is often rooted in denial and can be difficult to overcome. Seeking help from a professional is the best way to ensure the individual’s safety and well-being. In the event that no one else is willing to step forward, you may need to discuss the problem with your loved one.

Treatment options

Unlike other addictions, gambling addiction is a serious condition that can affect an individual’s life and relationships. Eventually, a person suffering from an addiction to gambling may lose their house, business, or even custody of their children. Further, the downward spiral of gambling can lead to other addictions and psychological illnesses. For these reasons, there are treatment options available to help a person recover from a gambling addiction. Here are a few options for gambling addiction recovery.

Residential rehab – For people who cannot stop gambling, residential rehab is a good option. Residents receive specialized treatment in a structured environment, and they learn how to cope with the problem. The program also addresses the impact of gambling on the individual, the underlying triggers that make it an addictive behavior, and how to manage urges. Treatment programs will also teach coping mechanisms to prevent an individual from turning to gambling. This may be the only option for people with an addiction to gambling.


The prevalence of problem gambling (PG) is a growing concern in society. In recent years, research has shown that most people who develop gambling-related problems began to gamble in their teenage years. Adolescents have limited cognitive abilities and may be more susceptible to developing gambling-related problems than adults. These circumstances make prevention initiatives targeting this vulnerable group of youth even more crucial. While little scientific evidence supports this claim, prevention is recognized as an important tool in reducing harm.

One school-based intervention used a stacked deck method. Its effectiveness was evaluated in preventing problem gambling among adolescents. It was compared to a safer sex campaign. Researchers found that the intervention was effective in reducing gambling-related problem behaviors, and was more likely to reduce the risk of developing a problem. However, many challenges remain with the implementation of prevention programs. Despite the benefits of these interventions, many remain unreliable. This study also points out that prevention programs should not solely be based on surveys or other quantitative data.

The Negative Impacts of Gambling on Individuals, Tourism and Small Businesses

When it comes to the negative impacts of gambling, there are several factors to consider. In this article, we will discuss how gambling affects individuals, tourism and small businesses. While gambling is a common and entertaining pastime, it should not be the only factor to consider. Listed below are some of the most common negative impacts of gambling. These include: (1) boredom; (2) increased chances of depression and anxiety; (3) negative effects on children and youth; and (4) economic costs and benefits.

Impacts of gambling on individuals

The negative impacts of gambling on individuals are many and varied. Gamblers report many symptoms including depression, weight loss, low self-esteem, and personality disorders. They also report experiencing anxiety attacks, heart problems, and peptic ulcers. The economic burden associated with gambling has been linked to the socio-economic status of gamblers. Lower-income gamblers are more likely to commit criminal acts, including burglary, drug dealing, and prostitution.

Several research studies have shown that gambling has negative effects on many areas of people’s lives, including health, financial status, work performance, and criminal activity. In addition, it affects family relationships, causing problems in marriage, divorce, and loss of housing, among other negative effects. High levels of gambling in New Zealand have a variety of other negative effects. To determine the extent to which it affects the lives of individuals and their families, policymakers should collect data on the costs and benefits associated with gambling.

Impacts of gambling on small businesses

The economic benefits of gambling may be offset by the negative economic impacts on other industries. Such dislocation is often known as cannibalization, and occurs when one product or service displaces another’s sales and profits. Gambling, in particular, may displace revenue from other businesses. However, few studies have taken into account this shift. The authors of this book present a systematic review of available evidence. This review demonstrates that the benefits of gambling are offset by the negative impacts on other industries, including those relying on traditional forms of business.

While these financial harms are most acute in low socioeconomic groups and deprived areas, they are also common among indigenous people and problem gamblers. Gambling is associated with increased levels of social inequality, with higher-income households spending more on gambling and poorer households losing more income. The economic costs of gambling also disproportionately affect poorer households, with 12.6% of the total costs of this activity borne by the poorest sectors of society.

Impacts of gambling on tourism

It is clear that the casino industry affects the tourism industry in many different ways. In some countries, gambling is entirely banned, while in others it is allowed. While gambling can have a negative impact on an economy, most nations find a balance. They diversify the tourism attractions that are located near casinos to attract more tourists and international gamblers. This can also help spread the wealth more sustainably. Although there are still some concerns about the effect of gambling, it is still an essential component of any tourism strategy.

Among the benefits of gambling include lowering stress and anxiety. Gambling is often a relaxing activity, reducing anxiety and stress and raising spirits. As a result, casinos and gambling facilities are increasingly popular among tourists. Listed below are some of the ways gambling impacts tourism. Here are some of the positive effects of gambling on tourism:

How to Overcome a Gambling Addiction

Problem gambling is a serious condition where a person is unable to control his or her urge to participate in or influence gambling activities. The effects of this problem can be devastating for a person’s life. A gambling counsellor can provide support for anyone suffering from gambling addiction. These services are confidential and free and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Here are some resources to help you overcome your problem. Listed below are some tips for overcoming your gambling problems.

Problem gambling

The prevalence of problem gambling in young people in Europe has varied considerably. Recent studies in the United States and Canada found that over 68% of adolescents had engaged in problem gambling within the past year. Prevalence rates were also higher in some countries, such as Estonia, where the prevalence was 75%. The UK had the lowest prevalence of problem gambling, at only 6%. And, according to the World Health Organization, about one in five adolescents will develop gambling problems over the course of their lives.

Signs and symptoms

If you suspect that your loved one is suffering from a gambling addiction, there are some signs and symptoms you should be aware of. These symptoms can be a good start for you to investigate further. It may also be helpful to seek help from a professional. Gambling addiction often goes undiagnosed because the sufferer suffers in silence. This solitary suffering may perpetuate the addiction and encourage the person to take risks that they would otherwise avoid.

Treatment options

There are many treatment options for gambling addiction. This condition is also known as pathological gambling. According to the American Psychiatric Association, pathological gambling is defined as the compulsive desire to gamble, regardless of the consequences. Individuals with a serious gambling problem should seek treatment in an inpatient rehab program. During this stay, they receive round-the-clock care and support from peers, who can help them overcome their gambling addiction.

Legality in Montana

The state of Montana has liberal gambling laws, allowing online casinos and gaming. The state has also passed laws authorizing gift enterprises and allowing gambling at casinos in the state. Alternatively, people can vote to authorize gambling through referendum. Depending on the specific circumstances, online gambling is legal in Montana. However, the legality of gambling in Montana depends on several factors. Firstly, the state’s economy is weak, and secondly, online gambling is not very popular in the state.

Impact on society

The book begins with an introductory chapter that examines the evolution of attitudes about gambling. It jumps back and forth in time, failing to capture the dramatic ebb and flow of gambling over the last two centuries. It then looks at the benefits and costs of gambling, as well as its social and economic benefits. Chapters then explore issues surrounding legal and regulatory issues, crime, the impact of gambling on youth, and ethics. Chapter 7 is devoted to the future of gambling.

Understanding the Odds of Gambling

There are many types of gambling. You may be familiar with bingo, slot machines, or card games, but have you ever wondered how the odds work? Understanding these odds can help you make better decisions when you’re gambling. You can also use cognitive behavioural therapy to help you change your thinking about gambling. Ultimately, this therapy can help you overcome your addiction to gambling. In addition to addressing the root cause of your problem, it can help you develop healthier habits.

Responsible gambling means understanding the odds

When playing at a casino, it is essential that you understand the odds and how to control your spending. Fortunately, there are many resources available to help you. These resources are located in the casino’s cashier window and on their website. Responsible gambling should be an activity you enjoy but also one that limits the damage it can cause to other people and their finances. Understanding the odds and the risks involved in gambling will allow you to choose the right game to play without risking more than you can afford to lose.

A responsible gambling program involves setting limits and only gambling with discretionary funds. For example, a $50 birthday gift is considered discretionary gaming funds, but a car payment doesn’t. Once you’ve set your limits, you can track your expenditures and self-limit. Most responsible gamblers stick to these limits and enjoy their games, but some individuals may find gambling difficult and have a hard time kicking the habit.

Problem gambling is a form of addiction

Despite the fact that problem gambling is a relatively recent addition to the field of addiction research, it can have far-reaching implications for a person’s life. It can severely impact one’s relationships, health, and finances. It is one of the most common behavioral addictions and is estimated to affect between two and three percent of the general population. According to a study conducted by the UK Gambling Commission, problem gambling is linked to poor diet and physical inactivity. In addition, problem gambling can also impact the person’s mental and emotional state, as well as the quality of their relationships.

Whether you’re an avid poker player, or a casual gambler, problem gambling can affect anyone. It’s not uncommon for the habit to become an obsession, and it can have a negative impact on relationships and your job. Furthermore, if you’re a frequent bettor, it can lead to disastrous financial consequences, including bankruptcies and even stealing money. If you’re worried about the effects of gambling on your life, you can call the help line at 1-800-522-HOPE.

Medications to treat gambling addiction

While the FDA has not approved any particular pharmacotherapy to treat gambling addiction, researchers have been testing many different drugs and have had mixed results. Escitalopram, lithium, nalmefene, valproate, and naltrexone have all shown promising results in randomized clinical trials. But the benefits and risks associated with these medications have not yet been determined, and further research is necessary to determine their effectiveness in treating the disorder.

If the patient is suffering from severe gambling addiction, he or she may benefit from inpatient treatment. Inpatient treatment provides constant supervision and intensive daily sessions to help the patient learn to manage their life in a new way. While a few weeks of inpatient treatment may not be enough to fully cure a person, this time can help set them on the path to recovery. Even though treatment for gambling addiction may not be permanent, it can break the compulsion and help them establish a new way of life.

Legal forms of gambling in the U.S.

The law regulating legal forms of gambling in the United States is complex and varies by state. The criminal code, title on amusement and sports, or special sections governing horse racing are all likely places to find gambling laws. Some states even address gambling in their constitutions. New York, for instance, prohibits gambling in its constitution but has allowed state lotteries since 1966. However, the laws governing legal forms of gambling are often vague and difficult to interpret.

Online gambling has become popular in the United States. Various forms of online gambling have been legalized by state legislators, including online poker, casinos, and sports betting. While online gambling is legal in Nevada, most other states have strict laws prohibiting it. Other forms of gambling are banned in some states, including scratch-off stickers, bingo, and dogfights. The Supreme Court’s decision on sports betting legalization has led some states to legalize online gambling.

How Does Gambling Affect People?

Gambling is an activity in which an individual bets value on an uncertain event. The purpose of gambling is to win money, and it involves risk and prize consideration. Despite its name, it can be dangerous, as there are many factors to consider. It is considered a form of insurance, and some countries have made it illegal. But how does gambling affect the people who engage in it? This article will discuss the various factors and methods of identifying and treating problem gambling.

Problem gambling affects everyone

Problem gambling is not just for wealthy people – it affects millions of people across the United States. The urge to gamble affects every part of a person’s life. They may have to spend more money in order to get the same feelings that they got from gambling, or they may be preoccupied with thoughts of gambling. If you think someone you know may be suffering from a gambling problem, consider calling a helpline that offers confidential counseling to those who need it.

It is a manipulative and destructive method for exploiting people’s weaknesses

Internet gambling websites have faced persistent Ddos attacks which force players off-line and disrupt wagering activities. Hackers use computer viruses to install back door programs in people’s PCs. These programs, known as zombies, are then activated by the hacker’s command, and can number in the thousands. This makes it impossible to protect legitimate consumers from the effects of these back doors.

It is a form of insurance

There are many forms of gambling. Commercial forms include lotteries, instant lotteries, sports betting, horse betting, poker, card games, electronic gaming machines, and bingo. While these forms of gambling are considered to be “gambling,” they do not meet the definition of insurance. Whether a type of insurance is considered gambling depends on the insurable interest. Some forms of insurance, like term life insurance, can be considered gambling.

It is illegal in some places

While gambling is considered immoral in some places, it has also become a popular form of entertainment. This is partly because gambling is an unregulated activity, and the government finds it difficult to tax this type of income in comparison to other types of income. Also, some individuals get addicted to gambling and spend large amounts of money trying to win back lost money. Eventually, they may fall into debts, or worse, to loan sharks. Gamblers also feel like failures of judgement, and in the end, they may even starve themselves.

It is similar to substance abuse

The APA has cited numerous studies that suggest that gambling is similar to substance abuse. These studies demonstrate the parallels between the two addictions, including how they both involve the use of reward systems in the brain. The reward system links regions of the brain that are dispersed throughout the body. This is why gambling and substance abuse are both similar and may be a result of the same biological mechanism. However, there are some key differences between the two addictions.

Signs and Symptoms of Problem Gambling

People with problem gambling tend to gamble secretly and lie about it to avoid disclosing their activities. They may feel that others won’t understand their behavior if they tell them they have a gambling problem. They may feel compelled to gamble until they lose all of their money, even if it means upping their bets. However, this behavior may be a warning sign of a problem with gambling. This article will cover the signs and symptoms of problem gambling, as well as treatment options for problem gamblers.

Understanding problem gambling

Understanding problem gambling is essential for treating this addiction. Most problem gamblers do not seek treatment, a fact that should be troubling to those who are trying to help themselves. The most common reasons for not seeking help include denial of the problem, ambivalence, and a lack of resources. Cost and transportation barriers are the biggest obstacles to seeking help. Unfortunately, these barriers do not always stop problem gamblers from seeking help.

Problem gambling is a progressive behavior disorder characterized by an insatiable urge to gamble despite the consequences. A person with compulsive gambling often loses control over themselves, and gambling has the same emotional and psychological effects as alcohol or drugs. Problem gamblers often feel that gambling will solve their problems, but it is actually the opposite. Once a person develops a gambling problem, their life may become completely disrupted.

Signs of compulsive gambling

If you have a family member who is constantly worried about your loved one’s compulsive gambling, there are signs you should look for. One of the most obvious is mental preoccupation with gambling. The person becomes so obsessed with gambling that he or she can’t stop talking about it. It may be a part of their daily routine, but it can also cause them to become more stressed and depressed. They may even spend a lot of time planning the next casino trip and figuring out ways to win money.

The person might also become restless and irritable, even when they’re not gambling. They might gamble to escape their problems, to relieve stress, or to recoup the money they’ve lost. Other symptoms of compulsive gambling include lying to family members, missing work, or school, and even stealing from others to fund their habit. If you are worried about your loved one’s gambling, you can get help from professionals who specialize in this field.

Treatment options

Gambling disorders are common, and treatment is an essential part of recovery. While many people enjoy gambling without it interfering with their day-to-day functioning, others are unable to control their urges to gamble and it becomes an addiction. Sometimes, a person suffering from this condition also has a substance use disorder that goes hand in hand with their gambling problems. In this article, we’ll examine the signs and symptoms of gambling addiction, as well as the various treatment options available.

While gambling addiction can affect anyone, no one person has the same symptoms. A person suffering from a gambling addiction should seek help from a licensed substance abuse rehab facility. A good facility should have 24 hour medical staff and a program that is specifically designed for people with gambling and chemical dependency. If possible, a facility with on-site psychiatrists is the best choice. There are also some programs that combine individual therapy, 12-step programs, and other forms of treatment.

Costs of problem gambling

A study conducted in Australia summed up the societal costs of problem gambling. This study, which was replicated internationally, found that a person with gambling problems costs society an average of 0.3-1.0 percent of its GDP. The costs were also higher than the gambling industry’s tax revenue. These costs were higher than previously thought, but the numbers were still low. These costs were estimated in two ways. First, in a bottom-up approach, the total costs of problem gambling are multiplied by the number of affected gamblers. The second method uses average unit costs per person.

Problem gamblers also have an increased risk of suicide. According to Swedish data, these individuals have a 15-fold higher suicide risk than the general population. In addition to direct costs, these individuals also have increased risks of committing suicide, leading to a range of health problems, including depression, embezzlement, and decreased productivity. Intimate partners can also be affected by gambling problems. They may also experience violence or financial hardship.

Treatment For Gambling Addictions

Gambling is a type of game of chance or skill where people stake money on the outcome of a game in the hopes of winning a prize. People who gamble typically risk money in the hope of winning a prize, such as a lottery ticket that can cost hundreds of dollars. Gambling occurs in many different settings, such as gas stations, church halls, sporting events, and on the Internet. It can also lead to financial ruin for those who are affected by gambling.

Treatment options

Treatment options for gambling addictions can take on many forms. Individuals seeking outpatient care may benefit from day treatment sessions. This is often a series of half-day or full-day sessions that help people work through their gambling issues in a structured environment. Another option is outpatient care, which may include weekly one-on-one therapy sessions, online therapy sessions, or learning strategies to control their gambling behavior. Individuals with a gambling problem may also need to undergo assessment by a consultant psychiatrist, although this is a chargeable service.

Brief treatment is usually brief and involves a limited amount of motivational enhancement therapy. It may involve a ten-minute conversation or a few counseling sessions with a cognitive behavioral therapist. These interventions require less extensive clinical involvement than intensive treatment, and they may even reduce barriers to treatment. Some studies show that brief advice can have a clinically significant effect, with positive outcomes occurring at six weeks and lasting for up to nine months.

Common forms of problem gambling

Problem gambling affects about one to three percent of the general population, and it is more prevalent in men than in women. It typically begins during adolescence and continues into adulthood. Although most forms of gambling are legal, some people are prone to developing a problem with gambling. Problem gambling is often associated with negative behaviors and can cause financial and social problems. Here are some common signs of problem gambling and how to detect it.

Problem gambling can affect any person, regardless of age, income, or ethnicity. Among teenagers, women are more likely than men to gamble regularly, although this does not necessarily mean that they have a greater problem. In addition, adolescents from certain ethnic groups tend to engage in gambling more frequently, whether or not they are experiencing any problem. However, this may be a confounding factor in some cases. Some studies indicate that problem gambling may be associated with mental illness or substance abuse.

Impact of problem gambling on loved ones

There is a large body of evidence that demonstrates the negative effects of problem gambling on loved ones. Most of this research focuses on the intimate partners and children of problem gamblers. However, there is also extensive evidence that problem gambling affects the extended family. This discussion paper reviews the research on the impact of gambling on loved ones. The most common adverse effects on family members of problem gamblers include relationship and emotional problems, physical health, and financial difficulties.

The psychological effects of gambling on the family and friends of problem gamblers are also significant. The individuals around the gambler may become absorbed in the anxiety that is caused by the addictive behaviors of the problem gambler. They may even feel like the sole breadwinner or single parent of the family. The family members of the addicted person often struggle with feelings of betrayal and persistent anger. There have also been reports of increased divorce and domestic violence in the families of people with addiction problems.

Treatment options for problem gamblers

If you or a loved one is suffering from gambling addiction, treatment may be the answer. Treatment for problem gambling can help you regain control and heal financial and relationship wounds. Many problem gamblers find that cognitive-behavioral therapy is particularly beneficial, as it addresses the root causes of their behavior and helps them change their negative beliefs about gambling. In some cases, narcotic antagonists or antidepressants may be prescribed.

While gambling is a popular pastime, it may not be as healthy as you’d imagine. Gambling has the same emotional and physical effects as other forms of addictive behavior. It can disrupt any aspect of your life, from relationships to work. Gambling addiction can lead to serious health problems, including obesity and substance abuse. Treatment for problem gamblers should begin when you first notice a problem. Then, the therapy can be tailored to your specific needs.

How to Cope With the Ins and Outs of Problem Gambling

If you’re a victim of problem gambling, here are some tips on how to cope with the urge to gamble. These tips include the problems associated with problem gambling, treatment options, and the effects of problem gambling on society. To start your journey to recovery from gambling addiction, consider the following:

Problems associated with problem gambling

A major public health concern, problem gambling is a growing global issue. Yet, because this problem is socially invisible, it has received little attention as a public health issue. This article discusses a theoretical model of problem gambling that provides the foundation for the development of an integrated, multilevel health promotion strategy. Because the extent of gambling addiction is complex, prevention strategies must consider the underlying causes. To combat gambling addiction, the authors advocate a population-based approach to problem gambling prevention.

Researchers have discovered that parents can make a difference in their children’s lives. By continuing to keep in touch with their children and their peers, parents can help guide their youth toward healthy decisions and prevent problem gambling. Youth who have open lines of communication with their parents can also benefit from these positive influences. Ultimately, parents can make a difference by being available to support their children’s choices and helping them find the right balance between personal growth and financial stability.

Treatment options for problem gamblers

There are many different types of treatment for problem gambling. These programs can range from intense in-patient rehab programs to outpatient rehabilitation programs. Because there is no one treatment that works for everyone, it is important to find the right treatment for your specific needs. The following are just a few of the many treatment options available to problem gamblers. All of them will address different aspects of the addiction, including identifying triggers and reversing misperceptions.

Some treatments for problem gambling can address the underlying psychiatric disorder or emotion. While gambling is often a form of escape, the psychological effects of binge gambling can be just as serious. The effects of gambling can negatively impact all aspects of a person’s life. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) can help change the way the person thinks about their gambling behavior. By addressing the underlying problem, a gambling addiction can be treated in the right way.

Impact of problem gambling on society

The costs associated with problem gambling on a personal and societal level are often neglected in studies of the impact of this activity. Previously, researchers have only measured the costs to an individual, which is often nonmonetary, while not accounting for the social effects of problem gambling. However, in recent years, studies have begun to recognize the importance of assessing the social impact of gambling, and are beginning to identify the different costs associated with problem gambling.

The costs of problem gambling have many implications for society, particularly in terms of reducing social inequality. It has been shown that problem gambling is more prevalent in low-income areas and among indigenous groups. It has also been linked to increased social inequality, with higher-income households spending more money on gambling and lower-income households losing more income than they make. Moreover, it has been shown that ill-health and poverty have a direct and indirect correlation with gambling problem.

Symptoms of Gambling Addiction

If you have a love for gambling, you may be aware of the negative impact it can have on your health and well-being. However, there are some warning signs that you may be dealing with a gambling problem. Read on to learn more about the symptoms of problem gambling and how to find the right treatment for you. Listed below are the signs and symptoms of problem gambling and some effective treatments. You can use these tips to curb your urges to gamble.

Problem gambling

Problem gambling affects nearly 1% of the American population. The World Health Organization has classified extreme gambling as a mental disorder. People with gambling problems disrupt their lives and their relationships. Some estimates suggest that up to 340,000 people in the U.S. struggle with problem gambling. However, there is no single underlying cause for this condition. Various genetic, biological, and neurological factors are believed to contribute to the problem. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent this disorder and find help for those suffering from it.

Among the many available treatment options, problem gambling counselling is one of the most effective. These sessions involve counseling and self-help techniques. In addition, problem gamblers can get credit and debt counselling. An Ontario Problem Gambling Helpline is available 24 hours a day. One common question people have is: Do I have to quit gambling to attend problem gambling counselling? No, problem gambling counselling is not meant to force someone to stop gambling. Counsellors must be able to identify whether or not a person has a gambling problem and provide options.


A person who suffers from compulsive gambling is often in an extremely unhappy mood, and can lead to double lives. A gambler may spend most of his or her time in front of the computer and away from family and friends. Mood swings are another sign of gambling addiction, but can be easily confused with normal upset. If you notice that your loved one is in such a constant state of anxiety, it is worth taking a closer look.

If you notice any of these symptoms, you should seek help immediately. Firstly, it is important to identify the source of your gambling addiction. A person with an addiction will lie about where they are, or keep secrets. They may even break the law in order to fund their habit. This can get them arrested or put on probation. Another sign of gambling addiction is denial. Even if you feel you’re having problems with gambling, it’s always best to seek professional help if you want to avoid further damage.


Symptoms of gambling addiction may vary from person to person, depending on the extent of the addiction. People with this disorder are often preoccupied with the thrill of winning money, and will sometimes lie about their gambling habits or engage in illegal activities. Gambling disorder is more than simply playing slot machines or cards, and can also involve betting with friends or spending money on lottery tickets and fantasy football games. This destructive cycle can have serious consequences for a person’s physical, emotional, and financial health.

Some gambling symptoms may be accompanied by a debilitating disorder, such as depression. This condition can result in lethargy, changes in appetite, and general feelings of unhappiness. Treatment for both mental illnesses is essential in the recovery process. Gamblers with depression are often recommended dual diagnosis programs, which address both issues at the same time. Despite the debilitating effects of these treatments, they can sometimes be effective, even with minimal effort.


Various factors can increase the risk of developing gambling addiction. These factors include certain biological vulnerabilities, certain ways of thinking, and exposure to social stressors. Treatment for gambling addiction can target each of these elements. Individuals with certain risk factors for pathological gambling include those with mental health problems and alcohol or drug addiction. Low serotonin levels are also thought to contribute to the development of the disorder. Although gambling addiction can be cured, treatment for gambling disorders may still be needed to stop the urge to gamble.

Psychological treatment for gambling addiction involves therapy. Psychoanalysis and cognitive behavioral therapy are common therapies used to address the root cause of gambling problems. A therapist may also use psychoanalysis and group sessions to help the affected person alter his or her thoughts about gambling. If the symptoms of the gambling addiction are associated with a mental health disorder, mood stabilizers may be prescribed to reduce the negative symptoms of this condition. This form of therapy is a good option if the gambling problem is related to a mental health issue.

Treatment For Gambling Addiction

If you’ve been battling an addiction to gambling, you’re not alone. More than one-third of Americans experience some form of problem gambling at some point. The good news is that treatment for gambling addiction is available and within reach. Here are some of the signs and symptoms to look for in yourself or your loved one. If you think that you might have a gambling problem, contact a professional right away. Self-help groups can help you learn about the symptoms and signs of gambling disorder.

Problem gambling

Problem gambling is an activity where an individual risks something of value in an attempt to win money or other items. Problem gambling is a serious condition that can lead to a range of negative consequences, including family, legal, and financial difficulties. In addition to compromising health and well-being, this condition can even result in suicide. If you’re experiencing the symptoms of this disorder, it’s time to seek help. The resources listed below may help you get started.

First, talk to a counselor. Counselling is a process where the individual can work through the issues that cause their problem gambling. In addition to helping an individual find ways to control their gambling behavior, it may also help them heal relationships. It’s important for a person’s family and loved ones to understand that problem gambling affects not only the individual, but also their relationship with others. You can also discuss your problem gambling with your loved ones to make them more understanding of what’s happening. There are many support groups and self-help programs available.


If you’re wondering if you’re losing control over your gambling habits, you should take note of several signs. One of these is a doubling-up of your lifestyle. While you’ll likely appear to have a normal life, you’ll find yourself lying about where you’re spending a lot of time. You’ll find that you’re more manipulative and accusatory of others, and your spending habits are erratic.

One of the hallmark signs of gambling addiction is an inability to stop. You might be tempted to keep on winning even if the odds are against you. However, your gambling habit is causing problems in your life and you’ll need professional help if you want to stop. Once you’ve decided that you need professional help, there’s no reason not to get it treated. Signs of gambling addiction can range from anxiety to financial problems, and can include loss of a job or relationship.


Although a gambler may not be able to physically see or feel the physical effects of their gambling habits, they often experience emotional symptoms as well. These can range from anxiety to depression to insomnia and even suicidal thoughts. They can also cause physical symptoms, including muscle soreness, chest tightness, heart palpitations, and difficulty breathing. These symptoms can worsen as the gambler begins to withdraw from their addiction. If you have been experiencing any of these symptoms, seek professional help as soon as possible.

The symptoms of gambling disorder may start in adolescence, when people have little or no financial resources, or when they are distressed. A person may lie about the extent of their gambling to conceal their true intentions, or depend on others to pay their bills. In severe cases, a person may become completely reliant on money, including loans, mortgages, and credit cards. Fortunately, many people can cure their gambling addiction over time.


While treatment for gambling addiction is largely focused on psychological aspects, it can also include physical health concerns. Taking mood stabilizers like a mood enhancer may help people manage the physical symptoms of problem gambling. In addition to therapy, self-help groups and group therapy may be beneficial for recovering addicts. This article will provide an overview of gambling addiction treatments. Weigh your options and talk to a professional to determine which program is right for you.

Getting help for your gambling addiction begins with acknowledging that you have a problem. While admitting your problem may be difficult, it is the first step toward recovery. It is essential to accept that your gambling habit has caused a variety of emotional and financial consequences. If you’ve drained your savings, for example, you have to face up to the consequences. You’ll also need to accept the frustration and anger of friends and family. If you’ve tried other methods to resolve your gambling problem, it’s time to seek professional help for gambling addiction.

Effects of Gambling on Children

While gambling is considered a legitimate and social activity, the effects of it on children are far from being well-known. There are many other effective ways to alleviate boredom and stress without resorting to gambling. Exercise, socializing with non-gambling friends, and practicing relaxation techniques can help relieve boredom. But, if you are a heavy gambler, treatment may be needed. Learn more about the effects of gambling on children. The article below will provide you with some basic information about the problem of gambling and treatment options for problem gamblers.

Legality of gambling

Although the US government has not yet issued a clear position on the legality of online gambling, there are some rules that are in place. Many sites have chosen to prohibit players from certain countries and regions. While gambling laws in the US are vague, many sites would rather not offer their services and deal with the legal issues that can arise. For this reason, these websites often block access to players from the United States. Although there is no legal requirement for gambling to be legal, it is best to play responsibly and avoid getting involved in any activities that could involve risky transactions.

The legality of gambling varies greatly from state to state. There are no federal laws against gambling in the US, but the Federal Wire Act of 1961 prevents gambling across state lines. So, you need to know the specific laws in your state before you play. To start, you need to know the types of gambling that are legal. Some activities are illegal in every state, while others are entirely legal. While gambling is not illegal in every country, there are certain states that limit its popularity.

Effects of gambling on children

The effects of gambling on children can be profound. Gambling is an unhealthy behavior for a number of reasons, including its ability to increase financial stress. As a result, children may have less money to spend on fun things and necessities. In addition, the instability of financial circumstances can affect children’s sense of security. To help parents or caregivers deal with these problems, gambling Helplines have developed. The following are some of the effects of gambling on children.

Problematic gambling often results in conflict within the family. Couples may have strained relationships and financial problems. The children of problem gamblers may feel forgotten or abandoned by their parents. Many children will begin to believe that they are the cause of the problem. Others may take care of younger siblings to help their parents. In such a case, children may not be able to express their emotions and may withdraw from family life. In addition, children who live with problem gamblers may experience behavioural problems and academic difficulties. In addition, family members may feel insecure and hide their feelings.

Treatment options for problem gamblers

Problem gambling is a serious disease that leads to many negative consequences for individuals and families. The financial stress that accompanies it can destroy relationships and destabilize an entire family. In some cases, children are the victims of emotional abuse. Gambling can also have serious physical effects on a person, making them prone to substance abuse. Fortunately, there are treatment options for problem gamblers. Read on to learn more about the many benefits of treatment for problem gambling.

Individual and group therapy can help problem gamblers overcome their addictions to gambling. Unlike other addictive behaviors, addictions to gambling can be treated and resolved through various methods. Counseling can help problem gamblers deal with their personal and family relationships. It can also help them regain their financial stability. In addition to providing therapy, problem gamblers may also benefit from educational programs and budgeting tips. If all else fails, family members may be able to help the gambler.

Dealing With Your Gambling Addiction

The appeal of gambling is obvious, and the odds are stacked against you. The game is also a great way to de-stress and socialize. However, there are other ways to eliminate boredom and get relief from your addiction. Other options include exercising, spending time with non-gambling friends, or practicing relaxation techniques. However, these alternatives are not as easy as quitting gambling altogether. Listed below are several ways to deal with your gambling addiction.

Game of chance

The definition of game of chance is pretty simple: any game where you place money or risk losing it. However, it’s important to understand that gambling can also be harmful, as it can lead to debt and eviction. Although gambling is a legal activity, there are many reasons why you should avoid it. Listed below are some ways to prevent yourself from being a victim of gambling addiction. In addition, these activities may also be fun and exciting.

Odds are against the player

Obviously, the odds are against the gambler in Vegas. The gambler hopes to win big by pure luck, but in the long run he is likely to lose more than he wins. The house knows the math and makes its bets on the long term, meaning the gambler will lose more than he wins. The casino knows this, and it is more profitable to bet on this outcome. However, the casino isn’t the only person who suffers from the odds of casino gambling.

Addiction to gambling

If you feel compelled to play a casino game every day, you may have an addiction to gambling. Although you may deny this behavior, you should seek professional help if you feel that it is affecting your life. There are a number of signs that indicate relapse, including complacency, negative thoughts, and gambling-related behaviors. Once you’ve acknowledged that you have a gambling problem, you can work to develop a recovery plan.

The National Council on Problem Gambling estimates that five million Americans meet the criteria for compulsive gambling, yet only eight percent seek treatment. While gambling addiction is difficult to recognize, it is treatable if properly diagnosed. Professional rehab programs address the destructive process and help individuals regain control of their lives. To help you get the support you need, we recommend contacting a treatment center. Here, you can find out more about the services offered.

Problem Gambling and Suicidal Thoughts

Problem gambling is a common impulse-control disorder and is often linked to suicidal thoughts. It is a form of gambling wherein a person bets on an event determined by chance. If you have a problem with gambling, you should seek help as soon as possible. Your health care provider can refer you to the appropriate treatment provider for you. There are numerous resources available to help you understand the condition and how to overcome it. If you think you have a gambling problem, it is important to seek professional help for yourself and your loved one.

Problem gambling is an impulse-control disorder

The symptoms of problem gambling are varied and can include physical and psychological effects. Moreover, gambling addiction has a high potential for causing social and economic harm. It is therefore classified as an impulse-control disorder. However, there are some things to keep in mind when it comes to treating problem gambling. This disorder can cause physical health issues, including intestinal disorders and migraine. It can also lead to feelings of despondency and helplessness, including attempts at suicide.

It is a form of betting on an event determined by chance

A game of chance involves placing money, property or even a combination of both in a bet. A player’s confidence is inflated when they arrange the bet themselves, but it is not impossible to bet on an event determined by chance and win. Several forms of gambling have been found to have this same characteristic. In the lottery, for example, a ‘lucky dip’ ticket is as likely to win as a favourite number.

It can lead to thoughts of suicide

Problem gambling has been linked to suicidal thoughts in both men and women, according to research by a leading UK gambling charity. The report commissioned by GambleAware, which aims to raise awareness about gambling and mental health, reveals that problem gamblers are up to six times more likely to experience suicidal thoughts than non-gamblers. The elevated risk persists even after accounting for other factors such as financial difficulties, substance abuse, and depression.

It is widespread

The prevalence of gambling in the United States is a well-documented problem. According to a survey published in the Journal of Gambling Studies in Winter 2002, 82 percent of Americans have gambled in the past year. Previous surveys found participation rates at 61 percent and 63 percent, respectively. There is little doubt that gambling is widespread and affects the lives of millions of people. But is it safe? Is it advisable to gamble? Read on to learn how to keep safe while gambling.

It is beneficial to society

The benefits of gambling to society have been studied in various studies, but most have focused on economic factors. However, there have also been studies examining social costs. Social costs are defined as those that occur because a gambler benefits society, but does not benefit themselves. These non-monetary costs are not measured in a monetary sense, so they have been considered a separate category in studies. In addition, these social costs cannot be quantified in terms of their direct impact on society.

It is illegal

Illegal gambling can take many forms. While some activities are strictly forbidden, some activities, such as lottery ticket sales, have been allowed for many years. Other forms of illegal gambling are more difficult to detect. Regardless of the form, gambling is always risky, whether it is playing for fun or for money. However, there are some exceptions, including sports betting. Below are some of the types of illegal gambling that you may encounter. In addition, we’ll discuss some of the more common ways in which gambling is illegal.

Recognizing the Signs of Gambling Addiction

The process of gambling involves risk and reward. Most people will gamble at least once in their lifetime. But how do we recognize when we’re becoming too dependent on it? This article will help you recognize signs of problem gambling and identify the warning signs of addiction. Listed below are some of the symptoms of gambling addiction. You might be tempted to gamble, but know the signs of other addictions and seek treatment for it. To help you stop, read this article.

Problem gambling is an impulse-control disorder

A neuro-psychobiological disorder, problem gambling is characterized by intense and continuous behavior that involves excessive, compulsive gambling. This behavior has both physical and emotional consequences, including a significant debt and decreased social life. This type of addiction is treatable, but it is often best to intervene at an early stage to prevent significant problems with personal relationships and finances. In severe cases, problem gambling can cause serious problems affecting work and wellbeing.

It involves risk

Gambling is a form of entertainment where people risk their money for an uncertain prize. These activities include betting on a casino game and physically placing bets on upcoming events. Since the risk of losing money is much greater than that of winning, the risks are something that gamblers must consider. People with mental illness and other conditions that could prevent them from managing money should not take up gambling. Listed below are the risks associated with gambling.

It can be a sign of other addictions

While gambling itself isn’t an addiction, it can be a symptom of another problem. According to Dr. Timothy Fong, co-director of UCLA’s gambling studies program, people who are addicted to gambling also experience other addictions, including alcohol and drugs. These secondary addictions can arise to deal with the negative feelings associated with gambling addiction, but not everyone with a gambling addiction experiences these secondary addictions. Because the addictive behavior alters a person’s mood and state of mind, the individual will continue to engage in it.

It can be treated

The good news is that there are various options for treating gambling addiction. The same treatments used for other addictions such as alcoholism and drug abuse can also be effective in the treatment of gambling addiction. Behavioral therapies such as cognitive behavior therapy are commonly used to treat problem gamblers, and they often involve using a structured method of therapy to break the addiction down into smaller components. Self-help guides and support groups can also help a person with their problem.


Setiap orang pasti selalu menginginkan kulit wajah yang cerah dan juga sehat. Dan sebaliknya wajah yang kusam dapat menimbulkan rasa tidak percaya diri dan mengganggu penampilan.

Ada banyak sekali cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk membantu mencerahkan kulit wajah salah satunya rutin menggunakan masker wajah yang terbuat dari bahan alami. Namun juga perlu diingat bahwa masker yang terbuat dari bahan alami ini masih harus memerlukan penelitian untuk memastikan kefektifannya.

Dab juga anda haru memastikan bahwa anda tidak memiliki riwayat alergi terhadap bahan bahan yang akan anda coba untuk menjadi masker. Dan jika perlu lakukan lah pemeriksaan terlbih dahulu dengan dokter.


Madu merupakan salah satu jenis bahan alami yang sudah sering digunakan baik untuk kesehatan maupun kecantikan. Hal itu karena madu memiliki kandungan bahan yang aktif dan dipercaya dapat mengekspolitasi kulit sehingga dapat membantu utnuk menghilangkan sel-sel kulit mati yang menjadi penyebab kulit kusam.
Dan untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal gunakanlah jenis madu manuka atau juga madu mentah dan tidak dipasteurisasi. Lalu kemudian campurkanlah madu tersebut dengan beberapa tetes air untuk mengencerkannya kemudian oleskan ke wajah hingga merata setelah itu diamkan selama beberapa menit lalu bilas mengguanakn air bersih.

Buah lemon juga menjadi salah satu pilihan untuk menjadi masker pencerah alami untuk wajah. Hal itu dikarenakan lemon memiliki sifat asam yang mampu bekerja sebagai zat pencerah alamai untuk kulit dan juga kandungan vitamin C dalam buah lemon yang cukup tinggi dapat membantu pertumbuhan untuk sel sel yang baru.
Buah lemon juga menjadi antioksidan yang baik untuk kesehatan kulit wajah. Cara untuk menggunakan lemon untuk masker cukup mudah, kamu hanya perlu mencapur sari lemon menggunakan beberapa sendok makan air kemudian oleskan lah campuran tadi kearea wajah dan tunggu hingga mengering lalu bilas menggunakan air yang bersih.

Jika anda ingin membuat kulit menjadi kenyal dan juga cerah, timun cocok untuk dijadikan masker yang membantu kulit wajah tampak lebih cerah dan juga kenyal. Hal itu dikarenakan timun memiliki kandungan kolagen yang dapat membuat kulit tampak lebih kenyal dan juga kencang.
Selain itu juga timun memiliki kandungan antioksidan dan juga berbagai macam vitamin mulai dari vitamin C dan juga A yang bias membantu untuk menghidrasi kulit serta juga mengurangi iritasi dan peradangan pada area kulit wajah.

4.Lidah Buaya
Lidah buaya sudah tidak asing lagi untuk dijadikan sebagai bahn untuk perawatan kecantikan. Lidah buaya bermanfaat untuk mencerahkan wajah dan memberikan efek yang menenangkan serta menghilangkan peradangan pada area kulit.
Selain itu juga lidah buaya daapt membantu memperbaiki sel sel kulit yang telah rusak dan membantu untuk mengobati masalah hiperpigmentasi pada kulit.

Alasan Untuk Berkencan Dengan Pria yang Lebih Tua

Ketika Anda melihat seorang wanita muda yang bahagia dengan pria yang lebih tua di sisinya, itu tidak semua dijelaskan oleh masalah ayah dan uang. Tetapi wanita benar-benar tumbuh lebih cepat daripada pria. Lobus prefrontal kami benar-benar berkembang lebih cepat daripada pria. Tetapi seorang pria yang lebih tua dapat menunjukkan tempat atau hal-hal yang Anda tidak pernah berpikir ada. Dia tahu dirinya lebih baik setelah belajar dari hubungan masa lalunya dan sekarang tahu bagaimana memperlakukan seorang wanita dengan benar. Jika Anda siap untuk berhenti mengasuh anak laki-laki, dan membuka diri untuk pria sejati, dia akan membantu Anda mencari tahu bagaimana menjadi wanita Anda sendiri, yang merupakan hal paling berharga yang ada.

1. Dia akan dapat mengantisipasi kebutuhan Anda lebih baik daripada pria yang lebih muda, karena dia telah melakukan banyak hal, dan memahami bahwa wanita adalah makhluk yang rumit.

2. Seiring dengan mengetahui apa yang Anda inginkan, mereka tahu apa yang mereka inginkan. Tidak ada anak nomaden yang bingung meninggalkan Anda untuk “menemukan diri mereka di Eropa”. Dia tahu dia menginginkan suatu hubungan, dan dia menginginkannya dengan Anda.

3. Bersikap tegas itu seksi dan muncul dari kebijaksanaan sejati dengan pria yang lebih tua, sedangkan dengan pria yang lebih muda, bersikap tegas dianggap terlalu mengendalikan, dan sering kali demikian. Ini semua tentang bertambahnya usia dan mempelajari perbedaannya.
4. Dia akan memiliki lebih banyak pengalaman di ranjang; dia akan benar-benar memperhatikan Anda, dan bertahan lebih dari lima menit. Setelah itu, berpelukan tidak aneh baginya, itu wajar.

5. Ide kencannya mungkin adalah hal-hal aktual yang membuatnya berbudaya, daripada membawa Anda ke restoran murah, atau tempat berkualitas rendah. Seorang pria yang lebih tua akan membawa Anda ke tempat sushi terbaik di kota, yang masih tidak terlalu mencolok.

6. Selera humornya akan sedikit lebih berkembang. Ucapkan selamat tinggal pada lelucon kentut dan pria Anda berpikir bahwa tidak apa-apa untuk bersendawa alfabet di restoran.

7. Dia mungkin akan benar-benar membaca buku, daripada berpikir bahwa membaca beberapa pakaian pria atau blog olahraga dianggap sebagai bahan sastra.
21. Banyak pelajaran yang mereka dapat dari trial and error. Mereka pernah membuat kesalahan ketika mereka masih muda, seperti banyak pelamar muda dan kikuk berusia dua puluh tahun yang telah Anda terima di masa lalu. Tetapi Anda lebih suka maju cepat dan melewati fase kesalahan.

Kucing Anggora

Kenali kucing Angora, tahu harga dan cara merawat mereka

Kucing adalah salah satu jenis populer hewan peliharaan di Indonesia. Selain menjadi mudah untuk menemukan, hewan ini juga dikenal sangat mudah untuk mengobati. Perilakunya lucu dan menggemaskan, membuat hewan ini akan disukai oleh semua kalangan.

Seiring waktu, sekarang ada banyak jenis kucing peliharaan. Yang masing-masing jenis memiliki bentuk yang berbeda dan karakteristik. Harga kucing sendiri umumnya disesuaikan dengan ras, kualitas dan pengobatan.
Suatu jenis kucing yang populer dan memiliki banyak dipelihara adalah kucing angora. Ini kucing yang memiliki bulu lembut memiliki kepribadian yang aktif dan berisik.

Kenali kucing anggora
Kita tidak bisa menolak bahwa ras kucing populer dan disukai oleh semua kalangan adalah Angora kucing. The kucing ras Turki menjadi berkembang biak tertua di dunia. Bulu dan tubuh yang panjang, membuat kucing angora sangat elegan.
Selain itu, Angora kucing juga dikenal sebagai sifat aktif dan berisik mereka. kucing ini akan membuat cara yang berbeda untuk menarik perhatian pemilik.

Jenis Angora kucing juga memiliki jiwa sosial yang tinggi dan menyesuaikan dengan mudah ke lingkungan sekitarnya. Kucing ini ingin menyambut teman-teman atau tamu yang akan datang di rumah. Tidak hanya itu.

Angora kucing sendiri umumnya senilai 1 juta RP pada puluhan juta rupee. Untuk jenis campuran, dapat diperoleh dari harga 150 RP50 tergantung pada jenis campuran.
Cara merawat Anggora Cat
Angora kucing adalah jenis cukup mudah untuk mempertahankan. Dengan berurusan dengan kucing anggora, Anda harus sisir atau sikat rambut kucing secara rutin setiap minggu. Dengan cara ini, panjang dan tebal bulu kucing akan rapi dan indah.

Selain itu, Anda juga dapat memotong kuku dan lap sudut dengan kain. kuku chat yang mendorong cepat, harus sering ditebang agar tidak memanjang dan mengganggu kegiatan mereka. Sedangkan sudut mata juga harus dibersihkan dari tanah diblokir di sekelilingnya.

Cara menangani keracunan angora kucing

Seperti kita ketahui, kucing dari Anggora adalah salah satu hewan yang rentan terkena racun. Beberapa racun sering menyerang kucing seperti insektisida atau racun yang biasa digunakan untuk tikus. racun cepat melewati sel-sel darah yang telah mengakibatkan penyebaran tubuh kucing.

Selain itu, racun juga akan menyerang sel-sel darah merah yang menyebabkan perdarahan internal dan menyerang sistem saraf pusat, sehingga mempengaruhi otak dan jantung. Keracunan pada kucing adalah keadaan darurat yang perlu ditangani dengan cepat.

Salah satu cara untuk mengatasi keracunan kucing adalah untuk membawa kucing ke zona udara yang baik. Pastikan Anda menggunakan sarung tangan untuk melindungi diri dari bahan-bahan beracun. Setelah itu, membawa kucing ke tempat yang aman seperti dapur atau kamar mandi.

Kuteks Dapat Menyebabkan Infeksi Jamur Pada Kuku

Kuteks sering digunakan sebagai opsi selain makeup sehingga wanita merangkulnya. Karena, kutukan digunakan pada kenyataannya bagi wanita yang ingin memiliki layar kuku yang sempurna.

Terutama jika kutukan berwarna-warni, tentu saja, ini akan meningkatkan antusiasme dan keindahan bagi mereka yang menggunakannya. Namun, curon dapat membuat kuku bergabung.
Anda harus tahu, infeksi jamur dapat terjadi di area tubuh mana pun, termasuk paku. Infeksi jamur pada paku atau dikenal sebagai onikomikosis disebabkan oleh pertumbuhan jamur pada kuku.

Ketika Anda menggunakan Kurcas, secara umum, seseorang akan mengambil tindakan manikur terlebih dahulu. Tindakan manikur yang tidak tepat dapat menyebabkan aliran kulit di sekitar paku dan membuat bagian rentan mengalami infeksi jamur, terutama jika alat yang digunakan tidak steril.

Penggunaan kutukan dapat memperburuk kondisi ini karena kutukan dapat menyebabkan paku menjadi lebih lembab untuk meningkatkan kemungkinan mengembangkan infeksi jamur.

Gejala infeksi jamur pada kuku, antara lain:

Kuku mudah pecah
Paku bintik-bintik kuning atau kuning pada kuku.
Kuku tebal dan putih
Kuku menjadi rapuh dan mudah terpisah.
Ada bau kuku yang terinfeksi.
Beberapa tindakan yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk menghindari infeksi jamur ke kuku, antara lain:

Cuci tangan dan kaki Anda secara teratur dan jangan lupa kering sampai benar-benar kering.
Gunting kukunya secara rutin, tetapi hindari mencabut atau memotong kulit di sekitar paku.
Gunakan kaus kaki yang menyerap keringat.
Ubah kaus kaki Anda setiap hari.
Cobalah untuk memakai sepatu terbuka dan memiliki sirkulasi yang baik.
Cuci tangan Anda dengan air dan air mengalir setelah menjaga kuku terinfeksi.
Hindari bertelanjang kaki di tempat umum.
Hindari menggunakan ketebalan terlalu sering.
Pastikan manikur memiliki alat yang steril.
Jika infeksi jamur telah terjadi pada kuku, Anda dapat menggunakan krim antijamur yang mengandung clotrimazole yang akan diterapkan ke area yang terinfeksi untuk membantu mengatasi infeksi jamur yang terjadi. Selain itu, obat antijamur juga dapat mengkonsumsi obat jika perlu.

Cara Mengatasi Anak Yang Rewel Di Malam Hari

Cara berurusan dengan anak-anak yang sulit di malam hari
Kenali bentuk gangguan yang dapat dialami oleh anak-anak ibu, jadi Mama tahu bagaimana mengatasinya.

Pendengaran yang menarik tanpa henti di malam hari kadang-kadang panik ibu dan ayah. Apalagi jika itu pengalaman pertama. Anda dapat merasa terlepas dan bingung apa yang harus dilakukan.
1. Berapa lama anak itu bertahan di malam hari?
Ada hal-hal yang perlu Anda ketahui dengan hati-hati. Mengenai penyebab anak-anak yang menangis di malam hari. Setelah tahu, tidak perlu menunggu lama.

Intervensi awal dapat memecahkan masalah sejak awal dan memastikan bahwa putra Mama dan Mama merasakan malam yang damai.

Dengan menggunakan metode yang tepat untuk memanipulasi untuk menangis, Mama dapat membuat perubahan pada anak-anak perilaku dalam waktu singkat.

Jangan menunggu anak yang menangis histeris, segera berikan pelukan sesegera mungkin sehingga anak merasa nyaman.

Tetapi tugas ini semakin sulit dengan usia anak anak. Jika malam libur malam tiba beberapa kali, harus ada komentar tentang kegiatan anak-anak sebelum tidur.

Anak-anak berusia satu tahun atau lebih cenderung tidur, bahkan ketika mereka tertidur dan kelelahan.

Mereka bisa menangis selama berjam-jam, memprotes perubahan yang terjadi dalam jadwal mereka.

Jika Mama tidak melakukan perbaikan ketika anak anak masih merupakan balita, tangisan bisa bertahan sampai usia tiga atau empat tahun.

Kesabaran pertama, MA, pada usia satu hingga dua tahun, anak itu mungkin belum berbicara dan mentransmisikan apa yang dia rasakan. Ini bisa membuat Anda frustrasi, tetapi percaya itu akan segera terjadi dan kemudian, akankah si kecil bergerak dengan baik.

2. Bagaimana menangani anak-anak yang sulit di tengah malam karena ada masalah dengan anak emosional dan mental
Hindari membawa anak-anak kecil di lingkungan yang macet dan macet, atau berjuang keras di sekitar mereka.

Lebih buruk lagi, ini bisa menjadi pemicu untuk anak-anak yang sulit dan air mata histeris.
3. Bagaimana menghadapi anak-anak yang sulit di tengah malam karena masalah gangguan fisik
Ketika seorang anak mulai menangis histeris di malam hari, pertama-tama periksa penyebab umum status kesehatan fisiknya.

Bantu anak-anak mengatur gaya hidup atau rutinitas rutin. Pastikan anak itu memiliki cukup waktu untuk bergerak di siang hari sehingga mereka siap tidur di malam hari.

Begitu seorang anak memiliki gaya hidup sendiri atau rutinitasnya sendiri, pengasuh harus sadar dan menghormatinya, baik orang tua, pengasuh anak atau pengasuh anak.

Ini juga membantu memahami karakter individu seorang anak.

Misalnya, berapa banyak makanan anak-anak, apa rutinitas mereka, apa musik, obat-obatan atau penyakit favorit mereka pada apa yang mereka miliki saat ini, apa yang dilakukan anak-anak pada siang hari.

Orang yang peduli dengan seorang anak dapat berubah, tetapi penting untuk tidak mengubah apa yang biasa dilakukan anak biasa setiap hari.

Itu harus dipahami, mengubah rutinitas seorang anak dapat membosankan secara fisik dan mental atau marah dengan anak.

Pastikan makan malam yang diberikan adalah jumlah yang tepat untuk anak. Selain itu, ibu juga harus memastikan bahwa dia tidak memberi makan terlalu dekat dengan waktu tidur.

Mengambil untuk menyikat gigi sebelum tidur sehingga anak-anak kesehatan yang bersih dan sehat selalu bisa terjaga.

Periksa lingkungan kamar anak. Misalnya, pastikan ruangan, tempat tidur dan sprei adalah serangga bersih dan keripik busuk atau pengaruh buruk lainnya, termasuk deterjen keras yang digunakan untuk mencuci pakaian dan linen.

Bagaimana Mitra Kerja Sangat Mempengaruhi Kinerja

Mitra kerja bukan hanya teman-teman yang bertemu di tempat kerja. mitra kerja juga tidak orang-orang yang bisa bersenang-senang di waktu luang Anda. Rekan-rekan dapat mempengaruhi satu dari kinerja dan produktivitas di kantor. Bagaimana hal itu terjadi? Efek dari mitra kerja dalam kinerja mereka
mitra kerja mempengaruhi kehidupan hidup bahagia
Dalam sebuah survei, 70% karyawan percaya bahwa mitra kerja sangat berpengaruh dalam menciptakan kehidupan kerja bahagia. Kerja dan hidup bahagia tidak diragukan lagi dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, seperti bekerja dengan keinginan kita, pendapatan yang sesuai, dan lingkungan kerja yang nyaman, termasuk mitra kerja yang memadai. Ketika segala sesuatu telah dicapai, tentu saja, kita akan merasakan kehidupan kerja bahagia.

Selain kehidupan hidup bahagia bahwa itu tidak terwujud, tentu saja, kinerja karyawan juga akan menurun. Ini akan merasa lebih bagi orang-orang yang lebih memilih untuk bersosialisasi. Tidak seperti karyawan yang hanya serigala karakter yang tampaknya tidak terlalu terganggu, karena pada dasarnya, untuk memulai pekerjaan mereka sendiri.

hubungan baik dengan mitra paling penting dari tinggi dibayar pekerjaan
tokoh-tokoh lain menunjukkan bahwa 58% pria dan 74% wanita menolak gaji yang lebih tinggi jika Anda harus memiliki hubungan sadar. Ini menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar pekerja lebih prihatin tentang hubungan dengan upah yang diperoleh. Meskipun telah disebutkan di atas bahwa gaji dan lingkungan kerja yang nyaman telah menjadi faktor utama dalam pilihan pekerjaan.

Upah besar adalah penting, tapi ternyata itu tidak penting jika dimodifikasi dengan hubungan baik didirikan. Meskipun gaji besar juga dapat mempengaruhi kinerja kami, tetapi jika disertai dengan hubungan yang buruk dengan rekan-rekan, tentu saja, pekerjaan masih berat untuk hidup.

Merasa lebih terhubung dengan perusahaan
Ketika kami memiliki hubungan yang baik dengan rekan-rekan, kami juga akan merasa lebih terhubung dengan masyarakat. Ketika menjalin hubungan, kita berpikir pekerjaan ini adalah pekerjaan yang tepat bagi kita dan, tentu saja, perusahaan ini juga merupakan perusahaan yang baik. Ketika Anda merasa bahwa itu sudah di tempat yang harus, tentu saja Anda juga dapat bekerja dengan kinerja yang baik.

Banyak teman-teman kerja
1/3 orang dewasa di dunia, menemukan setidaknya seorang teman di tempat kerja, yang berarti persahabatan dari mitra kerja. Hubungan yang dimulai dengan rekan-rekan juga dapat menghasilkan hubungan yang lebih dekat, bahkan untuk persahabatan. Dengan bekerja sama, tentu saja, kita bisa melalui pekerjaan dengan kenyamanan yang lebih besar. kenyamanan ini kemudian membuat kita bekerja dengan kinerja yang baik dan produktivitas.

Dapatkan dukungan pribadi untuk pengembangan
Selain kenyamanan, teman-teman yang teman-teman yang juga dapat memberikan dukungan pribadi bagi kita. dukungan pribadi ini sangat penting dalam pengembangan profesional kami. Ketika kita menghadapi masalah pekerjaan, kita tidak harus bingung cerita dan meminta saran kepada siapa. Dengan adanya kolega dan teman-teman, masalah pekerjaan yang lebih mudah untuk wajah. Kami tidak perlu larut dalam kesulitan, terutama sampai menyebabkan kinerja kami untuk dekadensi. Rekan-rekan yang juga teman-teman mereka akan selalu mendukung pengembangan karir mereka. Bahkan jika pada Anda dan rekan kerja Anda mungkin di kompetisi, tapi tentu saja, akan lebih mungkin untuk didukung.

Rekan-rekan kontribusi untuk meningkatkan komitmen kualitas
Selain memberikan kita lampiran lebih untuk masyarakat dan memberikan dukungan pribadi, hubungan dengan rekan juga dapat meningkatkan komitmen.

Cara Meningkatkan Displin Kerja

Cara Ini penting untuk meningkatkan disiplin kerja.
Peningkatan disiplin di tempat kerja adalah kunci untuk berhasil dalam karir.

Tanpa disiplin kerja, karirnya akan sulit dikembangkan karena ia tidak memiliki antusiasme dan mengemudi untuk mengobati masalah kerja.

Jika Anda pikir karier Anda tidak tumbuh, itu mungkin salah satu penyebabnya adalah kurangnya makna disiplin kerja.

1. Cari tahu apa yang perlu diubah.
Hal pertama yang harus Anda lakukan untuk meningkatkan disiplin kerja adalah dengan mengetahui hal pertama yang harus diubah.

Anda juga dapat memikirkan orang-orang yang model mereka untuk mengikuti atau orang tua di tempat kerja.

Tahu bagaimana disiplin dan karakter orang tersebut berhasil dalam karirnya. Kemudian pikirkan tentang kasus ini.

“Apakah orang itu bekerja lebih banyak?”, “Bagaimana orang memperlakukan orang lain dalam pekerjaan mereka?”

Jika Anda sudah mengetahui kekurangan Anda, Anda dapat mengedit dan mengembangkan disiplin kerja Anda.

2. dari hal-hal kecil.
Sebelumnya, Anda sudah mengerti apa yang harus diubah. Namun, tidak perlu memaksa Anda untuk berubah sesaat.

Ketika ada terlalu banyak perubahan dalam hidup, Anda pasti akan sulit untuk beradaptasi dan menerimanya.

Anda harus melakukannya secara perlahan dan bertahap, tetapi koheren.

Tidak masalah jika mereka adalah hal-hal sederhana, yang penting adalah lebih baik menjadi niat Anda untuk menjadi lebih baik.

3. Ingatlah bahwa Anda adalah orang dewasa.
Dalam hal karier, inisiatifnya penting. Inisiatif ini berarti bahwa Anda tidak perlu menunggu mandat Anda menjadi penting.

Oleh karena itu, untuk meningkatkan disiplin kerja, mulailah mengambil inisiatif.

Misalnya, setelah menyelesaikan pekerjaan, Anda dapat bertanya apa yang dapat dilakukan bos berikutnya.

4. Lebih terorganisir
Buat daftar untuk semua yang ingin Anda lakukan adalah contoh seseorang yang mulai mengatur hidup Anda.

Menurut Clever Girl Finance, kebiasaan ini sangat baik dalam meningkatkan disiplin kerja karena membantu Anda menentukan prioritas.

Oleh karena itu, cobalah untuk membuat daftar kegiatan sehari atau tujuan yang dicapai pada periode waktu tertentu.

5. Berani memilih dari awal.
Tanpa menunggu majikan Anda ditegur ketika bekerja, Anda menyadari bahwa mengambil inisiatif adalah hal yang baik untuk karir Anda dan mulai melakukannya.

Intinya, jika Anda menghadapi opsi di mana Anda dapat meningkatkan, jadi pilihlah apa yang Anda pikir Anda dapat mendorongnya.

Tidak perlu menunggu dan berpikir ketika itu adalah waktu yang tepat untuk meningkatkan karena waktu terbaik sekarang.

Menjaga Kesehatan Mental Anda Selama Kehamilan

KidsHealth / Parents / Merawat Kesehatan Mental Anda Selama Kehamilan
Menjaga Kesehatan Mental Anda Selama Kehamilan
Diulas oleh: Mary L. Gavin, MD
Ukuran teks lebih besarUkuran teks besarUkuran teks biasa
Kehamilan membawa campuran perasaan, dan tidak semuanya baik. Jika Anda merasa khawatir, Anda tidak sendirian. Kekhawatiran adalah hal yang biasa, terutama selama kehamilan pertama seorang wanita atau yang tidak direncanakan. Ini bisa lebih sulit jika Anda berurusan dengan depresi atau kecemasan.

Demi kesehatan Anda dan bayi Anda, jagalah diri Anda sebaik mungkin. Pastikan untuk makan dengan baik, berolahraga, cukup tidur, dan minum vitamin prenatal Anda.

Jika Anda merasa khawatir, sedih, atau gugup, bicarakan dengan seseorang tentang hal itu — dan ketahui kapan harus mencari bantuan.

Perasaan Apa yang Bisa Terjadi?
Perubahan suasana hati adalah hal yang normal selama kehamilan. Tetapi jika Anda merasa gugup atau sedih sepanjang waktu, itu bisa menjadi pertanda sesuatu yang lebih dalam sedang terjadi. Stres karena hamil, perubahan tubuh Anda selama kehamilan, dan kekhawatiran sehari-hari dapat berdampak buruk.

Beberapa wanita hamil mungkin mengalami depresi atau kecemasan:

Depresi adalah kesedihan atau perasaan sedih atau mudah tersinggung selama berminggu-minggu atau berbulan-bulan. Beberapa wanita mungkin mengalami depresi sebelum hamil. Tapi itu juga bisa dimulai selama kehamilan karena sejumlah alasan — misalnya, jika seorang wanita tidak senang hamil atau menghadapi banyak stres di tempat kerja atau di rumah.
Kecemasan adalah perasaan khawatir atau takut akan hal-hal yang mungkin terjadi. Jika Anda sangat khawatir, banyak hal yang dapat membuat Anda stres selama kehamilan. Anda mungkin khawatir bahwa Anda tidak akan menjadi ibu yang baik atau bahwa Anda tidak mampu membesarkan bayi.
Wanita hamil mungkin memiliki masalah kesehatan mental lainnya, seperti:

gangguan bipolar (episode depresi energi rendah dan mania energi tinggi)
gangguan stres pascatrauma (PTSD)
serangan panik (respons fisik yang tiba-tiba dan intens dengan perasaan takut yang tidak dapat dijelaskan dan melumpuhkan)
gangguan obsesif-kompulsif (OCD)
gangguan makan (seperti bulimia atau anoreksia nervosa)
Sangat penting untuk menangani masalah kesehatan mental selama kehamilan. Ibu yang depresi, cemas, atau memiliki masalah lain mungkin tidak mendapatkan perawatan medis yang mereka butuhkan. Mereka mungkin tidak merawat diri mereka sendiri, atau mereka mungkin menggunakan obat-obatan dan alkohol selama kehamilan. Semua hal ini dapat membahayakan bayi yang sedang tumbuh.

Jika Anda memiliki masalah kesehatan mental, bicarakan dengan dokter Anda sehingga Anda bisa mendapatkan bantuan yang Anda butuhkan selama dan setelah kehamilan Anda.

Bagaimana Saya Bisa Mendapatkan Bantuan?
Jika Anda merasa cemas atau depresi, bicarakan dengan dokter, konselor, atau terapis, dan segera dapatkan bantuan. Semakin cepat perawatan dimulai, semakin cepat Anda akan merasa lebih baik.

Juga bicarakan dengan dokter tentang kesehatan Anda secara keseluruhan dan masalah kesehatan mental yang Anda alami di masa lalu. Yang terbaik bagi dokter Anda untuk mengetahui riwayat medis lengkap Anda, jika ada sesuatu yang muncul selama atau setelah kehamilan Anda.

Bagaimana Masalah Diobati?
Perawatan untuk masalah kesehatan mental mungkin termasuk:

Obat resep. Selalu berbicara dengan dokter sebelum Anda mulai mengambil – atau berhenti minum – obat apa pun selama kehamilan Anda. Jika Anda mengonsumsi obat apa pun untuk masalah kesehatan mental dan sedang hamil atau berencana untuk hamil, beri tahu dokter Anda. Jangan berhenti meminumnya kecuali dokter Anda memberi tahu Anda. Beberapa obat dapat menyebabkan masalah bagi bayi yang sedang tumbuh, tetapi menghentikan obat Anda dapat memperburuk keadaan. Dokter Anda dapat membuat rencana perawatan yang terbaik untuk Anda dan bayi Anda.
Terapi bicara. Berbicara empat mata dengan terapis bisa menjadi cara yang bagus untuk mengelola stres, mengatasi depresi, dan meredakan kecemasan selama kehamilan. Menemukan kelompok pendukung di mana Anda dapat berbagi kekhawatiran Anda dengan ibu lain yang tahu apa yang Anda alami juga dapat membantu. Berbicara dengan pekerja sosial atau konselor dapat membantu Anda mengatasi masalah uang, kekhawatiran membesarkan anak, atau tekanan lain dalam hidup Anda.
Pendekatan lain. Banyak wanita menemukan kenyamanan dalam kegiatan seperti yoga, olahraga, dan meditasi. Jika Anda merasa stres atau kewalahan, berbicara dengan teman, anggota keluarga, atau pemimpin agama dapat membantu Anda merasa lebih baik.
Banyak ibu merasa cemas atau tertekan di beberapa titik dalam kehamilan mereka, dan beberapa bahkan mungkin memerlukan perawatan untuk itu. Tetapi masalah kesehatan mental tidak harus menjadi masalah bagi Anda atau bayi Anda. Dapatkan bantuan yang Anda butuhkan untuk merasa lebih baik, dan Anda akan melakukan yang terbaik untuk Anda berdua.

Manfaat Daun Pepaya Bagi Kesehatan Tubuh

Manfaat Daun Pepaya Bagi Kesehatan Tubuh

Pepaya atau bahasa latin nya Carica papaya L memiliki daun yang dapat di nikmati dan mempunyai bentuk yang mirip dengan daun singkong jika dimakan mempunyai rasa yang sedikit pahit dan keras dibandingkan dengan daun singkong
Biasanya daun singkong di konsumsi dengan mengolah nya menjadi macam macam masakan karena mempunyai manfaat bagi kesehatan .
Berikut ini beberapa kandungan nutrisi yang ada pada daun pepaya : protein , lemak , karbohidrat , serat, kalsium , fosfor besi , natrium , kalium ,tembaga, seng thiamin , niasin dan vitamin c . Berdasarkan kandungan nurtrisi nya daun pepaya dapat memberikan manfaat antara lain :

1.Dapat meningkatkan trombosit darah
Menurut penelitian dengan meminum jus pepaya dalam waktu 40-48 jam dapat meningkatkan trombosit pada darah .
Trombosit yaitu sel darah yang tidak memiliki warnda yang dapat membantu dalam pembekuan darah , contoh pasien yang terkena demam berdarah memerlukan banyak trambosit untuk menghambat dan menghentikan pendarahan dengan mengumpalkan darah dan menyumbat pembuluh darah yang bocor.

2.Dapat mengobati dan mencegah penyakit kanker
Yang kita ketahu penyakit kanker adalah salah satu penyakit mematikan di dunia ,penyakit ini dapat meyebabkan rusak nya jaringan sehat dan berkembang tanpa kendali.
Menurut penelitian daun pepaya dapat berpotensi dalam menghambat sel kanker pada kulit , payudara, dan prospat .Senyawa ini memiliki sifat sitoktoksik yang dapat membunuh sel kanker dan merusak sel tersebut.

3.Menyediakan energi untuk tubuh
Daun pepaya memiliki rasa yang pahit dan memiliki kandungan karbohidrat yang sangat tinggi dan bisa memberikan energi tambahan pada tubuh dalam melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari.

4.Menurunkan berat badan
Pada daun pepaya mengandung serat yang bisa membuat kenyang lebih lama dan menekan anda untuk mengemil .

5.Melawan infeksi jamur
Infeksi pada kulit akibat dari jamur bisa di atasi dengan menggunakan estrak daun pepaya karena pada daun pepaya mengandung etanolik, flavonoid, alkaloid an terpene yang dapat menghambat jamur Fusarium spp. dan C. gloeosporioides.

6.Mengatasi peradangan
Peradangan sering terjadi di sendi , untuk mengurangi peradangan dan pembekakan dapat konsumsi daun pepaya karena mengandung antioksidan sepetti papain dan flavonoid.

Manfaat Singkong untuk Kesehatan

Manfaat Singkong untuk Kesehatan

Singkong adalah bahan pokok yang di jadikan makanan utama pada zaman penjajahan Belanda, Memiliki kandungan karbohidrat yang tinggi sehingga bisa menjanggal lapar dan menjadi pengganti nasi . Bukan hanya karbohidrat yang tinggi melainkan nutrisi dan vitamin yang baik untuk kesehatan.
Berikut ini beberapa manfaat singkong yang wajib di ketahui :
1.Menurunkan berat badan
Singkong dapat menrunkan berat badan berkat kandungan serat dan karbohidrat nya yang dapat menahan lapar lebih lama .Selain untuk membantu menurunkan berat badan , kandungan serat dan karbohidrat nya dapat menjaga kesehatan pencernaan, mengendalikan kadar gula darah dan mengurangi peradangan .

2.Menambah Energi
Singkong memiliki kalori yang cukup tinggi karena pada 100 gram singkong mempunyai 150 kalori lebih tinggi jika di bandingkan dengan kentang dan ubi.

3.Mengandung antioksidan
Dalam singkaong mempunyai kandungan antioksidan yang dapat melindungi tubuh dari radikal bebas dan mencegah penyakit jantung dan penuaan dini pada wajah.
Antioksidan yang terdapat pada singkong antara lain kandungan vitamin c , vitamin a dan beta caroten .

4.Meminimalisir Penyakit Jantung
Kandungan serat yang ada pada singkong dapat menimalisir penyakit jantung koroner dan penyakit lain nya seperti strok dan tekanan darah tinggi.

5.Mencegah Kanker
Penyebab kanker disebabkan penyakit yang timbul akibat rusak nya sel sel tubuh akibat radikal bebas , oleh karena itu kandungan antioksidan singkong sangat berperan penting dalam mencegah penyakit dari radikal bebas .

Walaupun memiliki manfaat yang banyak namun perlu di perhatikan saat anda mengkonsumsi nya.
Berikut ini beberapa hal yang perlu di ketahui
1.Singkong memiliki zat glikosida sianogen yang dapat melepakan zat sianida ke dalam tubuh sehinga harus di olah dengan benar seblum di makan guna mencegah keracunan sianida.

2.dilarang mengkonsumsi singkong berlebihan karena dapat meningkatkan resiko bayi cacat bawaan dan kelain tiroid.

3.Singkong jika dapat menurunkan kadar yodium di dalam tubuh oleh karena itu jangan terlalu sering mengkonsumsi nya kareana dapat berpotensi kekurangan yodium.

4.Dilarang konsumsi singkong saat anda menjalani atau sedang menderita penyakit tiroid karena singkong dapat menurunkan kadar hormon tiroid dalam tubuh .

Manfaat Pepaya untuk Kesehatan Tubuh

Manfaat Pepaya untuk Kesehatan Tubuh

pepaya memiliki kandungan nutrisi yang sangat baik bagi tubuh , mulai dari menjaga kesehatan kulit hingga jantung .Buah pepaya memiliki banyak nutrisi bagi tubuh , ini beberapa kandungan yang terdapat pada buah pepaya antara lain:
serat , kalsium , potasium , folat , magnesium serta vitamin a, vit b , vit e , dan vitamin k . Selain itu pepaya juga mengandung beragam antioksidan seperti likopen

Sebagian orang mengenal buah pepaya ini hanya sebagai melancarkan pencernaan saja tetepi sebenar nya ada beberapa manfaat buah pepaya bagi kesehatan tubuh antara lain sebagai berikut :
1.Menjaga kesehatan mata
Buah ini mengandung vitamin A yang sangat bagus untuk kesehatan mata , selain vitamin a buah ini dapat menurunkan resiko gangguan penglihatan akibat bertambah nya usia

2.Memelihara kesehatan rambut dan kuku
beragam vit dan mineral yang ada pada buah pepaya ini sangat di percaya dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan rambut dan kuku , buah ini dapat di olah menjadi masker rambut dan meyuburkan rambut serta melembutkan nya

3. Memulihkan kulit yang terbakar sinar matahari
buah ini mengandung likopen yang di ketahui jika mengkonsumsi buah yang menagandung zat likopen ini dapat menjaga kesehatan kulit seta mencegah kerusakan sel akibat paparan sinar matahari dan mengurangi kulit merah akibat sinar matahari .

4 . Melancarkan pencernaan
pepaya mengandung serat yang tinggi dan enzim papain yang dapat membuat protein mudah di cerna , jika mengkonsumsi pepaya dengan rutin dapat meredakan perut kembung.

5. Menjaga kesehatan jantung
kandungan seperti vit c dan likopen merupakan makananan yang sangat baik dalam mengurangi resiko penyakit jantung . Selain itu antioksidan yang bagus dalam meningkatkan efek kolsterol baik dalam tubuh .

6. Menjaga kesehatan kulit
nutrisi dalam pepaya sangan bagus untuk membuat kulit tetap sehat dan terlihat muda , kandungan enzim papain yang di percaya dapat melembutkan kulit serta vit a dan c yang bisa mengurangi kerutan di wajah dan memudarkan bintik hitam pada wajah .

7. Meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh
Memiliki kandungan vitamin A, vitamin C, dan vitamin E yang dapat membantu dalam meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh agar terhindar dari berbagai penyakit seperti penyakit infeksi , pilek dan flu

Manfaat buah Kelengkeng

Manfaat Buah Kelengkeng untuk kesehatan

Buah kelengkeng adalah buah yang tumbuh di daerah iklim tropis dan sering di temukan di asia tenggara , memiliki rasa yang manis dan bentuk buah  yang kecil

kandungan  yang ada pada buah kelengkeng  :
buah ini memiliki kandungan nutrisi yang kaya dengan hanya mengkonsumsi buah ini bisa memberikan manfaat bagi tubuh . anda bisa menemukan kandungan gizi pada kelengkeng sebagai berikut :
Energi sebanyak 60 kkal , air 82.75 gram , lemak 0.1 gram , protein 1.31 gram , kalsium 1 mg , serat 1.1 gram , magnesium 10 mg , magnesium 10 mg dan kalium 226 mg

dari berbagai nutrisi yang banyak buah ini memiliki manfaat seperti :

1. Melawan radikal bebas
memiliki kandungan asam galat dan asam elagat , yang keduanya berfungsi sebagai antioksidan dalam melawan radikal bebas pada tubuh . jumlah radikal bebas yang banyak bisa menimbulkan penyakti dan kerusakan pada sel

2 . Memperkuat tulang sendi dan gigi
dengan mengkonsumsi daging buah kelengkeng bisa memperbaiki tulang dari kerusakan dan gigi karena mengandung mineral seperti fosfor , kalsium dan zat besi lain nya yang bagus dalam mempertahankan kesehatan tulang

3 . Meningkatkan kesehatan  pada Otak
pada buah ini mengandung kandungan polisakarida yang dapat mengurangi kerusakan otak pada penderita stroke

4 . Menurunkan berat badan
khasiat yang di dapat dari buah ini memiliki kandungan kalori yang sangan rendah sehingga sangan bagus jika anda ingin menurunkan berat badan .

5 . Menjaga kesegaran jantung
vutamin c pada buah ini dapat menjaga agar jantung anda tetap sehat . Vit c disini berperan efektif dalam mencegah radikal bebas yang masuk ke dalam darah

6.Mencegah penuaan dini pada kulit
kandungan antioksidan pada buah kelengkeng dapat menetralkan sejumlah radikal bebas yang ada pada tubuh dan mencegah penuaan dini
. buah ini dapat mengurangi kerutan , bintik hitam dan bekas jerawat pada wajah

7  .Memiliki efek antikanker
memiliki kandungan polofenol yang sama seperti senyawa asam galat untuk menghilangkan radikal bebas penyebab stres dan zat beracun penyebab kanker

8.Mengobati Luka
Nutrisi Vit c pada buah kelengkeng  dapat membantu dalam penyembuhan luka seperti sayatan

6 Merek Mobil Paling Top di Dunia

Merek mobil yang mengutamakan umur panjang di atas segalanya. Ini dianggap sebagai merek yang paling dapat diandalkan di antara pelanggan. Sebuah perusahaan mobil yang berpengalaman harga. Sebuah perusahaan manufaktur mobil Jepang yang telah membuka jalan melalui pasar global. Merek mobil ini konsisten dalam hal daya tahan dan selalu berada di peringkat 10 besar daftar merek mobil paling andal yang dilengkapi dengan teknologi. Dengan perbaikan berbiaya rendah dan pernyataan perbaikan yang lebih sedikit, mobil honda ini

Selama bertahun-tahun, Nissan telah menjadi merek yang sangat kompetitif secara global dan menandai keberadaannya dengan kemurahan hati yang besar. Selain hemat bahan bakar dan dengan ruang kargo yang besar, merek mobil ini telah menjadi pilihan pelanggan sejak awal berdirinya sebagai perusahaan mobil. Telah konsisten dalam hal peringkat sebagai merek mobil paling andal dan telah menikmati fakta bahwa perusahaan mobil Jepang ini ada di sini untuk tinggal dan membuat inovasi yang layak untuk dilihat.

Terkenal karena dukungan pelanggannya yang ketat, ford telah menjadi pilihan tetap bagi pembeli dengan nilai tak terkalahkan dan fitur-fitur berteknologi mutakhir. Ford dikatakan sangat baik dalam hal SUV dan truk dan telah berada di antara yang teratas di tangga lagu dengan modelnya. Selama berabad-abad merek mobil ini telah memperkenalkan banyak inovasi yang membuka mata ke dunia yang masih belum berhenti, setiap model atau fitur baru yang diperkenalkan oleh perusahaan mobil berbeda dan berbeda dari yang sebelumnya.

Satu-satunya merek yang paling banyak menjual SUV eksklusif. Merek mobil ini adalah tentang off-road sejak hari pertama didirikan sebagai perusahaan mobil. Modelnya menawarkan turbo diesel, yang membuatnya menjadi monster yang tak terbendung saat digunakan di medan off-road. Dibangun oleh American Bantam Car Company, mobil ini sudah ada sejak zaman Perang Dunia II. Dengan memberikan model yang luas, merek mobil ini juga terkenal dengan desain eksteriornya yang eksklusif.

Dimiliki oleh grup perusahaan Tata, merek mobil ini memiliki variabilitas dan tingkat berkelas yang tidak dapat dibandingkan dengan perusahaan mobil lainnya. Sambil menjaga langkah-langkah keselamatan penumpang dengan berhati-hati dalam menyediakan teknologi yang diteliti dan diuji dengan baik, merek mobil ini telah bersinar di dalam dan di seluruh dunia dengan tingkat nilai jual kembali yang tinggi. Beberapa model terbaik adalah Jaguar XJL, Jaguar XE dan banyak lagi.

Menurut laporan konsumen Audi membuat mobil terbaik sekaligus menjadi merek mobil paling terkemuka untuk merancang interior mobil terbaik, dengan kontrol yang mudah dan dapat diakses. Perusahaan mobil ini selalu berinovasi dengan kemajuan teknologinya yang membuktikan dengan sistem infotainment MMI-nya menjadi yang terbaik di antara merek lain. Merek mobil ini memiliki jajaran kendaraan terbesar mulai dari super mini hingga super besar dengan mesin diesel dan hybrid terbaik yang tersedia sehingga membuatnya menonjol untuk balap jalanan.

Ada 5 Jenis Jenis Bola Lampu

1. Pijar
Bola lampu listrik asli yang dikembangkan oleh Thomas Edison dan orang-orang sezamannya pada pertengahan hingga akhir abad ke-19, bola lampu pijar terbuat dari kaca dengan gas seperti argon ditambah filamen tungsten di dalamnya. Cahaya dihasilkan ketika arus listrik mengalir melalui filamen dan menyebabkannya bersinar. Sementara lampu pijar dikenal sangat bagus untuk kulit , bohlam ini sama sekali tidak hemat energi. Faktanya, Kongres meloloskan undang-undang pada tahun 2007 untuk mempromosikan pencahayaan yang lebih hemat energi, yang telah membunuh produksi lampu pijar standar 40 hingga 100 watt. Sekarang lampu pijar datang dalam model watt yang jauh lebih rendah, bervariasi dalam bentuk, ukuran, dan gaya.

2. Neon Standar
Bola lampu neon sering dikenali dari bentuknya yang panjang dan berbentuk tabung. Meskipun Anda lebih mungkin melihatnya di kantor dan toko daripada di rumah pribadi, Anda mungkin juga menggunakannya secara pribadi di garasi, ruang bawah tanah, atau bengkel Anda. Mereka menghasilkan cahaya ketika uap merkuri di dalam tabung gelas mereka terionisasi melalui muatan listrik, dan mereka dikenal karena umurnya yang panjang rata-rata beberapa tahun.

3. Compact Fluorescent (CFL)
Seperti saudara-saudaranya, bola lampu CFL memancarkan cahaya ketika gas merkurinya terionisasi, tetapi mereka memiliki bentuk bengkok kecil yang lebih mudah digunakan dalam pengaturan rumah tangga daripada tabung panjang. Pro untuk CFL, mereka menggunakan energi jauh lebih sedikit daripada bola lampu pijar. Kontra mereka memancarkan cahaya yang keras, mereka lebih mahal daripada lampu pijar (meskipun mereka bertahan lebih lama), dan mereka mengandung merkuri, yang berarti mereka beracun jika pecah.

4. Dioda Pemancar Cahaya (LED)
Bola lampu paling hemat energi dari semuanya, LED berfungsi sedikit berbeda dari rekan senegaranya yang membakar filamen. Mereka menghasilkan cahaya melalui semikonduktor, atau bahan yang tidak konduktif seperti benda-benda seperti logam, tetapi lebih konduktif daripada isolator seperti karet. Ini cukup teknis, tetapi intinya adalah bahwa LED tidak memerlukan energi yang hampir sama untuk bekerja, mereka memiliki rentang hidup yang panjang (sekitar satu dekade), Dan mereka tidak memancarkan banyak panas sama sekali. Gunakan di mana pun Anda menggunakan bola lampu pijar di rumah Anda, yaitu di mana saja!

5. Lampu Pintar
Hampir semua hal di rumah Anda bisa menjadi “pintar” akhir-akhir ini, dan itu termasuk bola lampu. Bola lampu pintar biasanya adalah lampu LED, dengan manfaat tambahan berupa WiFi-enabled, yang berarti Anda dapat mengontrolnya dari jarak jauh melalui aplikasi atau AI seperti Amazon Alexa atau Google Home. Seperti yang Anda duga, mereka biasanya cukup mahal.

Manfaat Buah Delima bagi Kesehatan Tubuh

Delima – Semua orang pasti mengetahui buah satu ini karena memiliki ciri khas warna buah yang berwarna merah merona.

Buah delima merupakan salah satu buah yang cukup merepotkan untuk dikupas kulitnya. Meski begitu, Buah delima mengandung segudang gizi yang sangat baik untuk menjaga kesehatan tubuh.

Berikut di bawah ini kandungan gizi yang terdapat pada buah delima: Air, Energi, Protein, Lemak, Karbohidrat, Serat, Gula, Kalsium, Zat besi, Magnesium, Fosfor, Kalium, Sodium, Zinc, Tembaga, Selenium, Vitamin C, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folat, Vitamin E, Vitamin K dan Asam lemak.

Dilihat dari daftar kandungan gizinya, buah delima tentu mengandung segudang nutrisi yang sangat baik untuk menjaga kesehatan.

Berikut di bawah ini beberapa manfaat dari buah delima:

1 . Meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh
Buah delima kaya akan antioksidan kuat yang memiliki tugas untuk melawan peradangan, mencegah stres oksidatif serta mencegah kerusakan yang diakibatkan oleh radikal bebas.

Selain itu, dalam satu buah delima mengandung 40% kebutuhan vitamin C harian.

2. Meningkatkan kesuburan dan gairah seks
Stres oksidatif sangat berbahaya karena dapat menurunkan kualitas sperma dan menurunkan kesuburan wanita. Antioksidan yang terdapat pada buah delima dapat meredam stres oksidatif sehingga dapat meningkatkan kesuburan baik pada pria maupun wanita.

3. Mencegah Kanker
Buah delima memiliki beberapa kandungan yang di percaya dapat memperlambat bahkan membunuh sel kanker (apoptosis) seperti kanker prostat dan kanker payudara.

4. Menurunkan risiko penyakit Alzheimer
Mengonsumsi rutin 250 ml jus delima setiap hari dalam jangka waktu panjang sangat dianjurkan pada lansia karena dapat meningkatkan penajaman memori visual maupun verbal.

Delima juga dapat mengurangi penumpukan plak amiloid, plak amiloid merupakan plak yang menumpuk pada sel saraf otak dan merupakan salah satu faktor utama penyebab penyakit Alzheimer.

Itulah beberapa manfaat dari buah delima. Selain memiliki banyak manfaat, mengonsumsi buah delima juga bisa dengan berbagai cara seperti diolah menjadi jus, selai hingga dimakan langsung. Salah satu kekurangan dari buah ini adalah kulit buah ini sulit untuk dikupas sehingga sulit diekstrak sari buahnya.

Kegiatan Yang Wajib Anda Coba Saat Winter Di Swiss

Swiss negara yang memiliki pemandangan yang sangat luar biasa indah nya. Apa lagi di saat winter negara yang satu ini akan benar benar terlihat begitu indah dan tidak ada dua nya dari negara lainnya. Di negara yang satu ini anda bisa menikmati keindahan pemandangan gunung, rumah, pohon yang di selimutin oleh winter membuat negara yang satu ini benar benar sangat indah, tidak hanya itu saja anda juga bisa bermain winter bersana teman teman anda. Berikut ini ada beberapa kegiatan yang bisa anda coba saat berlibuaran ke negara yang satu ini.

1. Naik Bernina Express
Untuk anda yang menikmati liburan winter anda bisa naik bernina agar bisa menikmati jalur naik turun di pegunungan alpen yang akan di turunkan di swiss dimana anda hanya menghabiskan waktu 4 jam dalam satu kali jalan dan tidak perlu takut ketinggalan kerena kereta dalam 1 hari berjalan 3 kali. Hal yang bisa di bedakan dengan Bernina Express  dan biasa itu dimana Bernina Express memiliki jendala yang besar dan berjalan tidak terlalu cepat sehingga anda bisa menikmati pemandangan lebih puas.

2. Wisata Zurich
Jika anda sedang liburan di swiss anda bisa datang dan menikmati zurich dimana saat musim winter makan tempat yang satu ini akan sangat indah. Anda bisa menikmati pemandangan danau zurich atau anda bisa menyewa kapal dan berkeliling untuk menikamti keindahan zurich. Tempat yang satu ini sangat cocok untuk anda datangin karena anda bisa menhabiskan penat anda di sini.

3.Glacier Express Panorama
Tidak hanya Bernina Express saja anda juga bisa menikamti Glacier Express dimana perjalanan atara barnina dan garcier sangat berbeda anda bisa menikmati keindahan super indah dari kereta. Jika anda ingin menikmati keindahan dari kereta anda anda harus sudah memesan tiket 90 hari sebelum anda ingin berangkat ke tempat yang sangat indah ini. Cara untuk mendapatkan tiket sangat mudah sehingga tidak perlu pusing untuk mencari tiket di mana hanya perlu anda mencarinya di Rhaetian.

Trip ke Korea Murah dan Lebih Hemat dengan Cara Ini

Senengnya trip ke Korea lagi dan kali ini bareng Kadek, Yuki dan juga Wira, berasa reuni-an tiga apa empat taun lalu ya. Hari pertama sampe Seoul langsung jalan-jalan pake Discover Seoul Pass 24 Hours, ada banyak attraction yang tercover sama pass ini, termasuk tiket kereta dari bandara ke pusat kota, belinya di traveloka pas lagi diskon jadi Rp. 473 ribu dari Rp. 525 ribu, mayan kan.

Sekarang juga lagi ada Sakura Deals (yg mau hunting sakura cek cek segera) di traveloka, diskon sampai Rp. 3 juta di paket flight + hotel buat periode booking tanggal 11 Maret – 7 April, tripnya bebas kapan aja asal bookingnya sebelum 7 April. Kode kuponnya: KOREABLOSSOM, jangan lupa masukin kode pas pembayaran di Traveloka App ya!

Lotte World Magic Island

Definitely not a Cinderella Castle, sepatunya masih lengkap dan ga mungkin copot pas lari-lari *yaiyalah pake sneakers* wkwkwk
Cuaca di Seoul lagi gloomy beberapa hari ini tapi kemarin pas di Lotte World Seoul tiba-tiba cerah banget! Theme park ini ada bagian indoor & outdoornya dan banyak pilihan games.

Btw sekarang lagi ada diskon flight, hotel & attractions di Korea klo bookingnya via traveloka App, misalnya tiket masuk Lotte World ini dari Rp. 676 ribu diskon jadi Rp.500 ribu, dan klo pake kode voucher dapet lagi extra diskon 20% *ai lappp diskon* ,ini berlaku buat yg booking sampai tanggal 7 April, klo tanggal trip/attractionnya bebas.

Everland Seoul

Seru banget main ke Everland, Korea sama temen-temen! Walaupun cuacanya lagi mendung tapi ga nyangka ternyata Everland se-luas dan se-bagus itu, plus udah beli one day pass di Traveloka pas lagi diskon dari Rp. 674 ribu Jadi Rp. 458 ribu, dan banyak attractions lain juga setelah diskon dapat extra diskon lagi 20% pake Coupon Code KOREABLOSSOM, udah ga pake antri dan lebih murah!

Dapetin diskon pas booking tiket pesawat dan hotel up to Rp. 2 juta dan diskon 20% untuk tiket masuk atau activites di Korea klo booking via traveloka App sebelum tanggal 7 April 2019, waktu tripnya bebas kok! Cek lengkapnya di link ya! Daebak!

Menyelam Melihat Keindahan Bawah Laut Indonesia

Mulai mengurangi bermain Gadget. Ya sebulan terakhir aku sedikit mengalami depresi dan banyak sekali pikiran. Sehingga membuat pola hidup yang tak terkontrol. Aku menghabiskan 13-15 jam sehari untuk bermain gadget dan itu benar-benar membuatku jadi semakin gila. Mulai dari berita ini itu, pansos klarifikasi dsb.

Akhirnya aku bercerita pada sahabatku dan dia menyuruhku untuk mulai berhenti bermain gadget. Dan aku mencobanya. Hari pertama terasa berat tapi lama kelamaan menjadi biasa. Aku mulai mengetahui hal didekatku yang sebelumnya tak pernah kuperhatikan, mulai Tidur teratur dan olahraga setiap pagi. Banyak yang kupelajari saat menaruh gadget dan mulai berinteraksi dengan orang sekitar. Ya aku mulai terbiasa tanpa gadget dan hanya sesekali untuk cek kabar dari keluarga dan teman-teman deket.
Ya cobalah itu benar-benar menakjubkan.

Selama kehidupanku yang menjauh dari gadget, aku mencoba untuk terus menjalankan hobiku yaitu menyelam. Ada banyak sekali keindahan bawah laut Indonesia yang tidak dapat aku lihat dalam kehidupan sehari – hari. Dengan menjalankan hobi ini, aku banyak belajar tentang betapa luasnya lautan dan betapa kecilnya manusia. Maka dari itu dengan hobiku ini aku semakin banyak belajar untuk terus menghargai alam dan lautan yang telah memberikan kehidupan layak dan menyediakan apapun yang dibutuhkan manusia.

Yah pagi itu Kami berangkat pagi-pagi sekali menuju ke Bagan untuk mencari whaleshark. Yah di Kep. Derawan sangat mudah untuk berjumpa whaleshark. Hampir sepanjang tahun dia ada (selama tidak bulan purnama). Pagi itu kami sangat beruntung berjumpa dengan 4 whaleshark dan berenang sekaligus membuat video dan foto bersamanya. .

Aku cuman lihat di berita kalo malam ini tuh bulannya lagi deket sama bumi jadi bagus buat difoto. Akhirnya mantengin tuh bulan dari jam 11 malam ternyata masih tinggi, yaudah tunggu lagi sampai jam 2 malam ternyata masih tinggi, akhirnya jam 4 pagi aku keluar dan kutungguin di ujung dermaga sampai posisi bulannya bener-bener pas. Dan akhirnya dapatlah foto ini sekitaran jam 6 WITA. Langsung edit dan sekarang waktunya tidur

Persiapan Sebelum Trekking Harus Matang dan Teratur

Tertulis pada catatan Pendaki idola ku yaitu Meneer Junghuhn, pertama kali mendaki Gunung Mandalawangi (yang kita kenal sebagai Pangrango) pada 1 April 1859. Beliau bercerita bahwa saat itu belum pernah ada warga lokal yang ke Puncak Mandalawangi karena warga lokal takut terhadap “evil spirit” atau PENUNGGU Gunung Mandalawangi kala itu.

Ketika Junghuhn mencoba menembus Puncak Mandalawangi, Junghuhn tidak menemukan satupun jejak manusia, sehingga Beliau menerobos melalui JALUR BEKAS BADAK. Saat sampai di Lembah Mandalawangi, Beliau melihat seekor Badak di aliran anak sungai, dan satu lagi berada di rerumputan. Namun dalam sekejap, kedua Badak tersebut lari karena kaget dengan kehadiran Junghuhn.

Bonus Slide 2: Lukisan Gunung Gede-Pangrango versi Junghuhn dari Alun2 Surya Kencana. Melihat perbedaan versi dulu dan sekarang, jadi yang bener Puncak Pangrango apa Mandalawangi nih?

Lodok Sawah Cancar

Lingko Spider Web Rice Fields atau Lodok Sawah Cancar, terletak di Cancar, Manggarai, Flores dan merupakan SATU-SATUnya sawah di Indonesia yang membentuk pola seperti jaring laba-laba.

Terdapat sekitar 11 sawah berpola jaring laba-laba di hamparan persawahan TANAH ADAT seluas kurang lebih 100 hektar tersebut. Pembagian lahan sawah ditentukan oleh TETUA ADAT, memprioritaskan petinggi suku beserta keluarga, lalu warga suku, kemudian warga luar suku. Setiap RUAS dari sawah tersebut mewakili jumlah penerima tanah warisan serta keturunannya.

Gunung Argupuro

Waw! Ternyata ARGOPURO akan segera dibuka tgl 1 Desember besok! Kalian udah bersiap-siap menikmati hamparan sabanah Cikasur? Atau mendengarkan gemericik aliran sungai di Cisentor? Bahkan, menikmati MISTIS kabut Danau Taman Hidup?

Salah satu TIPS yang bisa saya sarankan sih, sebelum mendaki Argopuro, harus RISET dulu, karena jalurnya merupakan yang TERPANJANG di JAWA yakni 42km. Jadi, ada banyak persiapan yang harus kalian lakukan sebelum mendaki gunung Argupuro.

Yang pertama adalah mempersiapkan keyakinan diri dan juga mental. Setelah itu anda harus mempersiapkan kesehatan dan fisik yang kuat untuk mendaki gunung. Dan yang terakhir, jangan lupa persiapkan peralatan trekking yang lengkap dan lakukanlah trekking dengan aman. Jangan lupa berdoa juga ya!

Menyesal Karena Mencoba Lebih Baik daripada Tidak Mencoba

Antara mimpi dan kenyataan. Kita bisa kehilangan diri kita sendiri ketika kita mengorbankan segalanya. Pikirkan lagi. Apakah perlu untuk melakukannya? Semua yang Anda butuhkan saat ini ada di dalam diri Anda.

Cintai diri Anda terlebih dahulu, maka Anda akan menemukan cara yang lebih baik untuk mengendalikannya. Tunjukkan kekuatan Anda dan jangan biarkan orang menjatuhkan Anda!

Pelan-pelan dan nikmati perjalanannya sekarang juga. Luangkan waktu untuk orang-orang dalam hidup Anda. Mereka tidak akan selalu ada – Joel Osteen.

Kutipan ini telah menempel di kepala saya baru-baru ini. Orang datang dan pergi. Terkadang sangat menyakitkan untuk melepaskan seseorang yang paling Anda cintai. Pada akhirnya, Anda akan menyadari, kita perlu bersyukur dan berterima kasih, setidaknya mereka datang ke dalam hidup kita hanya untuk beberapa alasan, untuk mengajari kita hal-hal baru, memberi kita kebahagiaan. Kami menyebutnya kenangan.

Suatu malam di Tre Cime, Dolomite

Dilihat dari kejauhan, tempat ini lumayan anker. Sempat saya berpikir untuk mundur dan tidak melakukan perjalanan. Namun, saya selalu ingat suatu quotes yang berkata bahwa lebih baik menyesal karena mencoba dari pada menyesal karena tidak mencoba.

Dengan segenggam keyakinan, saya melanjutkan pendakian bersama dengan tim yang saling support satu sama lain. Jam pertama pendakian kami, Kami berendam cukup lama di bawah hujan, Kami putus asa, kami pikir kami tidak akan membuat misi matahari terbenam.

Namun, Kami memutuskan untuk mendaki di tempat lain dan berharap cuaca akan menjadi lebih baik. Saya benar-benar lelah, tidak tidur nyenyak hampir selama seminggu, bangun sangat pagi, lima hari berturut-turut.

Saya berpikir saya tidak akan berhasil pada waktu yang tepat. Namun, saya memaksakan diri untuk berjalan lebih cepat dan lebih cepat bahkan saya kedinginan, dan semuanya basah kuyup. Ketika saya sampai di puncak, hujan tiba-tiba berhenti, langit mulai cerah, dan pemandangan itu meniup pikiran saya. Endingnya selalu bikin surprise. Akhirnnya saya sama sekali tidak punya perasaan menyesal dan bahkan bersyukur karena saya tidak mundur.

Apakah Memakai Kaos Kaki Saat Tidur Memiliki Manfaat? Kalian Wajib Baca!

Banyak orang yang suka memakai kaos kaki saat tidur, Karena dapat menghangat kan kaki dan juga dapat membuat signal kepada otak jika sudah waktu nya untuk tidur. Saat menggunakan kaos kaki, Itu adalah cara paling aman dalam menjaga kehangatan tubuh dalam semalam. Ada beberapa metode yang di anggap dapat memberikan resiko, Seperti contoh nya metode menggunakan botol yang berisi air hangat atau juga menggunakan selimut pemanas. Metode tersebut dapat menimbulkan resiko overheat, Maka dari itu memakai kaos kaki lebih di anjurkan.

Bukan hanya dapat menghangatkan tubuh, Kaos kaki juga memiliki manfaat saat di gunakan di malam hari, Mari simak lebih lanjut :

1. Dapat memperbaiki sirkulasi darah

Untuk meningkatkan aliran darah ke kaki, Anda cukup memakai kaos kaki saat tidur dan itu dapat memperbaiki sirkulasi pada tubuh. Sirkulasi yang baik pastinya akan memastikan aliran darah dan oksigen menjadi sehat. Jika sudah begitu, paru-paru, Otat, Dan juga jantung akan berkerja semakin baik atau secara efisien.

2. Termoregulasi

Seperti namanya, Termoregulasi untuk mengacu bagaimana tubuh mengontrol suhu tubuh nya. Agar memastikan temperatur pada tubuh tidak dapat membahayakan diri sendiri. Bukan hanya itu, Tubuh juga dapat merespon lingkungan sekitar agar suhu tubuh kita tetap optimal. karena itu lah menggunakan kaos kaki saat tidur di malam hari dapat membantu kita dalam proses termoregulasi, Terutama saat berada di wilayah yang dingin.

3. Dapat menghilangkan sindrom Raynaud

Mungkin ada yang tidak mengetahui jika Sindrom Raynaud adalah, kondisi di saat tubuh kita dan juga jari tangan dapat merespon suhu dingin dan akan mati rasa. Mungkin sindrom ini akan memberikan masalah kesehatan yang cukup serius. Tetapi lebih baik kita untuk mencegah nya, Karena memakai kaos kaki sebelum tidur dapat membantu kita.

4. Dapat mencegah Hot Flash

Wanita yang sedang memasuki masa menopause nya akan sering mendapatkan masalah sulit untuk tidur. Hot flash adalah respon terhadap perubahan hormon pada tubuh, Dan itu dapat di cegah dengan memakai kaos kaki saat ingin tidur. itu di karena kan saat pembulu darah kita yang sedang terbuka lebar, Dan akan membuat tubuh kita menjadi dingin dan tidur lebih nyenyak.

Itu lah beberapa manfaat menggunakan kaos kaki saat tidur, Semoga bermanfaat bagi yang membaca nya. Terima kasih.

Beberapa Manfaat Eceng Gondok Yang wajib Diketahui!

Tentunya bukan hal yang asing bagi orang mendengar tumbuhan yang tumbuh di atas air ini, hampir semua orang tahu tumbuhan ini tetapi bukan semua orang tahu manfaat sebenarnya yang di hasilkan dari tumbuhan ini, ingin tahu apa itu manfaatnya? silahkan baca sampai habis keterangan yang kami berikan tentang manfaat tumbuhan ini

bukan tanaman asing bagi manusia, eceng gondok ini biasanya di temukan di danau, rawa maupun di sungai.

namun sebelum memasuki pembahasan inti ada hal yang tidak boleh terjadi bahwa tumbuhan eceng gondok di biarkan ternyata dapat merusak lingkungan perairan loh, maka dari itu harus lebih di perhatikan jika memelihara eceng gondok ini

Berdasarkan pengalamanyang di lakukan oleh sesorang selama ini, setidaknya ada empat manfaat yang ada di eceng gondok

1. Menangkap polutan logam
walaupun memiliki banyak sekali efek negatif dari eceng gondok ini berdasarkan hasil penelitian, eceng gondik memiliki fungsi menangkap polutan logam berat yang berada dalam air.

karena itu la, indra dan seluruh tim nya telah mengambil hampir semua eceng gondok yang berada di aliran sungai Citarum.

saat di ukur luar dari sungai ini 80 gektar. indra dan tim mencoba menggalbil memanfaatkan, namun tidak bisa semua mereka ambil, tutur indra kepada tim.

2. Kerajinan tangan
Tumbuhan eceng gondok ini ternyata bisa di jadikan bahan kerajikan tangan. apa saja kerajinan tangan tersebut yaitu mulai dari tas, sendal, keranjang, atap gazebo.

cara nya sederhana saja, silahkan ambil beberapa batangnya, kemudian anda keringkan saja batang tersebut dengan cara di jemur.

setelah sudah kering, batang ini di belah sesuai keinginan atau keperluan untuk buat apa, lalu di anyam. bentuk lilitan hasil batang eceng gondok menarik dan natural sekali, mirip sekali dengan rotan.

ada beberapa bentuk anyaman yang perlu di bentuk, untuk itu akan memperlihatkan motif yang berbeda pada kerajinan yang di buat.

3.Media Tanam
manfaat menarik dari eceng gondok ini juga unik seperti batangnya di buat kerajinan, maka akarnya juga tidak ingin kalah yaitu bisa di sulap menjadi media tanam.

caranya tidak sulit, siapkan saja tanah, campurkan akar eceng gondok, siram dengan air, dan media tanam pun bisa di gunakan

“Dari pengalaman beberapa orang termaksud saja, media tanam ini akan menuburkan tanaman yang akan berbuah bagus”.

4. Briket dan pupuk organik cair
sudah jelas bahwa seluruh bagian eceng gondok ini bisa di manfaatkan sebagai hal yang menguntungkan, selain batang dan akar eceng gondok, bagian lainnya juga tentunya bisa di manfaatkan untuk material briket dan bisa juga menjadi pupuk organik cair.

permintaan peminat pupuk organik cari yang di hasilkan eceng gondok ini banyak sekali pemintannya,indra sendiri yang mentuturkan bahwa ia bisa menjual seharga Rp 20.000 per liter nya.

tentunya indra berharap kedepannya ada pihak yang bisa membantu ia pemasaran, sehingga produk ini bisa secara langsung terjual ke masyarakat dan tentunya dengan jangkauan yang lebih luar.

Diajak Gabung Lille, Rivalitas Ronaldo-Messi Kembali Terjadi Di League 1?

Nama Cristiano Ronaldo dan Lionel Messi menjadi dua pemain yang paling sering dibicarakan oleh semua orang ketika keduanya masih bermain di Liga Spanyol. Bisa dikatakan rivalitas antara Ronaldo dan Messi menjadi daya tarik paling kuat di La Liga selama bertahun-tahun.

Seperti yang diketahui, Ronaldo dan Messi selalu bersaing dengan ketat untuk menjadi pemain terbaik di dunia. Dengan beragam prestasi yang telah disumbangkan kepada klub masing-masing, Prestasi individu sebagai peraih Ballon d’Or terbanyak dalam sejarah sepak bola dunia tentu menjadi yang paling menarik.

Namun setelah kepergian Ronaldo dari Real Madrid untuk bergabung dengan Juventus, Daya tarik La Liga sudah tidak seperti dulu lagi. Pasalnya persaingan antara kedua pemain terbaik di dunia tersebut harus terhenti pasca kepergian Ronaldo pada tahun 2018.

Menariknya, Kini Messi pun angkat kaki dari Liga Spanyol lantaran masalah interim yang dialami oleh kubu Barcelona. 16 tahun menjadi penghuni Camp Nou, Messi pun harus meninggalkan klub yang telah membesarkan namanya tersebut menuju ke klub kaya raya asal Prancis, Paris Saint-Germain dengan status bebas transfer.

Sebelum gabungnya Messi ke PSG, Nama Ronaldo sempat mencuat dan dikabarkan tengah dilirik oleh klub raksasa League 1 tersbut sebelum kompetisi musim 2020/21 berakhir. Alasannya karena Ronaldo gagal membawa Juventus mendapatkan tiket menuju Liga Champions, Sehingga Si Nyonya Tua bersedia melepasnya ke klub manapun.

Namun dengan kedatangan Messi ke PSG, Tampaknya transfer Ronaldo tersebut tidak akan lagi terjadi. Pasalnya jika kubu Les Parisiens ngotot mendatangkannya klub bisa mendapatkan sanksi berat karena aturan Financial Fair Play.

Meski demikian, Ternyata ada kemungkinan besar rivalitas Ronaldo dan Messi bakal kembali terjadi di Prancis dengan catatan CR7 bersedia untuk bergabung dengan juara League 1 musim lalu, Lille.

Kabarnya kapten Lille, Jose Fonte bahkan telah mengirimkan pesan setiap hari kepada Ronaldo untuk merayunya agar bersedia bergabung dengan mereka,”Saya telah mengirim pesan setiap hari kepada Cristiano agar bersedia bergabung dengan kami. Namun dia hanya membalas pesan saya dengan tertawa.”kata Fonte.

Duet Maut Giroud Dan Ibra Di Lini Depan AC Milan

Keberhasilan AC Milan mendatangkan Olivier Giroud dari Chelsea mendapatkan pujian dari para pendukung serta mantan pemain Rossoneri. Pasalnya duet maut Giroud dan Ibra di lini depan AC Milan diprediksikan bakal menjadi momok menakutkan bagi tim lawan.

Seperti yang diketahui, Olivier Giroud memutuskan untuk angkat kaki dari Stamford Bridge dan melanjutkan kiprahnya bersama klub raksasa Serie A, AC Milan. Dengan mahar dua juta poundsterling, Striker berkebangsaan Prancis itupun di ikat dengan kontrak berdurasi dua tahun di San Siro.

Mantan pemain AC Milan, Marco Simone melihat kedatangan Giroud ke San Siro bakl menambah daya dobrak lini depan Rossoneri di musim depan,”Giroud adalah pemain yang sangat kuat. Dengan fisik dan teknik luar biasa dia berhasil mencetak banyak gol dan membantu kerja sama tim yang sangat bagus.”kata Simone.

“Dia kuat dalam berbagai hal, Mampu melihat dan merasakan celah yang tepat. Dia juga memiliki permainan udara yang sangat hebat. Saya selalu mengikuti jejaknya karirnya di klub manapun, Terutama ketika dia bersama Tours.”lanjutnya.

Dengan kehadiran Giroud, Kini AC Milan memiliki opsi untuk menggunakan strategi satu penyerang ataupun dua striker secara bersamaan. Simone sendiri sangat antusias dengan opsi kedua, Karena dirinya meyakini kerja sama Giroud dan Ibra bakal menciptakan duet maut yang mengerikan untuk Milan.

“Banyak sekali pihak yang masih meragukan konsistensi mereka dan saya tidak melihat hal itu. Dalam sebuah permainan pemain seperti mereka ini sangat dibutuhkan untuk membuka ruang. Giroud seorang pemain yang sangat dinamis sehingga pergerakannya bisa memberikan keuntungan besar kepada Zlatan.”kata Simone.

Verrarti Optimis Klub Italia Berjaya Di Liga Champions – Gelandang milik PSg mendukung juventus untuk mengalahkan real madrid di perempat final liga champions eropa.

veratti sendiri sempat di rumour kan bergabung dengan si nyonya tua,akan tetapi harga sang pemain yang tinggi menjadi halangan.

‘’Melawan mereka real madrid memang sulit itu bukan hal yang mudah untuk menang. akan tetapi tidak ada yang mustahil jika takdir telah berbicara.

ketika di tanya soal salah satu lagi klub italia yang berpotensi lolos yaitu roma veratti hanya bisa optimis jika keduanya akan lolos dan mengharumkan nama italia.

‘’Saya pemain asal italia dan jelas mendukung klub italia untuk melawan klub spanyol. Roma harus berhati hati karena barcelona sudah memperkuat pertahanan mereka dan mereka sangat baik musim ini dengan strategi yang baik.

veratti sendiri adalah pemain  asal italia, ia harus berlapang dada ketia timnya psg harus di singkirkan oleh real madrid di perempat final liga champions eropa.

Top Skorer La Liga Spanyol Pekan Ke 25

Berita Bola – La Liga Spanyol merupakan salah satu liga yang terpopuler dan ditunggu-tunggu. Sampai kepada pekan ke 25 ini, Barcelona memimpin dengan perolehan 57 Poin dan disusul oleh Atletico Madrid dan Real Madrid dengan masing-masing 50 dan 48 Poin. Namun siapakah pahlawan top La Liga Sampai pekan ke 25 ini?. Inilah 5 Top skorer La Liga Spanyol sampai ke pekan 25.

1. Lionel Messi

Lionel Messi tampak menjadi raja Pemeran Utama di La Liga Spanyol tahun ini setelah rival abadinya pindah Liga tetangga. Cristiano Ronaldo yang dulu bersaing ketat dengan Messi kini telah berlabuh ke Juventus Liga Serie A Italia. Messi sampai pekan ke 25 ini telah mencetak 25 gol. Itu artinya dalam setiap pertandingan rata-rata Messi mencetak 1 skor. Dan asal tahu saja, 25 skor tersebut mengimbangi jumlah keboblan dari gawang Barcelona sampai pekan ke 25 ini juga.

2. Luis Suarez

Posisi top skorer kedua sampai pekan ke 25 La Liga masih dijajah oleh pasukan dari Barcelona. Luis Suarez telah berhasil mencetak sebanyak 16 Gol sampai pekan 25 La Liga.

3. Antoine Griezmann

Antoine Griezmann akhir-akhir ini tampil dengan performa yang gemilang. Sebelumnya nama Antoine Griezmann masih berada dalam 5 besar, namun saat ini Griezmann telah berada di posisi ketiga dengan mencetak sebanyak 12 Gol bagi Atletico Madrid.

4. Borja Iglesias

Top skorer posisi keempat adalah pemain yang sedang naik daun di bawah bendera Espanyol. Borja Iglesias berada pada posisi ke 4 dengan mencetak 10 Gol bagi Espanyol.

5. Christian Stuani

Mungkin akan tidak afdol jika tidak ada pemain Real Madrid yang masuk dalam 5 besar. Namun kenyataan memang berkata seperti itu, posisi kelima diisi oleh Christian Stuani dengan perolehan 10 Gol sama dengan Borja Iglesias.

Zidane Diprediksi Akan Merapat Ke Juventus

Berita Bola – Juventus di awal tahun 2019 ini memang menuai sangat banyak berita. Hal itu disebabkan karena Juventus saat ini sangat dipertanyakan untuk kekuatannya. Juventus sangat kuat di Liga Italia Serie A saat ini, namun tampak sangat lemah di Liga Champions.

Juventus saat ini berada di top chart dari Liga Italia Serie A 2018/2019. Namun di Liga Champions, Juventus terancam tidak lolos bahkan sampai babak perempat final. Laga Juventus terakhir pada Liga Italia Serie A adalah melawan Frosinone dimana Juventus berhasil menang telak. Tidak tanggung-tanggung, Juventus meraih 3 angka tanpa kebobolan oleh Frosinone sama sekali.

Namun pada Laga terakhirnya di Liga Champions, Juventus dipertemukan dengan Atletico Madrid. Pada pertandingan tersebut Juventus kalah 2 skor tanpa mencetak angka sama sekali. Di pertandingan tersebut sebenarnya Juventus tampak bermain apik karena berhasil mendominasi pertandingan namun seolah sedang apes tidak berhasil mencetak gol sama sekali.

Hal tersebut pun memicu manajemen dari Juventus untuk mempertanyakan eksistensi dari Allegri. Dikabarkan bahwa Allegri terancam didepak keluar karena prestasi yang buruk di Liga Champions yang sangat bergengsi di Eropa. Dan kandidat yang diduga paling berpeluang untuk menggantikan posisinya tersebut adalah Zidane.

Zidane ini adalah termasuk salah satu bintang yang sudah akrab dengan Juventus. Terlebih lagi, asuhan dari Zidane juga telah merapat ke klub tersebut yakni Cristiano Ronaldo. Namun sampai saat ini masih belum ada konfirmasi lebih lanjut tentang aksi dari pergantian pelatih tersebut.

Messi Tidak Dapat Mengejar Kecepatan Yang Dimiliki Dembele

Bintang dari Barcelona, Lionel Messi. mengatakan bahwa dirinya dan Luis Suarez tidak mampu mengikuti kecepatan lari dari salah satu penyerang baru milik Camp Nou, Ouesmane Dembele yang memiliki peforma luar biasa.

Dembele sendiri di beli oleh Barcelona dari Borussia Dortmund pada musim panas lalu yang dimana ia di bayar dengan mahar yang besar yaitu 150 Juta Euro yang menjadikan sebagai pemain ter mahal kedua sebelum Neymar Jr yang dimana merupakan pemain ter mahal di dunia saat ini.

Pemain ini sendiri di beli dengan harga yang sangat mahal karena ia sendiri memiliki peforma yang baik sama hal dengan pemain bintang lainnya seperti Messi dan Ronaldo, Bukan hanya itu saja ia juga memiliki kecepatan layaknya Cheeta yang mampu berlari di atas normalnya manusia dan ia sangat cocok menjadi pemain lini depan untuk meningkatkan laju serangan balik.

Simak penjelasan dibawah ini secara lengkapnya.

Sangat Mustahil Untuk Dikejar

Pemain berusia 21 Tahun ini diklaim sebagai manusia tercepat dalam berlari sambil mengiring bola, hal ini sendiri bukan hanya dirasakan oleh lawan namun dirasakan juga oleh teman mereka yang tidak dapat mengejar kecepatan dirinya.

Hal ini sendiri ungkapkan oleh Messi yang dianggap sebagai Pemain bola terlincah di dunia “Ia merupakan pemain yang memiliki skill dengan lari yang sangat gila, saya tidak dapat mengejar dirinya karena ia berlari sangat kencang seperti Cheeta yang mengejar mangsa.

“Dembele adalah pemain muda yang berbakat, ia sendiri selalu mengiring bola dengan jarak yang sangat jauh karena ia tau kemampuan larinya sangat cepat sehingga lawan tidak muda mencuri bola dari kakinya, jika kita mau menemaninya maka kita harus mengambil langka lebih dulu dari pada dirinya agar kita dapat bertemu di depan dengan dirinya.

Arsenal Ingin Beli Rabiot Dengan Transfer Gratis

Klub asal London Utara, Arsenal saat ini dikabarkan sedang memiliki niat untuk mendatangakan salah satu gelandang milik Paris Saint Germany, Adrien Rabiot, Mereka sendiri menilai bahwa pemain ini sangat cocok dengan strategi dari The Gunners.

Pada musim lalu, Rabiiot sendiri dikabarakan menjadi salah satu pemain yang banyak di incar oleh klub eropa, Namun PSG sendiri juga tidak mau melepaskan pemain ini dengan cuma cuma karena mereka tau bahwa pemain ini memiliki kemampuan mengelolah bola dengan sangat baik, Dan pada akhir nya pihak dari PSG kembali memperpanjang masa baktinya di Le Parc des Princes.

Pemain asal prancis ini di pastikan akan hengkang dari PSG karena ia sendiri tidak memiliki waktu untuk bermain yang banyak,Hal ini dikarenakan ia sendiri kalah dari bersaing dengan Mbappe, Neymar dan Cavani.

Arsenal Tertarik

Dilansir dari media inggris, klub Liga Primier League, Arsenal, diklaim menyukai pemain ini dan membuat mereka ingin mendapatkannya. Bukan hanya memiliki permainan yang baik jika ia keluar dari PSG maka ia akan menjadi pemain berstatus gratis karena ia sudah tidak memiliki kontrak dengan tim asal Prancis di transfer musim panas nanti.

Banyak Yang Mau

Ternyata bukan hanya The Gunners saja yang menginginkan pemain ini, ternyata tim asal Spanyol, Barcelona dan Real Madrid di kabarkan juga tertarik kepada pemain ini untuk menambah amunisi mereka di lini depan, Sebenarnya yang membuat pemain ini di incar oleh beberapa klub adalah Transfernya pemain ini memiliki status gratis

Emery : Untuk Musim ini Saya Dengan Tim Arsenal Cukup Baik

Pelatih dari Arsenal, Unai Emery menyebutkan bahwa tim yang ia asuh sekarang memiliki level yang sama dengan klub Manchester United dan juga Chelsea. Emery sendiri melatih The Gunners dengan baik di musim ini.

Untuk masalah peringkat, Arsenal saat ini telah berada di peringkat kelima dengan berhasil mengunmpulkan point sebanyak 47 dari 23 pertandingan yang ia jalanin. Untuk tim ini sendiri memiliki target untuk mendapatkan empat besar di musim ini karena mereka sendiri sudah tidak muda untuk mendapatkan Trofi Primier League pada musim ini, Mereka sendiri sudah tertinggal jauh dari Liverpool yang telah berhasil mengoleksi 61 Point yang berarti berselisih 14 point dengan pemuncak klasemen sementara Liga Inggris.

Emery sendiri saat ini harus bekerja dengan sangat keras untuk merubah The Gunners karena di klub ini sendiri masih di tinggal dengan para pemain lama yang memiliki peforma yang bisa di bilang kurang baik, Ia sendiri masih belum bisa mendatangkan pemain karena dana yang di miliki oleh timnya saat ini dalam keadaan memburuk.

Meskipun demikian, Ia juga mengatakan bahwa di musim pertamanya ia melatih tim ini cukup baik.

Cukup Baik                                                        

Emery sendiri mengatakan hal itu berdasarkan fakta dan data yang akurat. Ia sendiri melihat tim ini dengan data dari beberapa tahun yang lalu dan membandingkan dengan data yang sekarang.

“Saya sendiri percaya bahwa anak asuhan saya semua dapat bermain dengan baik karena mereka juga percaya dengan saya, Untuk masalah yang tadi saya bicarakan hal itu saya ambil dari data terakhir pendapatan dari point arsenal dari tahun ke tahun, Saya sendiri melihat bahwa pada beberapa tahun lalu Arsenal hanya mampu menciptakan 40 point saja, dan pada musim ini kami berhasil mendapatkan 47 point.

Dybala Menjadi Lemah Karena Peran Barunya

Bintang dari Juventus, Paulo Dybala. telah menjalani Semua pertandingannya dengan Tim Nyonya Tua dan ia sendiri saat ini masih belum memberikan banyak gol untuk tim ini, Sang pelatih, Massimiliano Allegri menyebutkan bahwa pemain ini sedang dalam kesulitan beradapatasi dengan peran barunya.

Dybala sendiri dikenal sebagai bombres Juventus di sepanjangan tahun 2017 dan 2018 kemarin, Bahkan ia sendiri telah membuat banyak gol untuk Juventus yang melebihi penyerang milik AC Milan, Gonzalo Higuain. Dari 46 penampilan.

Akan tetapi peforma dari pemain ini sendiri menurun dengan sangat drastis pada musim ini, Hal ini diyakinkan karena dengan hadirnya Cristino Ronaldo di lini depan Juventus, Dybala sendiri saat ini baru mencattkan tujuh gol dari 26 penampilan yang telah ia lakoni.

Simak dibawah ini untuk membaca informasi selengkapnya.


Perbedaan dari dybala di musim kemarin dan musim ini adalah posisinya, Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa sang juara bertahan ini selalu mengunkan formasi 4-2-3-1 dengan demikian Dybala saat ini di posisikan sebagai gelandang serang yang berada di belakan striker.

Akan tetapi dengan datangnya Ronaldo ke Turin formasi dari Juventus menjadi 4-3-3 dan pemain muda tersebut di tempatkan pada posisi yang lebih lebar dan sering sekali menjadi penyambung bola antara pemain depan dan belakang.

Allegri sendiri mengakui bahwa Dybala sedang dalam keadaan sulit dengan pengadaptasian di peran barunya, Namun menurut pelatih ini sendiri adaptasi ini samanya dengan pertama kali Dybala datang ke Turin.

Kepercayaan Diri Menurun                            

Peran yang diambil oleh Dybala bisa di bilang cukup sulit untuk dia karena ia sendiri tidak pernah berada di posisi ini sebelumnya jadi saya pikir itu adalah hal yang biasa untuk para pemain, Saya melihat bahwa kepercayaan diri dari Dyabala belakangan ini menurun drastis.

Manchester United Akan Mengundur Kedatanggan Kalidou Koulibaly

Klub raksasa Primier League, Manchester United. Dikabarkan telah membatalkan rencana mereka untuk mendatangkan salah satu bek terbaik di dunia dari Napoli, Kalidou Koulibaly pada bursa transfer musim dingin ini. Setan merah sendiri dikabarkan akan mendatangkan pemain ini jika ia sangat membutuhkan posisinya.

Sudah bukan menjadi rahasia umum jika Pertahanan milik setan merah ini diklaim sangat rapuh karena pemain dari lini belakang mereka akhir-akhir ini begitu menurun dalam segi peforma. Sehingga membuat MU dikabarkan ingin mendatangkan bek tengah yang baru dan kuat, banyak daftar nama bek yang ingin di beli oleh United dan daftar paling utama adalah Kalidou Koulibaly dari Napoli.

Namun baru baru ini United sendiri di kabarkan tidak akan mendatangkan kalidou pada musim transfer ini.

Mengapa demikian? Simak di artikel di bawah ini untuk penjelasan lebih lengkap.

Menunggu Manajer Resmi

Manchester United menunda kedatangan pemain berusia 27 Tahun ini karena mereka dikabarkan ingin meresmikan dulu manajer mereka.

Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa MU akan mengumumkan manajer resmi mereka pada akhir musim nanti, Dan sebelum manajer di permanen kan MU sendiri takut bahwa nantinya Pemain tidak akan cocok dengan sang pelatih.

Harga Sangat Mahal                                       

Untuk menarik keluar pemain ini Manchester United harus mengeluarkan bajet sekitar 55 Juta Pounds, Harga ini sendiri bisa di bilang sangat mahal untuk pemain sekelas ia dan di tambah lagi pemain ini sendiri kontraknya akan habis pada 2021 yang akan datang

Piatek: Dua Gol Yang Saya Buat Itu Cuma Pemanasan

Striker dari AC Milan, Krzystof Piatek. Diklaim memiliki cara bermain yang sangat hebat, Ia sendiri telah mencetak dua gol untuk debut pertamanya bersama Rossoneri. Pemain yang memiliki julukan lewandoski baru ini juga mengatakan bahwa dirinya akan menjamin untuk memberikan gol Untuk Milan dari kedua kakinya.

Piatek sendiri di datangkan oleh Milan baru baru ini saat di tinggal oleh Higuain mereka sendiri membeli piatek dengan mahar sekitar 35 Juta Euro dari Genoa. Piatek menjadi dalang atas kemenengan milan saat bertemu dengan Napoli di liga perempat final Coppa Italia pada tanggal 30 januari kemarin. Ia sendiri menyumbangkan gol nya pada menit ke 10 dan ke 27.

Simak dibawah ini untuk informasi lebih lengkapnya.       

Baru Pemanasan

Sebelum pertandingan di mulai piatek sendiri sudah bersekongkol dengan para pemain AC Milan untuk memberi umpan kepada dirinya dan Ia akan berjanji kepada Rossoneri untuk bahwa dua gol yang ia berikan itu bukan la terakhir kalinya namun itu hanya sebuah pemanasan di awal laga ia bermain dengan klub yang baru ia datangi.

“Saya sendiri sudah siap untuk mencetak gol untuk Milan dan saya semalam berhasil memberikan dua gol namun itu hanya la sebuah pemanasan, Ungkap Piatek.

Menghadapi Bek Hebat

Gol yang diberikan oleh piatek bisa dibilang sangat sulit karena ia sendiri harus berhadapan dengan pemain bertahan yang sangat hebat, Karena di Napoli sendiri terdapat Kalidou Koulibaly yang dianggap sebagai bek terhebat di dunia.

Higuain Di Klaim Tidak Bisa Sukses Di Primier League

Legenda dari Liverpool, Steven Gerrard mengatakan bahwa pemain baru milik Chelsea, Gonzalo Higuain. bisa saja dalam kesulitan dalam Liga Primier League, Karena Steven sendiri menilai bahwa taktik dari permainan liga inggris tidak cocok dengan pemain berusia 31 Tahun itu.

Higuain sendiri baru saja di datangkan oleh The Blues dari AC Milan yang sebagai pemain pinjaman dari Juventus. Kedatanganya tersebut pun menjadikanya sebagai tumpuhan dari Chelsea yang saat ini dalam kondisi tidak baik.

Namun ada beberapa pihak yang meragukan kemampuan Higuain di Primier League, Hal ini sendiri disebabkan karena ia sendiri di klaim tidak dapat bermain dengan baik saat membela AC Milan pada awal musim lalu.

Tidak Begitu Yakin

Salah satu pihak yang meragukan kemampuan Higuain adalah Gerrad. menurut mantan pemain Liverpool ini Liga Inggris bukan hal yang cocok untuk Higuain.

“Saya tidak yakin ia bisa sukses bermain di sini karena Liga ini sendiri merupakan liga yang paling hebat di dunia. Dan tidak cocok untuk striker sekelas Higuain disini.

Bisa Saja Seperti Mantan Pemain Liverpool

Liverpool sendiri merupakan klub besar yang saat ini memimpin klasemen EPL. Namun mereka sendiri memiliki pengalaman buruk dengan salah satu striker milik mereka, Fernando Morientes. pemain ini sendiri di datangkan pada tahun 2005 akan tetapi ia sendiri tidak dapat bermain dengan baik di liga besar ini.

“Saya masih ingat bahwa ia sendiri merupakan pemain terbaik di dunia akan tetapi saat ia menginjakan kakinya disini ia memiliki permainan yang berbeda ia tidak mampu bermain dengan baik di Liga Primier League. Dan pada akhirnya kami melepaskan ia kembali ke Valencia.

Pogba Akan Pergi Dari MU, Jika Di Tawar Barcelona atau Real Madrid

Banyak sekali klub yang telah di kaitkan dengan salah satu bintang milik Manchester United, Paul Pogba. Namun sang pemain sendiri dikabarkan tidak ingin hengkan kecuali ia di rekrut oleh klub lebih besar dari setan merah seperti Real Madrid dan Barcelona.

Rumor dari kepergian dari Pogba sendiri sempat datang berhembus saat kursi kepelatihan masih di duduki oleh Jose Mourinho. Kala itu keduanya sering berseru hingga ada muncul kemungkinan besar bahwa Pemain asal Perancis ini akan pergi dari Old Trafford.

Dari keributan antar Jose dan Pogba membuat beberapa Klub Eropa seperti, Barcelona, Juventus, Dan juga Manchester City  ingin mendapatkan pemain ini dari kesempatan tersebut. Namun setan merah sendiri lebih memutuskan untuk memecat Jose Mourinho agar sang pemain tidak pergi dari base camp United.

Baca berita selengkapnya dibawah ini.                 

Pogba Sangat Betah Di Setan Merah

Saat Ole Gunnar Solskjaer datang ke Old Trafford, Suasan dari setan merah langsung berubah drastis, Mereka sendiri berhasil membatai tujuh pertandingan dengan raihan semua pertandingan, dan dari laga yang di pimpin oleh Solskaer. Manchester united sendiri saat ini tidak pernah menelan kekalahan dari awal Jose keluar.

Dengan demikian peluang Pogba untuk keluar dari setan merah pun menjadi menipis. dan manajemen dari MU juga membenarkan bahwa dengan kepergian jose itu membuat klub ini lebih baik dari sebelumnya.

Sekarang klub ini dibawah asuhan Solskjaer lebih baik lagi dari apa yang sebelumnya.

Hanya Ingin Barcelona dan Real Madrid

Masa depan dari pogba untuk saat ini memang bersama United namun ia juga mengatakan bahwa ia akan pindah dari setan merah jika Barcelona dan Real Madrid yang memberikan tawaran kepadanya.

Real Madrid Akan Mendatangkan Dybala Pada Musim Ini

Juara bertahan Liga Champion, Real Madrid dikabarkan akan serius untuk mendatangkan pemain muda Paulo Dybala dari salah satu klub seri A, Juventus. Mereka sendiri dikabarkan telah menyiapkan sebuah tawaran perdana nya untuk striker tersebut.

Rumor terhadap Real Madrid untuk mendatangkan pemain ini sebenarnya sudah ada sejak lama, Dalam dua tahun akhir ini saja Dybala sering disebut sebut sebagai target transfer Madrid.

Untuk itu Real Madrid sendiri kembali mengaktifkan kembali minta mereka dalam mendatangkan pemain asal Argentina tersebut di musim ini, Pasalnya Los Blancos saat ini dalam keadaan yang cukup buruk mereka sendiri telah lama berpuasa gol saat di tinggal oleh Bintangnya Cristiano Ronaldo, Sehinga membuat mereka ingin mendatangkan striker baru ke bernabue dalam waktu yang dekat ini.

Di lansir dari akun resmi Real Madrid, Mereka menilai bahwa Dybala cocok untuk menjadi striker mereka yang telah di tinggal oleh Ronaldo.

Simak berita dibawah ini untuk manvuer transfer Dybala.

Tawaran Perdana

Menurut laporan media Spanyol, Real Madrid akan sangat serius untuk mendatangkan pemain berusia 26 tahun ini pada bursa transfer yang akan datang.

Los Blancos sendiri telah mengajukan sebuah penawaran kepada agen Dybala untuk mendapatkannya pada bursa transfer nanti.

El Real sendiri dikabarkan akan menawarkan pemain ini sekitar 98 Juta Euro untuk memakai jasanya di Los Blancos.

Barcelona Resmi Mendatangkan Boateng

Klub raksasa dari Liga Spanyol, Bacelona tampaknya membuat pergerakan yang tepat pada bursa transfer januari ini, Mereka sendiri secara resmi mendatangkan Kevin Prince Boateng dari klub Sassulo.

Lewat media resmi mereka, Bahwa Barca menyebutkan Boateng di datangkan ke Camp Nou sebagai status pemain cadangan, Namun Barcelona juga di kabarkan sangat minat dengan pemain ini sehingga membuat mereka akan membeli pemain ini secara permanent dengan biaya sekitar 10 Juta Euro.

Rencanya pemain ini sendiri akan di resmikan oleh Barca ke publik di hari rabu, (23/1) Untuk acara pemain ini sendiri akan dimulai dari penandatangan kontrak dan akan berlanjut pada sesi Foto dan juga sebuah konfrensi pers di depan awak media.

Simak informasi lanjutannya di bawah ini.

Sebagai Pengganti Dembele dan Malcom

Boateng sendiri akan di masukan sebagai pemain tambahan untuk sektor dilini depan barcelona yang bisa di bilang untuk saat ini dalam keadaan pincang. Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa Dembele untuk saat ini dalam keadaan Cedera panjang yang setidaknya memakan waktu sekitar enam bulan.

Pemain asal Prancis tersebut terkena cedera saat melawan Leganes di hari senin semalam, Bahkan ia sendiri turut mencetak gol Namun sayangnya pada menit ke 70 ia harus terkena cedera.

Menurut hasil pemeriksaan yang dilakukan oleh tim medis Dembele akan sembuh dengan waktu yang sangat lama yaitu sekitar enam bulan, Namun penyebab Barca mendatangkan Boateng bukan hanya itu saja, Sebab yang dialami mereka juga di yakini bahwa malcom akan meninggalkan Camp Nou.

Pemain yang baru ini di kabarkan resah beegabung dengan Barcelona karena ia sendiri sering menjadi pemain cadangan, Karena saingan ya untuk duduk di kursi utama sangat kuat seperti Lionel Messi , Luis Suarez dan juga Dembele.

Jadi Bek Utama MU, Victor Mendapatkan Banyak Pujian

Mantan pemain dari Barcelona, Patrik Anderson mengaku bahwa dirinya senang karena melihat temannya Victor Lindelof telah berhasil memberikan bukti bahwa dirinya itu bisa bermain dengan baik di Manchester United.

Lindelof sendiri bermain dengan Manchester United pada tahun 2017 di transfer musim panas kemarin dengan mahar sekitar 36 juta pounds untuk mengunakan jasa pemain ini.

Namun ia juga pernah mengalami kesulita saat pertama kali bermain dengan setan merah, Di tambah lagi dengan cedera yang sering menghampiri dirinya membuat ia harus sering absen untuk membela Manchester United.

Akan tetapi nasib dari pemain ini untuk saat ini sudah berubah dratis pada musim ini, Victor sendiri untuk saat ini sudah menjadi pemain utama di bawah asuhan Jose Mourinho.

Pujian Anderson Untuk Victor

Penampilan dari pemain ini mendapatkan sebuah pujian dari anderson, Hal ini disebabkan karena pemain ini berkembang dengan cepat dan sangat baik di United.

Sebagai pemain muda ia juga sudah cukup untuk beradaptasi di Liga Primier League. Dan saat mereka melawan Juventus saja pemain ini melakukan pekerjaannya dengan baik saat satu lawan satu dengan pemain terbaik di dunia Cristian Ronaldo.

Dia memiliki permainan yang sangat hebat di dalam dirinya bahkan sebagai bek ia sendiri bermain dengan teratur dan tau tehnik untuk melakukan pemberhentian bola secara baik dengan tidak bermain kasar.

Gonzalo Higuain Dinilai Sangat Sempurna Untuk The Blues

Mantan pemain dari Chelsea, Craig Burley mengatakan bahwa jika memang benar The Blues ingin mendatangkan Gonzalo Higuain ke Stamford Bridge maka klub london barat ini akan menjadi lebih hebat lagi dalam permainan menyerang dan meningkatkan peforma mereka dalam musim akhir nanti.

Sudah bukan menjadi rahasia umum jika Maurizio Sarri mencari striker baru, Karena sarri sendiri mengaku bahwa pemain yang berada di lini tengah mereka saat ini dalam keadaan yang tidak baik dan kurang mencetak gol akhir akhir ini sehingga ia membutuhkan pemain yang baru dan kuat untuk menjadi ujung tombak mereka.

Menurut berita yang terdapat di Inggris, Chelsea sudah mendapatkan nama pemain yang akan mengisi kekosongan lini depan mereka, Mereka di kabarkan akan mendatangkan Higuain dari AC Milan yang mereka pinjam dari Juventus.

Tidak Perlu Bekerja Keras Lagi

Jika memang benar Higuain pindah ke Chelsea maka ia sudah tidak perlu bekerja keras lagi karena ia sendiri sudah di cap sebagai pemain yang baik dan akan memberikan dampak kemenangan yang besar.

Ia sendiri menyebutkan bahwa tim utama yang terdapat di chelsea saat ini memiliki kondisi yang sangat buruk dan juga sedang dalam keadaan menurun untuk peforma mereka.

“Burley mengatakan bahwa level pemain dari chelsea dan higuain hanya setengah saja hal ini sendiri di sebabkan karena higuain pemain yang hebat.

Yaya Toure : Pogba Menjadi Agresif Saat Mourinho Pergi

Mantan dari pemain Manchester City, Yaya Taure angkat suara soalnya pogba yang saat ini berada di Manchester United. Toure menungukapkan bahwa lonjakan peforma milik gelandang MU ini membuktikan bahwa dirinya tidak senang berada di kepimpinan Jose Mourinho.

Paul Pogba sendiri mendapatkan banyak kritikan saat ia pindah ke Setan merah pada 2016 lalu karena ia di nilai tidak mampu bermain dengan konsisten di Liga Primier League bersama Manchester United.

Namun beberapa minggu ini Pogba sendiri membungkam semua haters yang sering mengkritik dirinya, Ia sendiri telah tampil dengan sangat ganas dengan mencatat 5 gol dan juga 6 asist dari 5 pertandingan terakhir yang ia lewati di bawah pimpinan Ole Gunna Solskjaer.

Toure juga percaya bahwa pogba saat ini telah menemukan jati dirinya dengan bermain sangat bebas tanpa ada ikatan dari pelatih yang sebelumnya, Sejujurnya pemain bola seperti saya dan juga pogba sangat menginginkan kebebasan dan juga tantangan yang lebih.

Salah Posisi

Toure juga menyebutkan maklum jika pogba saat ini banyak mendapatkan kritikkan karena saat di bawah pimpinan toure ia sangat terikat dalam setiap langkanya, Dan saya juga menilai bahwa pogba selalu di paksa untuk bertahan dari pada menyerang padahal ia adalah pemain yang berstatus sebagai penyerang buka bertahan.

Bermain Dengan Bebas Dan Semaksimal Mungkin

Toure juga memuji pelatih dari MU saat ini karena ia dapat membuat klub setan merah kembali menjadi skuat yang seperti dulu yang selalu menyerang tanpa henti dan membuat pada pemain menjadi kompak untuk menunjukan kemampuan yang mereka miliki.

Empat Besar Merupakan Target Manchester United

Gelandang serang milik Manchester United, Paul Pogba mengaku dirinya sangat senang karena telah memenangkan pertandingan saat melawan Totthenham Hotspur tadi malam. Pogba juga mengungkapkan bahwa atas kemenengan tersebut dapat membuat Setan merah meraih empat besar lebih mudah.

Manchester United sendiri berhasil memenangkan pertandingannya di mulai pada pekan ke-18 Primier League. Untuk saat ini mereka telah memengkan pertandingan sebanyak lima kali secara beruntun. dan pada pertandingan terakhir mereka saat ini mereka sendiri mampu menumbangkan Totthenham dengan skor tipis 0-1.

Berkat kemenangan yang telah di raih mereka untuk saat ini Setan merah telah memperoleh poin yang sama dengan Arsenal dan hanya tertinggal lima poin dengan Chelsea yang saat ini berada di posisi keempat klasemen.

Pogba sendiri ingin menutup musim ini dengan bermain optimis dan ia bersama teman setimnya ingin kemenangan dalam laga yang tersisa tersebut.

Pantang Menyerah

Kemenangan atas Hotspur membuat peluang MU semakin terbuka, Mereka sendiri telah mencapai posisi kelima saat ini dan saat Mourinho meningalkan setan merah klub ini selalu di ambang kemenangan lima kali secara beruntun.

Pogba berharap bahwa timnya tidak cepat untuk berpuas hati dengan kemenangan ini karena kami harus fokus agar bisa merebut posisi ke empat.


Pogba dan timnya akan berjuang untuk memenangkan semua laga yang akan kami jalanin meskipun kami sudah menjatuhkan tim besar kami tidak boleh puas dulu kami harus tetap bekerja keras agar target kami dapat tercapai.

2 Target Arsenal Di Transfer Musim Ini

Pada musim ini Klub asal liga Inggris, Arsenal dianggap tampil dengan sangat buruk dan belum istimewa. Tim asuhan milik Unai Emery itu saat ini masih sulit untuk berada di posisi keempat klasemen liga Primier League.

The Gunners untuk saat ini pun masih berada di posisi ke lima dengan mengumpulkan 41 poin. Klub ini di kabarkan memerlukan bantuan pemain baru jika ingin finis di liga champions nanti.

Berikut Dua Target Arsenal Di Transfer Musim Ini

  • Reece Oxford

Pemain berusia 17 Tahun ini melakukan debut dnegan klub West Ham saat melawan Arsenal dan membantu timnya untuk meraih kemnegan dengan skor 2-0 meskipun pemain ini terbailng muda namun bakat ia dapat dibilang bakat speerti pemain profesional ia sendiri untuk saat ini mencari klub yang bisa memberikan jam bermain yang lebih banyak karena ia ingin berkembang dengan baik lagi mau dari mental atau pun dari peforma.

Dari beberapa pengamat sepak bola Arsenal di sarankan untuk mendatangkan pemain ini karena ia mampu berkembang dengan lebih baik untuk kedepanya untuk merekrutnya pemain ini hanya doi bandrol dengan harga 10 Juta Pounds.

  • Medhi Benatia

Ada banyak pemain yang harus di datangkan oleh Arsenal karena mereka harus mengisih kekosongan beberapa pemain yang tidak cocok utnuk cara bermain Arsenal.

Pemain belakang dari arsenal untuk saat ini pun sedang dalam keadaan cedera yang panjang sehingga membuat pertahan Arsenal menjadi lemah dan muda untuk di masuki oleh lawan.

Medi Benatia bisa di bilang tidak bisa berkembang di juventus hal ini di karenakan Juventus masih memiliki pemain yang lebih baik dari dia sehingga ia tidak begitu di pakai untuk beberapa pertandingan yang ada.

Pemain yang berusia 30 tahun ini bisa dibilang sebagai bek yang cocok untuk mengisi arsenal untuk biaya pemain ini pun bisa di bilang tidak begitu mahal.

Indonesia Berpeluang Besar Sebagai Tuan Rumah Piala Dunia

Berita terbaru dari negeri tercinta kita Indonesia di kabarkan akan berpeluang besar untuk menjadi tuan rumah piala dunia.Hal ini sendiri di ungkapkan oleh calon wakil Presiden Ma’ruf Amin saat di wawancara oleh suporter beberapa waktu lalu.

Menurut Ma’ruf amin sendiri indonesia telah berhasil menyelangarakan Asian Games 2018 dengan sangat meria. Pria yang telah berusia 75 tahun ini menilai bahwa dengan kesuksesan tersebut Indonesia berperluang besar untuk menjadi tuan rumah di sepak bola paling megah di dunia ini.

Kita harus optimis menjadi tuan rumah karna bukan tidak mungkin untuk menjadi tuan rumah piala dunia, karna kita sendiri telah terbukti menjadi penyelangara Asian Games paling sukses dari apa yang telah di capai oleh beberapa negara waktu lalu.

Calon wakil presiden ini juga mengatakan bahwa infrastruktur yang selama ini di bangun oleh pemerintah tentu akan menjadi modal yang besar untuk mengadakan sebuah even besar seperti even Piala Dunia.

Namun ia juga mengatakan bahwa jika kita ingin menjadi tuan rumah kita juga harus memperbaiki sepak bola indonesia dan membuat beberapa pemuda bangsa menjadi percaya diri bahwa kita bisa menjadi negara terbaik di asia dengan pesepak bolanya yang handal.

Akan tetapi untuk saat ini ia menilai bahwa sepak bola indonesia dalam keadaan tidak sehat. Dan untuk waktu ini kita harus segera membasmi mafia bola agar prestasi timnas kita dapat terus meningkat tanpa di atur atur skor oleh sang Mafia Bola.

Bertekad Besar Untuk Perbaiki Sepak Bola Indonesia

Di hadapan suporter sepak bola ia berjanji bahwa akan memperbaiki sepak bola indonesia,dan ia juga mengajak para seluruh pengurus sepak bola indonesia untuk bersama sama membangun sepak bola yang bersih tanpa ada korupsi.

Pelatih Chile Percaya Kemampuan Alexis Sanchez

Mantan pelatih dari Timnas Chile, Juan Antonio Pizzi menungkapkan bahwa Alexis Sanchez bisa menjadi pemain penting dan juga dapat menyelamatkan karir dari Manchester United, Pizzi sendiri berkata seperti itu karna ia sangat yakin kepada kemampuan Sanchez.

Sanchez sendiri di datangkan Arsenal pada bursa transfer tahun lalu tepatnya pada januari 2018 dengan mahar yang cukup besar. Setan Merah sendiri sengaja di datangkan untuk menjadi tombak di lini depan agar MU dapat meningkatkan lini serang mereka lebih tajam lagi. Mengingat pemain ini memiliki riwayat main yang sangat bagus saat di arsenal.

Akan tetapi selama setahun bermain di MU ia sendiri masih belum dapat memberikan peforma yang baik untuk klub ini dan saat ini ia sendiri sedang di serang cedera sehingga membuat ia harus sulit memberikan terbaik untuk Setan Merah.

Di Landa Cedera                                                 

Menurut pelatih asal Chile ini Sanchez tidak mampu bermain dengan baik karna ia selalu di hampiri oleh cedera panjang.

Namun saya percaya bahwa ia akan menjadi pemain yang berkualitas apa bila ia sembuh nanti saya juga nantinya akan berbicara untuk meningkatkan peformanya bersama setan merah.

Untuk saat ini Sanchez pun masih menjalani terapi di chile karna tim medis di MU saat ini tidak memiliki fasilitas yang baik untuk menyembuhkan cedera yang di alami sanchez sehingga membuat ia harus menjalain penyembuhannya di kampung halamannya.

Prediksi Chelsea VS Nottingham Forest Pada Laga FA Championship

klub raksasa liga inggris Chelsea akan menjamu klub Nottingham Forest pada devis kedua di Stamford Bridge yang akan di selengarakan pada tangal 5 januari nanti, Chelsea menargetkan bahwa mereka akan mengalakan tim tersebut dengan muda.

Chelsea sendiri mengeluarkan kemampuan terbaik mereka di liga inggris dengan memenangkan dua laga secara beruntun saat melawan Watfold dan juga Crystal Palace, Namun pada kontra saat melawan Southampton anak asuh dari Maurizio Sarri di tahan imbang tanpa gol  di kandang mereka sendiri sehingga membuat sarri begitu kesal pada beberapa pemain yang tidak dapat bermain dengan baik.

Kekecewan tersebut membuat tim The Blues harus kehilangan beberapa poin penuh, Akan tetapi menurut sarri jika mereka bisa menang melawan Forest di FA Cup nanti itu akan membuat Chelsea sedikit bahagia.

Klub Forest sendiri kemarin baru saja menang melawan Leeds di babak lanjutan Championship dengan skor 4-2 kemenagan ini sendiri membuat forest lega karna sebelum tim ini selalu kalah dalam empat pertandingan sebelumnya.

Forest sendiri saat ini berada di posisi ketujuh dan Chelsea berada di posisi keempat di klasemen liga Champions, Anak asuh dari Aitor sendiri akan mencari cara untuk memberikan perlawanan kepada tim The Blues meskipun anak asuh dari sarri akan di prediksi memenangkan pertandingan tersebut dengan skor yang besar.

Prediksi Skor Chelsea VS Nottingham Forest                                                               

Dalam pertandingan sebelumnya Chelsea selalu diambang kemenangan dan merek selalu mencetak di atas 2 gol saat melawan forest di semua kompetisi.

Pada tahun 2000 Chelsea berhasil mengalakan forest dengan skor 2-0 dan pada tahun 2007 mereka kembali menang dengan skor 3-0 semua kompetisi ini di adakan di Stamfod Bridge.


Prediksi : Chelsea akan mengalakan Forest dengan skor 2-0

Liga Spanyol 2018/2019, Levante Vs Girona 2-2

Levante baru saja menjamu Girona ke markas besarnya di Stadion Ciutat De Valencia. Jamuan Levante tersebut adalah dalam rangka ajang La Liga Spanyol 2018/2019. Pertandingan Levante Vs Girona tersebut berlangsung cukup seru dengan atmosfer yang panas karena permainan kedua tim tersebut cukup kasar. Berikut ulasan singkat pertandingan Levante Vs Girona dini hari tadi.

Pada awal pertandingan di babak pertama, Pertandingan dimulai dengan ritme yang cukup lambat. Kedua tim kesebelasan Levante dan Girona tampak bermain dengan hati-hati. Saling mencuri kesempatan, akhirnya Girona sebagai tim tamu terlebih dahulu mencetak skor. Gol pertama tersebut dicetak oleh Portu setengah jam setelah peluit wasit berbunyi memulai babak pertama. Gol tersebut pun membuat tim tamu, Girona menjadi juara di babak pertama tersebut.

Namun pada babak kedua, Levante berhasil menyamakan kedudukan pada menit ke 58. Gol pertama Levante pada pertandingan tersebut disumbangkan oleh Jose Luis Morales Nogales. Selang tak lama kemudian, Girona kembali berhasil membobol gawang tim tuan rumah melalui Aleix Garcia Serrano pada menit ke 74.

Seakan tak mau kalah, Levante mengencangkan permainan mereka berusaha untuk mengejar ketertinggalan 1 skor. Usaha kesebelasan Levante tersebut pun membuahkan hasil pada menit ke 86 melalui Jorge Andujar Moreno. Sehingga pertandingan tersebut harus berakhir dengan keadaan seimbang. Dari statistik permainan, tampak Levante bermain lebih baik daripada Girona, namun Levante juga bermain lebih kasar dibandingkan dengan Girona.

Liverpool Akhirnya Tumbang Di Liga Inggris 2018/2019

Sebelumnya, Manchester City dan Liverpool adalah raja di Liga Inggris 2018/2019 karena berhasil mempertahankan kedudukan mereka tak terkalahkan selama lebih dari 10 putaran. Pertama, Manchester City yang berada di urutan teratas Liga Inggris periode 2018/2019 berhasil dikalahkan oleh Chelsea. Kemudian Manchester City kembali dikalahkan oleh Leicester dan Crystal Palace membuat klub tersebut dikejar oleh kompetitor ketatnya Liverpool.

Liverpool sendiri berhasil bertahan sampai putaran ke 20 dengan rekor tidak terkalahkan. Hal tersebut tentunya adalah hal yang membanggakan bagi setiap klub dapat bertahan lebih dari setengah perjalanan Liga dengan tak terkalahkan. Namun dini hari tadi, Liverpool bertandang ke markas besar Manchester City dalam ajang Liga Inggris kembali. Manchester City berhasil mengalahkan Liverpool pada kesempatan tersebut dan mempersempit perolehan poinnya dari Liverpool.

Pertandingan tersebut berlangsung sangat sengit karena kedua klub tersebut sama kuatnya. Dari statistik penguasaan bola, penetrasi, hingga akurasi operan kedua tim tersebut tampak sangat seimbang pada pertandingan tersebut. Stadion Etihad juga tampak sangat padat karena pertandingan tersebut merupakan pertandingan antara top tim Liga Inggris.

Pada babak pertama, Manchester City berhasil unggul 1 skor melalui Sergio Aguero tepatnya 5 menit sebelum babak tersebut berakhir. Liverpool berhasil membalas gol tersebut melalui Firmino pada menit ke 64 babak kedua. Namun kembali Manchester City berhasil mencuri 1 skor melalui sane pada menit ke 72. Sehingga Manchester City menjadi pemenang di saat pertandingan besar tersebut usai.

Arsenal Menang Telak Dari Fulham Di Liga Inggris Awal Tahun 2019

Tidak terasa tahun 2018 baru saja berakhir, di awal tahun 2019 yang baru ini tentunya masih menjadi momen-momen yang akan sangat mudah di ingat. Arsenal berhasil menorehkan permainan yang sangat baik di awal tahun 2019 ini. Arsenal baru kemarin baru saja bermain melawan Fulham dalam ajang Liga Premier Inggris 2018/2019. Arsenal berhasil menang telak dari Fulham dengan skor mengesankan yaitu 4-1.

Pada babak pertama, Arsenal bermain sedikit konservatif melawan Fulham. Arsenal yang bertanding sebagai tuan rumah ini berhasil mencetak gol pertamanya di menit ke 25 pada babak pertama. Gol tersebut dicetak melalui Granit Xhaka mulus ke gawang Fulham. Gol tersebut menjadi satu-satunya Gol di babak pertama antara Arsenal dengan Fulham.+

Seperti kurang puas dengan hasil di babak pertama, Arsenal menggempur keras di babak kedua. 10 menit babak kedua berlangsung Arsenal kembali memetik skor melalui Alexandre Lacazette. Dengan keunggulan 2 skor atas Arsenal, Fulham berhasil membalas 1 skor di menit ke 69 melalui Aboubakar Kamara. Namun hanya selang 10 menit kemudian Fulham kembali kebobolan oleh Aaron Ramsey di menit ke 79. Di menit 83, Arsenal kembali mencetak gol dengan cepat melalui Pierre Emerick Aubameyang.

Pada keseluruhan pertandingan memang tampak Arsenal lebih menguasai pertandingan meski kesebelasan Fulham juga telah bermain dengan sangat baik. Namun apa mau dikata, Fulham harus mengakui kekalahan telaknya dengan ketertinggalan skor 3 angka oleh Arsenal di awal tahun baru 2019 ini.

Tanpa Mourinho, Pogba Bersinar Kembali Di Manchester United

Setelah beredar sangat banyak kabar buruk tentang paul Pogba dan Jose Mourinho. Kini mereka berdua akhirnya terpisah karena Jose Mourinho telah dipecat oleh pihak Manchester United. Sebelumnya dikabarkan paul Pogba dan Jose Mourinho memiliki hubungan yang sangat tidak cocok. Paul Pogba semakin lama semakin sering ditarik dari lapangan hijau saat berada di bawah naungan dari Mourinho.

Namun setelah kepergian Jose Mourinho dari Manchester United, Pogba tampak sangat gemilang kembali. Dalam 3 laga terakhirnya di Liga Premier, tidak tanggung-tanggung Manchester United berhasil menang telak dari lawan-lawannya. Ini menunjukkan jelas bahwa memang ada yang salah dalam intern kubu Manchester United. Kesebelasan tersebut sebelumnya bermain selayaknya menjalankan kewajiban. Sedangkan setelah pengalihan pelatih, mereka bermain selayaknya sedang menjalankan hobi mereka.

Paul Pogba sendiri yang sebelumnya kocar-kacir karena instruksi tanpa henti, kini tampak dapat bermain sesuai dengan intuisi dirinya sebagai seorang pemain sepakbola profesional. Ole Gunnar Solskjaer tampak memberi ruang bagi para pemainnya untuk menunjukkan kebolehan mereka masing-masing. Alhasil permainan natural manchester United sebagai klub raksasa di Inggris bersinar kembali.

Hal tersebut mengakibatkan Jose Mourinho mendapatkan kesialan bertubi-tubi bak sudah jatuh tertimpa tangga. Sudah dipecat dari pekerjaannya, ditambah lagi dengan cibiran dari para fans Manchester United dan mendapatkan tatapan sinis di mata Internasional. Hal tersebut tentunya pasti akan membuat Jose Mourinho akan sedikit kesulitan mendapatkan kesempatan untuk melatih klub sepakbola lainnya.